Hey! Some good news. /Sandra Kim writes: This Greenpeace test to detect GM crops is an important breakthrough that should help keep Bayer/Monsanto and other ag biotech companies in check. htt ZZ ps://ww ZZ w.green ZZ peace ZZ dot org/ ZZ eu-unit/issues/nature-food/4102/ ZZ first-open-source-detection-test-for-a-gene-edited-gm-crop-2/ (SORRY! To view the posting, copy the URL and then remove […]
Preface to the article, MY EXCITEMENT: From: Sandra Finley Sent: September 7 To: Ruth.Bender (The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) journalist who wrote the article below) Subject: RE: Bayer’s Roundup Woes Deepen as Germany Bans Key Chemical Enormous thanks to you, Ruth, and to the WSJ for publishing this article. I am from the farmlands of […]
Canadian firm hired to recruit scientists to publish studies that ultimately defended Roundup’s key ingredient Gil Shochat, Sylvie Fournier A review by CBC/Radio-Canada of internal Monsanto documents disclosed in the court case of Dewayne Johnson, who sued Monsanto and won $78 million US last October, showed the many efforts Monsanto took to fight a negative […]
To: Persons who spoke out concerning Peter MacKinnon’s appointment to presidency of Dal, There’s more to the background of Dalhousie presidents Peter MacKinnon and before him, Richard Florizone, than told in the news report. Dissent arises when there are conflicting interests, inimical to the public interest. If anyone should understand and uphold the tenets of […]
Exclusive: Insects could vanish within a century at current rate of decline, says global review Why are insects in decline, and can we do anything about it? Damian Carrington Environment editor @dpcarrington The rate of insect extinction is eight times faster than that of mammals, birds and reptiles. Photograph: Courtesy of Entomologisher Verein Krefeld The […]
Sybille de La Hamaide 3 Min Read PARIS (Reuters) – Bayer said on Wednesday that farmers in France and Germany were digging up thousands of hectares of rapeseed fields after traces of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) banned for cultivation were found in seeds sold by the company. GMO crops are widely grown across the […]
BACKGROUND: Wikipedia: Syngenta AG is a Swiss-based global company that produces agrochemicals and seeds. As a biotechnology company, it conducts genomic research. It was formed in 2000 by the merger of Novartis Agribusiness and Zeneca Agrochemicals. As of 2014 Syngenta is the world’s largest crop chemical producer[2] As of 2009 it ranked third in seeds […]
Valmir Mota de Oliveira, also known as ‘Keno,’ was murdered by a private security company hired by Syngenta in 2007. The Justice Court of Parana has convicted Swiss agrobusiness company Syngenta of the murder of Valmir Mota de Oliveira – also known as ‘Keno,’ a member of Via Campesino and the Landless Rural Workers’ Movement (MST) – and ordered […]
There’s another round of consultations re neonic chemicals, deadline soon passed. During the last round, not very long ago, Health Canada received 46,000 communications. Why we need another round I do not know. As I wrote to one of the organizations: Realistically, you have to call them on the corruption, if we are to make […]
Update: Roundup Class Action Suit for False Advertising is Going National In follow-up to 2015-04-21 Class Action LawSuits Against Monsanto (false advertising, glyphosate) —– Original Message —– From: Rae Sent: Mon, 19 Oct 2015 Subject: CBC Radio Announces Class Action Suits Against Monsanto Just announced on CBC Radio that class action suits against Monsanto are […]