Between this and the next article (“Autism Tsunami” by Toby Rogers) it seems that many young people are demanding integrity. Good on them. Reference my category, under “Knowledge Base”, sub-category “Take Back the University”. Which is nigh on impossible because so many of them are riddled with corruption. They’ve sold out to the Corporates’ Big […]
In Canada, normal: Military leaders use pandemic as unique opportunity to test propaganda techniques on Canadians, The people who are trying to stop the cutting down of remnant Old Growth Forest at Fairy Creek are no longer Protesters. They have graduated to the status of “Extremists” (as reported by Pattison Media, local news, radio […]
The plan also promises to phase out all use of glyphosate, the world’s most common weed killer, by December 2023. The broad-spectrum herbicide often ends up killing the native plants insects rely on. My feelings won’t be hurt if you scroll past my feedback, to the article! Hopefully the “research” won’t be headed up by […]

Preface to the article, MY EXCITEMENT: From: Sandra Finley Sent: September 7 To: Ruth.Bender (The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) journalist who wrote the article below) Subject: RE: Bayer’s Roundup Woes Deepen as Germany Bans Key Chemical Enormous thanks to you, Ruth, and to the WSJ for publishing this article. I am from the farmlands of […]
I put myself into a sleepless nite with the following. High levels of corruption do not bode well for Canadians. Your fault, sending the Mt Polley, B.C. reminder my way! I had not known that Murray Edwards, principal of CNRL (Canadian Natural Resources Ltd (tarsands) is also the principal shareholder of Imperial Metals, owner of […]
If you are short of time, scroll down to the coloured text. Since the death of Alexandre Grothendieck in November 2014, there have been a number of books and articles about this enigmatic man who earned a reputation as “the greatest pure mathematician of the twentieth century”. Grothendieck invented ways of thinking that were highly […]

RELATED: 2018-08-18 SIGNIFICANCE EXPLAINED: U of Saskatchewan taken to Court, Refuses to disclose Right to Know symposium proceedings The Newsweek story is related to the court case against the U of Saskatchewan. Prof Stuart Smyth is the Bayer-Monsanto mouthpiece. It is curious to me that Newsweek would publish the article and not disclose the industry […]
The trailer is excellent. WHERE TO SEE THE FILM? – – – – – – – – – Many thanks to Cindy who writes: A small group has been able to convince the National Farmers Union (NFU) to allow us to make a brief presentation and offer a petition to sign at their national […]

Canadian firm hired to recruit scientists to publish studies that ultimately defended Roundup’s key ingredient Gil Shochat, Sylvie Fournier A review by CBC/Radio-Canada of internal Monsanto documents disclosed in the court case of Dewayne Johnson, who sued Monsanto and won $78 million US last October, showed the many efforts Monsanto took to fight a negative […]

On November 13, 2013, the University of Victoria conferred an honorary degree (Doctor of Letters, honoris causa) on Patrick Lane. His convocation address, “An open letter to all the wild creatures of the earth,” published by the Times Colonist newspaper, has since been shared many times on other sites and through social media. Convocation Address […]