Jan 222025
2025-01-22    Was Carl Jung correct?   . . .  Man cannot stand a meaningless life.

CARL JUNG, in interview, 1959>  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBYEFX2dqpM   We need more understanding of human nature, because the only danger that exists is man himself — he is the great danger, and we are pitifully unaware of it. We know nothing of man — far too little. FREEMAN: As the world becomes more technically efficient, it seems increasingly […]

Jan 222025

Crowd behaviour, as a social phenomenon, is rooted in psychological factors arising from instincts, impulses, and unconscious mental processes. The Psychology of the Masses is about how and why people are so groupish. Nearly all of us seem to believe that our ideas and habits are freely chosen, not the result of the accidents of […]

Nov 092024

Original Text followed by a tribute.   Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they […]

Sep 282024
2024-09-16   The Amish (American side of border): A Control Group for Technofeudalism,  By  Tracy Thurman, Brownstone Institute

RELATED:  (Canadian Amish) 2024-08-16 Ontario’s Amish community faces unprecedented fines ($400,000) and legal hurdles, because of the ArriveCan App. They don’t use phones, let alone smartphones; “Apps” are unknown. By Rebel News. With thanks to Dan for sending.  With thanks to Tracy Thurman and to the Brownstone Institute for publishing. Re:  American Amish Technofeudalism By […]

May 022024

Hey Lyle, thanks for sending! (Sandra speaking):  We cannot thrive with the levels of corruption. HOWEVER!  take a look at some citizen videos that have sprouted up around these diesel – electric heavy haul trucks.  The creativity and success of these young creators is fun and contagious. They unequivocally love this PLACE in which we […]

Apr 242024

I like Robert De Niro’s  definition of  DEMOCRACY:   knowing right from wrong.  And doing it.   (not his precise words.) ROUSING An anthem for warriors in all walks of life, to stand up for what we believe for the sake of humanity and our children. The song was written, arranged, and produced by Top 10 producer, […]

Apr 082024

  Very important testimony.  Among other things,  Dr Hoffe provides the starting ground for understanding the CLOTTING effects of the spike protein.  That understanding unfolds further through other people:  next the Embalmers and then Dr. Baun’s use of blood thinners. Dr. Charles Hoffe – May 03, 2023 – Vancouver, British Columbia

Feb 102024
2019-06-28  A Korean-Canadian opera singer rediscovers her voice in small-town Saskatchewan​, CBC

The Sunday Magazine CBC Radio When Jaesook Ahn moved to Eastend, Sask., she thought her singing career was over. Now, she’s regaining her voice. (David Gutnick/CBC/Submitted by Jaesook Ahn ) Originally published on Sept. 9, 2018. When Jaesook Ahn was growing up in South Korea, she dreamed of becoming an opera singer and of performing […]

May 292022

Say the same thing, use different words:   From the viewpoint of God: “The supremacy of God”   From the viewpoint of human beings: “Human beings are not Gods” (We get into trouble when human beings think they are Gods.)   To me,  the two statements are different sides of the same coin. They mean […]