From: Sandra Finley Sent: July 13, 2023 Subject: FW: a killer gathering I had a casual conversation yesterday with a person who works at the Vancouver Convention Centre. A question got stuck in my mind. Why would the Qatari’s be at an LNG Convention in Vancouver? Something wrong with their oil? It turns out that […]
2018-11-05 REMINDER: A tally, Canadians are on the hook for . . . Add the following to the TALLY: It will cost more than $80 million to clean this up. Dan Healing, Canadian Press EXCERPT: The Alberta Energy Regulator suspended all of Houston’s licences for wells producing natural gas containing toxic hydrogen sulphide on Aug. […]
I put myself into a sleepless nite with the following. High levels of corruption do not bode well for Canadians. Your fault, sending the Mt Polley, B.C. reminder my way! I had not known that Murray Edwards, principal of CNRL (Canadian Natural Resources Ltd (tarsands) is also the principal shareholder of Imperial Metals, owner of […]
Washington Post By Fred Barbash, Allyson Chiu and Juliet Eilperin A federal judge temporarily blocked construction of the controversial Keystone XL pipeline, ruling late Thursday that the Trump administration had failed to justify its decision granting a permit for the 1,200-mile long project designed to connect Canada’s oil sands fields with Texas’s Gulf Coast […]
Background for: 2018-11-01 Alberta regulator privately estimates oilpatch’s financial liabilities are hundreds of billions more than what it told the public, National Observer ALBERTA, Oil patch liabilities “hundreds of billions”. Means ALL Canadians will pay. Or . . . – – – – – – – – – – (UPDATE: add to the Tally: 2019-11-06 Houston […]

The National Observer used FOI to obtain content of the Alberta Regulator’s presentation to an Oil Company audience. It’s pretty shocking. I insist on context! which you’ll find in: REMINDER: A tally, citizens are on the hook for . . . The battle in Ecuador led by former President Rafael Correa, to […]
Victory: The Trans Mountain legal saga is over October 5, 2018 Dear Sandra, It’s official. The legal battle over the Trans Mountain project is over and won. The federal government announced Wednesday that it will not appeal the Federal Court of Appeal ruling that quashed its approval of the Trans Mountain project. This means that […]
by Kevin Taft Canada is fortunate indeed to have a court system that produces rulings of the depth and quality of the Federal Court of Appeal’s judgment on the Trans Mountain Project. Covering 254 pages, it is clearly written, well informed, and thoughtful to the point of wisdom. In an era when democracy itself seems […]

by Kevin Taft Alberta Premier Rachel Notley I (Kevin Taft) spent four years in the Alberta legislature with Rachel Notley, from 2008 to 2012. I liked and admired her and was delighted when she became premier in 2015. Today when I watch her on pipeline and oil issues I ask myself, what happened to the […]