Dec 042015

Ashu now claims that Tonia Zimmerman is not a real person (virtual, a fake that has been created on-line).

  • Evidence that she is an actual person, from Ashu himself.
  • Evidence that Ashu is the one who creates the fake on-line identities


A.      I randomly picked just one of Ashu’s emails about Tonia Zimmerman:

Excerpt,   DECEMBER 16, 2013; 07:26:10 PM  
From: “Ashu M. G. Solo” <>

Subject: Response to Daeran and Sandra

To: ‘Victor Lau’; ‘Daeran Gall’

. . .     What set Zimmerman apart is that she was spreading lies about me, contacting media with the lies, contacting active Greens with the lies, and finding what Facebook groups I had commented in and posting comments with disparaging comments about my appearance. . . .   There s a limit to how much I can tolerate, so I contacted Zimmerman to convince her to delete the lies, called her ugly back, and threatened to sue her for libel and slander. I never had any other interaction with Zimmerman and never posted a blog about her. I’m suing her for libel and slander and preparing a criminal complaint against her for defamatory libel. . . . 

. . .     My counterattacks against Zimmerman will be lawful and through the courts and through the police. That is, I’m suing her and making a criminal complaint against her.


(as I say, this is from just one of Ashu’s many emails about Tonia Zimmerman.)

I wonder why Ashu would expend so much time and energy attacking Tonia Zimmerman if she is really just a fake person?    In addition . . .

B.     Ashu routinely creates fake on-line identities.   (And uses false names.   When he called my mother at 5:30 AM, in response to her question about who was calling he replied “Mike from the Green Party”).

AND he routinely accuses other people of the things that he does.   So for example, there are dozens of emails in which he accuses me of harassing, lying, and so on.   When in fact, it is his own behavior that he is describing, not mine.

Ashu claims that Tonia Zimmerman is a fake on-line identity.    He uses fake on-line people routinely, as a number of people have figured out.

Tonia Zimmerman caught him in one of his on-line fake creations,  Bobby Black:

From: Tonia Zimmerman  Sent: January 20, 2014 7:52 AM   To: Subject: RE: Here it is!

Hi Sandra,


  1. . . .
  2.  By looking through your documentation of Solo’s e-mail assault, we now have incontrovertible proof that Ashu Solo IS Bobby Black, and therefore behind the harassment sites (not that we needed any).  After Christmas, when I got back home, and once again had regular access to internet, I received a barrage of Facebook messages from Ashu’s sock puppets,  in very much the same tone as the other messages, letting me know in no uncertain terms that despite my acquiescing to his blackmail (delete any mention of Solo my twitter and Facebook–which I did–or the sites would stay up) he had put the sites back up.  He must have thought that now that I had deleted any mention of him, so too had any evidence of his wrongdoings disappeared, so he was free to go back to torturing me with impunity.  Or perhaps he thought that moving ahead with my complaint to the Greens was throwing down the gauntlet, or something.  So instead of defending himself against my complaint (which WAS an option available to him) he instead just tried to discredit me, and intimidate me with personal attacks.  (A sure sign that he HAD no defense against my complaint, and knew he was cooked, as surely as leaving the party before we could even have a discussion was)

While I was at work, the messages didn’t stop, and so every five minutes I seemed to get another taunting message, threatening more sites going up, etc.  I was frightened enough by the volume of messages, that I took steps to once again delete my social media (twitter and Facebook) accounts.  But when one of the sock puppet Facebook accounts wouldn’t stop writing me, RIGHT before I hit the button to delete my account, I replied to his sock puppet with one word:  GUPTA.  Then I deleted my account. I figured that if it really weren’t Ashu Solo, it would have no meaning to him.  But if it WERE Ashu Solo, it would let him know that I had insurance.

That same night is when I contacted Ashu’s father, Madan.  So when I heard about the screed of e-mails he sent you, and when he accosted you at the airport, I had naturally assumed it was because Ashu’s father had spoken to him.

But looking at the e-mails he sent you he makes reference to a message I sent him, and says “I got an email from the troll Tonia Zimmerman in which she stated information that only some Greens know about me.” But that’s the thing:  ASHU SOLO never got an e-mail from me.  Bobby Black or whatever pen name he was using (I can’t remember which–though, they will still be preserved in my dormant Facebook account) got a message from me.  So Ashu slipped up, and has essentially admitted what we already knew:  He is behind the cyber-attacks on me.  He didn’t say “My friend told me she said GUPTA in a message”.  He specifically said that HE received the message.  I guess it must be confusing, juggling all those identities.

So it wasn’t my contacting Madan Gupta that sent Solo into a frenzy.  As you thought, it was the possibility that someone else, other than Gormley, knew what Gormley knew.  So the attack on you at the airport was both to intimidate, his usual methods, but more importantly, to ascertain just what everyone knew.  I think you’re correct that Gormley’s info is the thing that scares him most–and innocent people are never afraid of the truth.


Is Ashu correct in his statement that Tonia Zimmerman is a fake person?




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