Sep 262024

Calley and Casey Means are main organizers.  (Ref:   2024-08-23 Calley & Casey Means: How Big Pharma Keeps You Sick, and the Dark Truth About Ozempic and the Pill “Sen. Ron Johnson (USA) and a panel of experts provide a foundational and historical understanding of the changes that have occurred over the last century within […]

Mar 122024
2024-03-12  I thought we learned long ago that ALUMINUM is toxic to human health.  Seriously toxic.  And yet . . . the food industry doesn't stop using it.

By  John-Michael Dumais .   Thanks to CHD.        (INSERT:  Let the world know how NOT-great Keele University is.) Food Additive in Pizza, Pancakes Linked to Lower Sperm Counts (INSERT:  the “food additive” is a compound of aluminum. widespread use of sodium aluminum phosphate in everyday food products) Link copied An ingredient commonly found in many […]

Feb 022024

Carol Van Strum’s book, “A Bitter Fog“, is one I’ll not forget.  I learned a lot.  I am very happy for Carol that she received this Award. UPDATE:   It’s Feb 2, 2024; I’m reading RFK’s book, The Wuhan Cover-Up.  It’s about American chemical and biological warfare.  It seems that not much has changed.  But […]

Jun 302020

Monsanto explains how it works, and its fields of endeavor.  Note:  2016 Scholarship winners bring the future of farm and food together Monsanto Canada Inc. 10/13/2016 Like many young Canadians, Louis Ditner found his passion while working a part time job during high school. He has worked alongside the chef at Elmira, Ontario’s Never Enough […]

Dec 012019
2019-12-01  Legal action in Australia against Roundup (Bayer-Monsanto), Sydney Morning Herald.  Countries that are banning roundup.

Australia joins the list of countries where legal action is being pursued against Bayer-Monsanto over Roundup. Other Countries:  . . .  some local governments have stopped using it altogether. Germany has banned it from 2023 – a date that environment minister Svenja Schulze said was “as early as European law allows”.   . . .   Austria […]

Sep 092019

The plan also promises to phase out all use of glyphosate, the world’s most common weed killer, by December 2023. The broad-spectrum herbicide often ends up killing the native plants insects rely on. My feelings won’t be hurt if you scroll past my feedback, to the article! Hopefully the “research” won’t be headed up by […]

Sep 072019
2019-09-04  Bayer’s Roundup Woes Deepen as Germany Bans Key Chemical,  Wall Street Journal

Preface to the article,  MY EXCITEMENT: From: Sandra Finley Sent: September 7 To: Ruth.Bender  (The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) journalist who wrote the article below) Subject: RE: Bayer’s Roundup Woes Deepen as Germany Bans Key Chemical Enormous thanks to you, Ruth, and to the WSJ for publishing this article. I am from the farmlands of […]

May 242019

RELATED:   2015-03 What is IARC?  IARC 2015 “classified glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic to humans” . . . and “strong” evidence for genotoxicity. 2018-10-08 Recommend: Australian video, The secret tactics Monsanto used to protect Roundup, its star product.   Includes interviews of IARC, CropLife, Monsanto Executive and Regulators. | ABC News (Australia)     Originally aired on […]

May 242019

ABC News  (Australia),  documentary:  The secret tactics Monsanto used to protect Roundup, its star product I don’t think you can evaluate the arguments surrounding Bayer-Monsanto’s Roundup (glyphosate) and cancer, WITHOUT more than a passing  understanding of    IARC    CropLife This documentary  addresses both, with actual interviews.  Rare.  The question of crossing the line with […]