Alberta power export plans. PUBLICLY-FUNDED HIGH-POWER TRANSMISSION LINES TO THE U.S. BORDER UPDATE, June 18, 2011 At bottom, the CBC Report on this Wikileaks story (WikiLeaks reveal Alta. power export plans). Note: – The article below by Andrew Nikiforuk uncovers the Alberta connection. Wikileaks has supplied the evidence to support what we have been saying. The […]
Hey Lyle, thanks for sending! (Sandra speaking): We cannot thrive with the levels of corruption. HOWEVER! take a look at some citizen videos that have sprouted up around these diesel – electric heavy haul trucks. The creativity and success of these young creators is fun and contagious. They unequivocally love this PLACE in which we […]
From: Sandra Finley Sent: July 13, 2023 Subject: FW: a killer gathering I had a casual conversation yesterday with a person who works at the Vancouver Convention Centre. A question got stuck in my mind. Why would the Qatari’s be at an LNG Convention in Vancouver? Something wrong with their oil? It turns out that […]
Based on the write-up below, I will be watching this documentary. Our network has been heavily involved in nuclear issues for years. (small font category “nuclear” at the top left of this posting.) I have been following, but not posting updates. Instead, just worrying about the propaganda and intentions – – SMR’s (Small Modular Reactors)!! […]
Pozner’s talk and his replies to audience questions are instructive in dealing with the situation we find ourselves in. On September 27, 2018, Yale’s Program in Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies, and the Poynter Fellowship for Journalism hosted Vladimir Pozner, the acclaimed Russian-American journalist and broadcaster. Pozner spoke on the impact of US foreign […]
See also Video, 2021-06-22 Four False Beliefs that Society is Built On – Bruce Lipton The Biology of Belief, Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles Quotes, with thanks to GoodReads: “Quantum physicists discovered that physical atoms are made up of vortices of energy that are constantly spinning and vibrating; each atom is […]
There is a large factor to be considered: Corruption. How much money the Cameco executives, for example, are making. Provinces like Saskatchewan do not have laws against Corporate contributions to political parties. How much influence Anne McLellan, one of the “Good ol’ boys” in Liberal circles, has. She’s on the Board of Cameco. Since her retirement […]
2018-11-05 REMINDER: A tally, Canadians are on the hook for . . . Add the following to the TALLY: It will cost more than $80 million to clean this up. Dan Healing, Canadian Press EXCERPT: The Alberta Energy Regulator suspended all of Houston’s licences for wells producing natural gas containing toxic hydrogen sulphide on Aug. […]
(I dunno – – Is this a “Public-Private-Partnership“? The Government hands the thing over to a Consortium of Transnational Corporations; tax-payers just provide the money. We become the bankers. Does that automatically make us partners? ) Background to the Ottawa Citizen article below, by Gordon Edwards: Covered for the first time in Canada’s national […]
May 25, 2019 FROM: Sandra Finley TO: Govt of Canada, Impact Assessment Regulations, Consultation on the proposed Project List Bill C-69 will exempt Small Modular Reactors and other nuclear/uranium reactors from impact assessment. The elephant in the room is CORRUPTION. You have to deal with it. It did not make sense that […]