Sandra Finley

Jul 122024

Note – – related to fines levied in 2022.

Case 1:  Meththa Fernando, the nasal swab (a “PCR” test), guilty and fined $6,255.  Overturned on Appeal,  Yeeeay!

Nasal swab tests were an ‘unlawful requirement or demand,’ wrote Justice Paul Monahan in the ruling.

Freiheit’s view. “This case will be mostly relevant for anyone who pled guilty or paid a fine under Section 58 of the Quarantine Act, for refusing to submit to Trudeau’s hired PHAC officers when they demanded travellers force wires into their sinus cavities.”

Cases 2 and 3:   (scroll down to the video)   A couple, William O’Kane and Kim Greene, Canadians returning to Canada, entry at Pearson Airport,  4 fines levied against them, total amount, about $25,000.    Under appeal,  in process.

Ontario court rules PCR test for returning air travellers violated Quarantine Act

An Ontario court has ruled the Trudeau government’s requirement of COVID-19 nasal swab tests was unlawful. Justice Paul Monahan’s decision was shared online by lawyer Daniel Freiheit.

In the ruling, Justice Monahan found demanding polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests was a violation of the Quarantine Act.



The case involved Meththa Fernando, a traveller returning to her home in Mississauga. Fernando, who was apparently vaccinated, was charged after arriving at Pearson International Airport on April 9, 2022, and rejecting a COVID-19 test after following a random selection by screening officers.

She was originally convicted for failure to comply with Section 58 of the Quarantine Act, receiving a fine of $5,000 along with additional charges bringing the total to $6,255.

Justice Monahan overturned the decision on appeal, citing Section 14 of the act, noting “the screening test cannot involve the insertion into the traveller’s body of any instrument or foreign body.”

“The prosecution raised the point that perhaps the insertion into the nasal cavity did not involve the entry into the body,” Justice Monahan wrote in the decision. “I disagree. The insertion of a nasal swab into the nasal cavity is most definitely an insertion into the body.”

Some on social media expressed sentiments that the decision was too little, too late.

“Not necessarily,” was Freiheit’s view. “This case will be mostly relevant for anyone who pled guilty or paid a fine under Section 58 of the Quarantine Act, for refusing to submit to Trudeau’s hired PHAC officers when they demanded travellers force wires into their sinus cavities.”

It remains to be seen how this decision will affect other travellers charged under the act.

“I do decide that the nasal swab test, which the screening officer in this case required or demanded Ms. Fernando submit to, was an unlawful requirement
or demand,” wrote Justice Monahan.

“Ms. Fernando’s refusal to comply with the requirement or demand was lawful on her part. Because the requirement or demand made of her by the screening officer was not lawful, Ms. Fernando should not have been found guilty by the Justice of the Peace.”

Jul 122024

Tamara Ugolini, Rebel News

The Canadian government continues to compensate victims of the Thalidomide ‘safe and effective’ disaster, which leads some to wonder: will the COVID-19 Vaccine Injury Support Program (VISP) persist for decades to come?

Thalidomide was a drug introduced to the Canadian market as “safe and effective” on April 1, 1961. The drug was used in its market of origin, Germany, and more than 40 other countries since 1958, and was available for a little over two years, as safe for pregnant women and effective at curbing morning sickness in the first trimester of pregnancy.

The government of Canada is said to have authorized the marketing of the drug based on the same information that the Americans did not find sufficient to prove safety.

In fact, in 1962 FDA reviewer Frances Kelsey was awarded the President’s Award for Distinguished Federal Civilian Service by President John F. Kennedy for her refusal to authorize thalidomide on the U.S. market. As a result of her unwavering commitment to safety, Thalidomide was never distributed for clinical use there.

By December 2, 1961, the drug had already been pulled from the German and British markets, after several doctors expressed concern that it was causing severe birth defects in babies born to mothers who had taken the anti-nausea sedative.

These are known as teratogenic effects that cause abnormal fetal development. In the case of thalidomide, it resulted in visible malformation of the limbs, missing arms and ears, deafness, defects in the face including deformities of the eyes and palate and malformations of the gastrointestinal system and heart.

Thalidomide also caused miscarriage, which means it’s unknown how many deaths it caused in totality, but it’s said that less than 40% of the babies affected by this disturbing tragedy survived into adulthood.

The government of Canada was well aware of these safety concerns about the possible teratogenic effects of thalidomide, but it wasn’t until March 2, 1962, that Canadian authorities decided to finally withdraw it from the market. Thalidomide was legally available in Canada for three full months after being withdrawn from Germany.

Canada’s health minister, J.W. Monteith, in 1963 acknowledged the duty of the government to support victims of thalidomide. While class actions and other litigation were pursued globally, here in Canada victims were forced to settle out of court with gag orders, resulting in vast differences in compensation amounts.

Since Canada brought thalidomide to market despite warnings, and then delayed its withdrawal, many argued the authorities had a moral duty to adequately compensate victims.

To do so, the government of Canada then introduced the Extraordinary Assistance Plan or EAP in 1991. It gave a one-time payment ranging between $56,000 and $83,000 to 109 thalidomide survivors who fulfilled the eligibility criteria.

Faced with debilitating disability and increased financial burden, the program pivoted after advocacy efforts by the group Right the Wrong, where the Thalidomide Survivors Contribution Program (TSCP) was developed in 2015, which further compensated survivors through annual pension and other settlement money.

Then, in 2019, the Canadian Thalidomide Survivors Support Program (CTSSP) was developed, which is ongoing automatic compensation for those left with the debilitating fallout of this once touted as a safe and effective drug. It provides annual payouts geared toward disability level of up to $100,000.

Sadly, it appears the government and Health Canada did not learn anything from this horrific tragedy or the fallout of it that continues to plague roughly 100 Canadians nearly 70 years later.

They shamelessly promoted — and continue to promote — novel, still in clinical trial modified RNA drugs referred to as vaccines as safe and effective, including for pregnant and breastfeeding women, based on misrepresented data and severely underrepresented clinical trials that were ongoing and then unblinded a mere two months into the experiment.

According to the last update by the government of Canada, COVID-19 vaccine “Adverse events have been reported by 58,712 people” up to and including January 5, 2024 — that’s the date when the agency stopped reporting. The government decided they “will no longer be updating this online report.”

How transparent.

Meanwhile, the pandemic-born Vaccine Injury Support Program (VISP) coincided with the rollout of these injections, which were authorized through an interim order that waived liability for the rushed-to-market products.

As of its last reporting date at the beginning of June, it has received 2,628 of those nearly 59, 000 adverse event claims, with only 183 of them approved by an elusive medical review board.

That’s if those suffering injuries can navigate the extensive paperwork, multi-level filtering and bloated bureaucracy to get their injury recognized and diagnosed.

This shows that there is the very real potential for vaccine injuries to mirror the thimerosal crisis. The last few years have shown that vaccine injuries are significantly underreportedmisdiagnosed, or misattributed.

The quiet extension of the VISP program in Budget 2024, with $19 million allocated in 2024/25 and $17 million in 2025/26 (of which more than half of funds are funnelled to consultants) suggests it might become a permanent fixture in the federal budget as the fallout continues.

Jul 112024
TORONTO: During the COVID pandemic and lockdown, the government used the opportunity to enact rights-infringing, overbroad laws. Legislators and bureaucrats zealously enforced these laws against Canadians in an effort to secure compliance and suppress peaceful protest. Fortunately, The Democracy Fund (TDF) and its team of lawyers and paralegals, with the support of generous donors, fought back.

Recently, TDF paralegal Jenna Little secured the withdrawal or stay of 109 tickets from across Ontario, involving multiple charges per ticket.  Often, the charges were withdrawn or stayed due to a lack of reasonable prospect of conviction, delay, non-appearance of the government’s witness at trial, or a decision taken by the Crown not to proceed.

Clients were charged under the Quarantine Act s.15 (failure to provide information to screening officer), s.58 (failure to complete ArriveCan, failure to arrange for quarantine), or s.66 (obstruct an officer). The fine for each charge was typically $5,000, with potential total fines for conviction on all charges reaching $681,250.

Commenting on the recent victory, Jenna Little said: “It’s gratifying to see our hard work pay off, and a relief to our clients who have endured years of legal uncertainty. But the government is still doggedly pursuing many clients for charges that should not have been brought in the first place and consume scarce judicial resources.”

Though many of these cases have been successfully resolved, many remain. Other tickets involve charges under s.7.0.11 (obstruct an officer) of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, with penalties of up to 1 year in jail and a $100,000 fine. In rare cases, clients are also charged under s.10 of the Reopening Act (gather or fail to close premises). Fines under those statutes range from $125 to $19,000. Hundreds of clients are facing potential fines and jail time for peacefully protesting or objecting to government overreach during COVID lockdowns. With your support, TDF will provide these clients with legal representation and, hopefully, legal vindication.

You Make a Difference – Support Change Today

To support our work and help in the fight against unconstitutional laws, illegitimate mandates, and government overreach, please consider making a tax-deductible below.

Crown withdraws all charges against peaceful protester arrested, Tasered at Ottawa protest

The Democracy Fund (TDF) represented Mr. Dalton in discussions with the Crown and throughout numerous court appearances. Initially facing potential jail time, a consequence exacerbated by the manner in which he was handled by police, the Crown ultimately agreed to drop all charges following negotiations by TDF.

TDF lawyer Adam Blake-Gallipeau expressed satisfaction with the outcome, stating, “Mr. Dalton exercised his Charter rights to peacefully assemble and express his views on current issues. We are pleased with the resolution.”

Continue reading



Crown withdraws another ArriveCan ticket after TDF files legal challenge

Upon returning to Canada from the US in 2022 after a long stay abroad, our client was told by the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) that he must complete the ArriveCan app and answer questions about his vaccination status.

He had his passport taken and was interrogated by a PHAC officer and police officer. It appeared that, though he was initially advised that he was not being detained, he was, in fact, subsequently detained. He was then charged with an offence under the Quarantine Act and issued a ticket for $6,255.

Continue reading

BC man acquitted of hosting illegal gathering

Honner, who represented Jordan, explained that there was no direct evidence that Jordan was the host of the event. While the trial judge was satisfied that Jordan lived at the residence in question and that an event was taking place, he was not convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that Jordan was the host.

“A judge should not convict where the evidence is entirely circumstantial and other reasonable inferences can be drawn from the facts,” says Honner. “In this case, there were inferences available to the trial judge that were consistent with Jordan’s innocence, including the inference that someone else living at the residence hosted the event.”

Continue reading

Jul 092024

(Sandra speaking:  I attended.  This is an excellent presentation by  B.C. lawyer Umar Sheikh.)

Drea Humphrey reports:

There’s renewed hope for vaccine-injured Canadians to get justice from the Big Pharma manufacturers of the COVID shots.

During their forced and coercive rollout, we were all told the likes of Pfizer and Moderna had legal immunity and could not be sued if you were injured by their “safe and effective” injections.

But B.C. lawyer Umar Sheikh, had some good news during his recent speech at the We Unify Conference in Victoria.

You don’t want to miss what he had to say. Click here to watch.

Three lawsuits are already in the works.

That includes a $35.6 million lawsuit against BioNTtech in Germany, and Pfizer in the U.S. and Canada, on behalf of Dan Hartman, whose 17-year-old son, Sean Hartman, was found dead just 33 days after his Pfizer shot. (You can find the latest updates to that case and many others at

If you appreciate our critical reporting on this issue, the likes of which you won’t find in tax-funded mainstream media, please consider supporting our independent journalism with a donation. (Click here.)

Yours truly,

Drea Humphrey

P.S. At Rebel News, we continue to give a voice to the vaccine-injured and shine a light on the truth about these shots that was buried over the past four years. And we are the only news outlet calling for the immediate removal of these shots from the market. Help us do that by signing our petition at



Jul 062024

I just noticed – – more articles on Western Standard about VACCINE INJURIES in Canada.  Details not seen before. Complementary to this reporting on the trends in the US court rulings about covid mandates.  I’ll try to integrate the two.  Blessings on Jen Hodgson.

US courts across the board rule against COVID mandates

Federal and district courts across the United States continue to rule in favour of plaintiffs disputing various COVID-19 mandates.

Defendants in the multitude of lawsuits include federal and state institutions, universities, hospitals, airlines and institutions such as the Mayo Clinic.

A federal jury on Monday found Tanja Benton, a former BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee employee who was fired for refusing to comply with the company’s vaccine mandate, was wrongfully dismissed and awarded a settlement of over $687,000. 

Benton “proved by a preponderance of the evidence” she refused the vaccine based on her “sincerely held religious belief,” the settlement, obtained by local broadcaster WTVC, states.

The 6th Circuit Court of Appeals , on June 28, confirmed employers that failed to accommodate requests for exemptions from its COVID-19 vaccination policy based on employees’ religious objections violate the law.

Najean Lucky, a non-denominational Christian, was denied employment as a manager for a medical provider because she wouldn’t take the vaccine on religious grounds, and the company would not provide an exemption, per the National Law Review. Lucky sued under Title VII and though her case was initially dismissed, it was reinstated and sent back to the lower courts.

The Mayo Clinic is facing heat for alleged religious bias in enforcing its COVID-19 vaccination policy, along with discriminating against an employee for free speech related issues surrounding the injections.

The 8th Circuit Court of Appeals in May revived a lawsuit that was tossed out last year launched by five former employees alleging the Minnesota-based clinic unlawfully fired them for refusing the vaccine and PCR testing due to their Christian beliefs. The panel of three judges found the lawsuit was wrongly dismissed and the Mayo Clinic failed to acknowledge their objections as sincere.

“The district court erred by emphasizing that many Christians elect to receive the vaccine. Beliefs do not have to be uniform across all members of a religion or acceptable, logical, consistent, or comprehensible to others,” wrote Judge Duane Benton in the ruling.

The clinic faces a separate pandemic-era lawsuit, launched by Dr. Michael Joyner, who was suspended from the clinic because he spoke to journalists in a personal capacity about his research, per The Fire. He “failed to communicate in accordance with prescribed messaging,” and was suspended. Minnesota Judge Kathy Wallace on Monday denied most of the clinic’s motion to dismiss Joyner’s lawsuit against the Mayo Clinic, CEO Dr. Gianrico Farrugia and Dr. Carlos Mantilla, per Post Bulletin. A trial by jury is scheduled in July 2025.

The 9th Circuit US Court of Appeal in San Francisco, CA in June sent a school vaccine mandate case back to the lower courts, having ruled in favour of plaintiffs’ claims the mRNA shot is a “medical treatment” and not a “traditional vaccine.”

The US District Court for Northern Texas in Fort Worth in February upheld a Navy Seals’ lawsuit over vaccine mandates, despite an earlier court ruling the case is moot, The Texan reported. Members can continue to pursue their case against the Navy for enforcing a COVID-19 vaccination mandate that violated their religious beliefs.

Though the mandate has been lifted, “discriminatory treatment of the class members …because of the mandate still linger,” wrote Judge Reed O’Connor in the court files.

United Airlines faces a $1 billion class action lawsuit for its vaccine mandate based on religious discrimination. A 5th Circuit Texas judge granted on June 21 a nationwide class action suit to more than 2,200 employees suspended without pay for not getting vaccinated, the Washington Examiner reported.

The case is among the largest religious discrimination class action lawsuits in history.

The Ninth Circuit court in the Eastern District of Washington last month ruled lower courts wrongfully dismissed a lawsuit on religious grounds. Judges found lower courts must recognize it was unlawful to dismiss firefighters who refused to comply with the vaccine mandate on religious grounds and then bring in from other districts firefighters who were under a vaccine exemption. It was a violation of those firefighters’ religious rights, the court decided, per Religious Liberty TV. 

On May 7, the 10th Circuit Court of Appealsfederal court ruled in favour of two employees and 17 students alleging the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus’ COVID-19 vaccination mandate was discriminatory on religious grounds, per the Epoch Times. The case was initially thrown out by a US district judge in 2022. The mandate “clearly violates the Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clause as interpreted by our precedents,” judges wrote in their recent decision.

Jul 022024

Previous was        2024-06-14 For Your Selection, June 14


GOOD GRIEF!    This SHOULD be a set of links, that’s all.   I got carried away.  Sorry!

Please go to the links for the meat!



Most of you know by now that Assange signed a plea deal, a piece of propaganda that allows him to get out of Belmarsh Prison (he’s not guilty but he pleads guilty – the public hears that “Assange is guilty.”).  There is a price attached to freedom, when you’re a a political prisoner.

I was 14 years younger when the ordeal for Julian Assange began.  I am annoyed by journalists who get away with pronouncing that Julian Assange was in Belmarsh Prison for 5 years.  It’s true, but it is a perversion of the truth.




2024-06-26 Deluxe. Covid VISP  (Vaccine Injury Support Program) REPORT #4.   Feds compensate $14M to victims of the vaccine campaign.  Journalist Tamara Ugolini.

My “Deluxe” includes “the Government’s” Reporting (contracted-out), PLUS  Tamara’s news reports.

“Deaths” aren’t easy to find in the on-line Govt data.  Get a load of this:   Deaths are under the heading:  “Safety signals identified and other safety updates“,  just above Acknowledgements at the bottom.   Click on DEATHS  (meaning – – the “deaths”  take you off the page – –  Oh!  I get it.   VISP is a Support program!  ONCE you’re dead, you don’t need it.)  The missing data:

Up to and including January 5, 2024, a total of 488 reports with an outcome of death were reported following vaccination. Although these deaths occurred after being vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine, they are not necessarily related to the vaccine. . . .   Go to the above link.

– – – – – – – – – –

    • The problems with the vaccines were  absolutely known and communicated to officials by early 2021.  Chronologically, just from my blog:

2021-05-27 Emergency doctor, Patrick Phillips: They’re rejecting my COVID vax adverse reaction reports. By Tamara Ugolini.      PLUS (2)  2023-06-07   ‘Incompetent’ northern Ont. doctor loses his license to practise medicine,  fined $6,000.   By Darren MacDonald, CTV Northern News.

The story of Dr. Patrick Brian Phillips – – in 2021, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario  barred him from issuing exemptions for COVID-19 vaccines. It only got worse.

I pasted an UPDATE (CTV) into the posting.  Dr. Phillips is young.  He did not bow.

He lost his license to practise medicine and was fined $6,000.   I sent a request to the CTV journalist;  does he know where Dr. Phillips is now?

Add Dr. Charles Hoffe’s story from Lytton, BC..  Early on in covid, in innocence, he went to see Bonnie Henry (Chief Medical Health Officer BC) directly, about the problems.  Bad move!  He was fired, too.

2024-04-12 My letter to BC College of Physicians challenging the erasure of due process for Dr Charles Hoffe.     Includes the set of postings on my blog about the Hoffe case,  and the link to:  

2023-05-03  Dr Charles Hoffe, testimony at the NCI (National Citizen’s Inquiry).

– – – – – –

2021-11-29 Toronto Public Health misrepresenting COVID data and avoiding substantive questions.  by Tamara Ugolini

2022-01-26 Covid: Toronto Board of Health scrubs vaccine reaction story (death)  from public archive. by Tamara Ugolini      ↓  ↓

The story of Dan Hartman and his 17-year-old son (deceased) continues.   By June 2024 and through Tamara’s reporting (next 2 postings), you come to know extraordinary Canadians.

2024-02-26 From loss to lawsuit: Ontario dad’s  (Hartman’s) emotional rollercoaster as government offers deal after son dies suddenly, Tamara Ugolini

2024-06-04   Supporters gather to fundraise grieving father’s lawsuit against Pfizer and Health Canada after his teenage son died suddenly, by Tamara Ugolini, Rebel News

– – – – –

2024-06-25 Bonnie Henry pushed COVID jabs on Canadians after BCCDC withheld vaccine injury data Unannounced to Canadians – –  newly released FOI documents reveal COVID-19 vaccines caused 16-times more adverse events and 14-times more hospitalizations compared to flu shots in British Columbia.       ↓    ↓

EXCERPT (Journalist Drea Humphrey writing):

To help make sense of how and why a public health agency could release such a discrepancy, I also interview Lex Acker, a seasoned chartered financial analyst who specializes in detecting indicators of fraud in financial reports.

Acker explains what he believes the BCCDC did to manipulate the COVID vaccine injury data and why doing so strongly indicates they’ve intentionally deceived the public.

2024-06-19 Update: Helen Grus trial, w/ Bath-Shéba van den Berg & Dr. James Thorp   ↓↓


The discussion with Canadian lawyer, Bath-Shéba van den Berg   and American Doctor James Thorp is lengthy, but insightful, if you have the time.   It’s an update on the Helen Grus case, about suppression of the link between covid vaccinations and SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome).

Earlier, the Detective Helen Grus story went viral, internationally.  Shock waves continue to reverberate, and will continue.  The story hasn’t reached its end.  The link to background is included in the posting:

2024-05-27 Police Detective Penalized for Investigating Vaccine Status of 9 Sudden Infant Deaths (Helen Grus story continued)



2024-06-27 Coutts defendant (Olienick) told RCMP ‘you guys would be shooting first’ during COVID protest, Robert Kraychik, Rebel News

I don’t think it’s possible to separate me from influences I’ve experienced in my lifetime.  For example, my Father happened to be reading  The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich at the end of the 1960’s,  when I was a student.   Millions of copies were sold in the world.  I read Dad’s copy before leaving for a summer job.   Fifty years later you cannot rid me of the influence of that book, even if I disregarded it for decades.  Fragments are scattered   in nooks and crannies of my body;  bits respond unconsciously, to Lord-Knows-What cues.

(Wikipedia)   “The book is based upon captured Nazi documents, the available diaries of propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels, of General Franz Halder, and of the Italian Foreign Minister Galeazzo Ciano, evidence and testimony from the Nuremberg trials, British Foreign Office reports, and the author’s recollection of his six years in Germany (from 1934 to 1940) as a journalist, reporting on Nazi Germany for newspapers, the United Press International (UPI), and CBS Radio. The work was written and initially published in four parts, but a larger one-volume edition has become more common.   . . .

SIMILARILY,  I don’t think the “Coutts Defendant” Anthony Olienick, can be separated from the heritage of his Grandfather’s experiences and family remnants of War.  Listen to the cross-examination of the RCMP logs.  Olienick is on trial for conspiring to murder RCMP officers at Coutts.    The evidence includes that Olienick lived 3 hours distant from Coutts, at the family farm, the place where they found what could be construed as weapons belonging to the Olienick family.  There were “collections”.   None of which Anthony Olienick took to Coutts ? ?

During the 1950’s, some Canadians actually built shelters against nuclear fall-out.  My parents happened to be building a home.  The root cellar is multi-purpose.  Cement-walled.  You descend a ladder from the basement.  The well was drilled in the bottom of the chill root cellar, bomb shelter if needed.

Some people will not be sitting ducks.  An assessment of potential danger dictates that preventive steps be taken in whatever sphere of life.  “BE PREPARED” is the motto learned by all Girl Guides and Boy Scouts.  Prepare beforehand to survive disintegration of the family or society, JUST IN CASE.  Devout Mormons store a year’s food supply;  they live in preparation for the possibility of lost income.  Prudent.  Rural people tend to have a different ethic than urban dwellers.  A simple commodity like gas can be hard to come by after the sun goes down, unless you own your own supply.

Anthony Olienick is far from the only person I know who (I think from the cross-examination of evidence),  has stock-piled some survival goods in his home.   The media does not tell you the thousands of people who have left BC in uncertainty, but sufficiently concerned about the state of authoritarianism in Canada, to leave.  Many doctors and healthcare workers are among the exodus.

Do I trust Provincial BC Premier Eby, his cabinet, and the bureaucracy (e.g. Bonnie Henry), any more than I trust the same actors at the Federal level of governance in Canada?  No.  . . .  Will Anthony Olienick be convicted of conspiracy to murder RCMP officers?  . . .  Can the effects of the relentless, professional Progaganda be exorcised from the psyches of jurors who are tied to state media?  Do they understand Free Speech and the right to autonomy over my own body?  We will see.

2024-06- 17 Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach accuses Pfizer of misleading vaccine marketing, filed a civil lawsuit against Pfizer. By Grace Hills, the Kansas Reflector.↓↓

Outstandingly hopeful news!

– – – – – – – – – –

2024-06-10 Employees Can Sue L.A. Schools Over COVID Vaccine Mandate Because Shots Don’t Prevent Transmission, Appeals Court Rules. From CHD.↓↓

Did you see this one coming?!  Wow!  I danced in cyber-space.

– – – – – – – – – –

2024-06-13   COUTTS:   Female undercover RCMP officer cries while testifying in Coutts trial. By Robert Kraychik, Rebel News↓↓

I think this is the 2nd female undercover officer’s testimony.   #1 involved tears and earlier testimony of a male supervisory officer involved tears, too.

– – – – – – – – – –


2024-05-31 NCI – – the Regina Hearings – – Dr Sabine Hazan has done hundreds of clinical trials for pharmaceutical companies, and is one of the leading research authorities on the microbiome

You may want to listen to her.

– – – – – – – – – –


2024-06-27 Speak Up: Why Canadians need to stop self-censoring, with Drea Humphrey

2023-06-26 Systems of governance make a difference. Plus “A Bitter Fog: Herbicides and Human Rights,”  Carol Van Strum. Plus observation by the lady from Seattle commuting to Saskatoon to work. Plus PHILOSOPHY:  EMPOWERED, NOT DEPENDENT

Jun 292024

Further coverage is on the Lavigne Show:


Video of a 2022 discussion between Anthony Olienick, one of the two remaining ‘Coutts 4’ defendants, and the RCMP shows Olienick telling the authorities any words of violence were merely contingency planning in case police attacked protesters.

“You guys would be shooting first,” Anthony Olienick said in an interview with the RCMP shortly after his arrest on February 14, 2022, in a video played for the jury in his and Chris Carbert’s trial during Wednesday’s proceedings in Lethbridge, Alberta.

Olienick and Carbert are charged with conspiracy to murder, with the Crown alleging the two men conspired to murder police officers during their time at the Coutts demonstration, which was peaceful and civilly disobedient protest against governmental decrees, edicts, and mandates issued as “public health” measures to reduce COVID-19 transmission.

The two men are also charged with unlawful possession of a weapon with a purpose dangerous to the public peace, and mischief causing damage over $5,000. Olienick is additionally charged with unlawful possession of an explosive device for a purpose dangerous to the public peace. The two defendants have pleaded not guilty to all the charges against them.

Jurors completed watching a video of Andy Olford, an RCMP officer, interviewing Olienick on the date of his arrest on Thursday. The Crown began playing the video as evidence on Monday, with jurors out of the courtroom on Tuesday as the prosecutors and defence lawyers sought to resolve other disputes.

Throughout the interview, Olienick repeated he had no intentions of initiating any violence with law enforcement.

He described himself as “a sheepdog” who would defend protesters in the event of police officers using violence against demonstrators, referencing instances of authoritarian suppression of peaceful assembly in historical and current states like Nazi Germany and China.

Olienick told Olford he would not use violence against police “unless you guys are shooting.”

“Why would I start that?” Olienick asked the interviewing RCMP officer rhetorically. He added “I’m [not] going to be the one to start.”

Olienick said he was considering the use of violence against police officer “if they decided to open up first on the people”. He also stated that “the authorities would have to do something so extreme” to provoke a violent response from him.

“If I saw cops shooting little kids,” Olienick considered, he would respond with force.

Olienick emphasized, “Nobody was going to jump the gun and start anything. … We were there to be the silent sheepdogs.”