Jun 272024

Apparently, Toronto Public Health doesn’t respond to questions from Rebel News. When no one responded when I asked ‘why, and on whose authority?’ I filed a Freedom of Information request to find out. By Tamara Ugolini Back in October, I conducted an interview alongside Kelly Brown where we discussed the absolutely shocking data analysis he […]

May 112024

https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/shows/good-morning-chd/the-us-financial-coup-detat-now-is-the-time-to-take-action/?utm_source=luminate&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=chdtv&utm_id=20240511 Is the financial system intentionally designed to create confusion, allow for backdoor deals and promote emotion-driven, fear-based reactions from the public while institutions get the upper hand? Can we truly understand that which underpins our national and international economies, including the people operating it and mechanisms controlling it? What, exactly, is what Catherine Austin […]

Apr 282024
2024-04-26   Poll finds BC Conservatives lead NDP for first time.  Western Standard,  by Jonathan Bradley.

(Sandra speaking):    This Poll likely points to the spreading success of public mobilizations against LEGISLATION such as Bill 36 (HPOA – Health Professions). 2024-01-10 Repeal BC Bill 36   (HPOA)   the Health Professions & Occupations Act.  First class tyranny.     https://sandrafinley.ca/blog/?p=28579 The BC NDP Government of David Eby shouldn’t have oughta done it. I think […]

Apr 092024
2024-04-09  Last Testament (2007) by Sam Bourne,  about Israel and Palestine

I recently read this novel.  It is obvious that the author “knows” the Middle East. And how things work. Last Testament (2007) by Sam Bourne  Jonathan Saul Freedland is a British journalist who writes a weekly column for the Guardian. He presents BBC Radio 4’s contemporary history series The Long View. Freedland also writes thrillers, mainly […]

Mar 292024
2024-03-28  UPDATED: Coutts Trio member says he's been banned from Coutts Four court hearings, Western Standard, Jonathan Bradley.

The “Trio Member” is Marco Van Huigenbos. Huigenbos is a young man of integrity and humanity.  He is well-spoken and conducts himself with reserve.  He became a diplomatic force between police and protestors at the Coutts Blockade.  His young family needs hm;  he is worried about their futures if we don’t stop what’s happening to […]

Mar 262024
2024-03-25  Trudeau Liberals paid surveillance company to spy on Canadians: report.  Nya Pfannerstill and Rebel News.  By  By Alex Dhaliwal .

The Trudeau Govt is using private social media surveillance company “Meltwater” to track Canadians posts, trends, and opinions. The Govt is also allowing Meltwater to Stats Can databases of CDN’s. Last year alone Canadian taxpayers paid out $1,877,390.30 in contracts to the tech firmThe Privy Council Office (PCO) gave Meltwater a $49,437.50 contract for media […]

Mar 232024

I would put a different title on this podcast.   “More War” is not the point.  How about:  The CIA curriculum will give you an Edge in Life!  Truly.  The CIA has plumbed the depths of human behaviors.  Andrew Bustamante was a great student;  he is a great teacher.  The CIA curriculum reminds me: Nothing IS,  […]