See also Video, 2021-06-22 Four False Beliefs that Society is Built On – Bruce Lipton The Biology of Belief, Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles Quotes, with thanks to GoodReads: “Quantum physicists discovered that physical atoms are made up of vortices of energy that are constantly spinning and vibrating; each atom is […]
2016-03-03 Can Trauma be Passed on through our DNA? By Jonathan Davis

Can Trauma be Passed on through our DNA? This is a topic we’ve followed. Links to the set of related articles is included in: 2015-06-06 Epigenetics, is it the same as, or different from, cellular memory passed inter-generationally? (Residential Schools. Trauma) – – – – – – – – – – – – – […]

This is further to: 15-06- 06 Epigenetics & Trauma. A further consideration, cellular memory passed inter-generationally. Residential Schools. Dan Hurley June 25, 2015 Alison Mackey/DISCOVER Your ancestors’ lousy childhoods or excellent adventures might change your personality, bequeathing anxiety or resilience by altering the epigenetic expressions of genes in the brain. [This article originally appeared […]
Consider the current debacle in Canada over how women are treated in the military the RCMP on campus (Dalhousie dental students and other examples) in the kitchens of some restaurants. Consider in the light of the appended letter written in 1947. The letter is father-to-son, following the son’s marriage. It is an inter-generational transfer of wisdom, including how the husband […]
Epigenetics, is it the same as, or different from, cellular memory passed inter-generationally? (Residential Schools) Through “epigenetics” it is understood that trauma affects people inter-generationally. We circulated info: (2005-06-09) Epigenetics: New Way to Inherit Harm (Articles from Time Magazine, Seattle-Post, Washington State University, Forbes, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, New Scientist, compiled by Rachel’s) […]
Doug writes: HUGELY important ground-breaking research that we all need to wake up to – Red alert for humanity: Chemical damage can be inherited by offspring through unlimited generations (Sandra: The entire interview is important. I have copied the text from Natural News below in case the link becomes invalid. But I highly recommend you just […]
RELATED: (1 of 3) Find Alternatives to the Killing Ways This is (2 of 3) Non-violent resistance versus killing war – Checkpoint Charlie – Compliance (3rd of 3) Gandhi and the wearing of white. Crash course in non-violent resistance. Epigenetics was an unknown term in 2002, at the time of this writing. The idea of […]
Some critical components of democracy are addressed, including the ability of citizens to recognize propaganda and how it operates. CONTENTS (1) COMMENTARY (2) THE CELLIST OF SARAJEVO = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = == (1) COMMENTARY I was asked: Why shouldn’t I […]
The video tells the story of Skye Resources, a Canadian Company based in Vancouver, in Guatemala. Skye Resources is creating hatred for Canada. It will be deeply etched in the minds of these Guatemalan children that CANADIANS destroyed their homes and their lands. The story will be handed from generation to generation. Festering, never […]
ARTICLE BY HART HAIDN, INTRODUCING WORK OF DR. PERARA, CBC INTERVIEW MARCH 24, 2006 NOTE: See 2012 research, very important: 2012-05-23 Interview with Dr. David Crews, Epigenetic Transgenerational Inheritance, Chemical damage can be inherited by offspring through unlimited generations Useful References: Columbia University, Centre for Children’s Environmental Health, Dr. Perara “The Current: Part 2 Frederica Perera” […]