Jun 112024

I have a bit of experience with “carbon capture and storage” that dates back.  I don’t have time to find it right now.  My conclusion at the time was essentially what this author expresses:          . . .   they want $50 billion in taxpayer support RELATED: 2011-05-26 Wikileaks Shines Light on Alberta’s $16-Billion Electricity Scandal. […]

May 312024

Government narrative versus reality The last thing we should be pushing for is to phase out internal combustion engine vehicles by 2035 in Canada. Yes, we absolutely have to take better care of our planet, but EVs make zero sense in the real world. Letter: First-hand EV owner’s experience Dear Editor, I am writing in […]

Jul 132023

From: Sandra Finley Sent: July 13, 2023 Subject: FW: a killer gathering I had a casual conversation yesterday with a person who works at the Vancouver Convention Centre. A question got stuck in my mind.  Why would the Qatari’s be at an LNG Convention in Vancouver?   Something wrong with their oil? It turns out that […]

Aug 182021
2021-08-18   (Fairy Creek) RCMP’s continued flouting of BC Supreme Court ruling on exclusion zones corrodes faith in the justice system.

ON A LOGGING ROAD NEAR ADA-ITSX/FAIRY CREEK watershed, an RCMP police sergeant and a forest defender are holding hands, with tears in their eyes, having a deep conversation about civil liberties, and the price of democracy. They each share the most intimate moment about their family histories. Mist is a middle aged woman who feels […]

May 302021
2021-05-30  California faces another drought as lake beds turn to dust – a photo essay.  Plus updates on Lake Mead and Lake Powell.  And warnings to Canadians.

CONTENTS 1.    (Utah)  Lake Powell water level at a historic low.  From “TownLife”, Bullfrog Utah,   May 28, 2021.  For now, the water level continues to drop a little more than an inch a day. 2.  (Nevada)   Projections for Lake Mead show it dropping well below the lowest level on record, in the next 20 […]

Sep 242020

There is a large factor to be considered:   Corruption. How much money the Cameco executives, for example, are making. Provinces like Saskatchewan do not have laws against Corporate contributions to political parties. How much influence Anne McLellan, one of the “Good ol’ boys” in Liberal circles,  has.  She’s on the Board of Cameco.   Since her retirement […]

Aug 132019
2019-08-12  Public far ahead of politics on climate emergency, National Observer, Seth Klein

By Seth Klein in Opinion Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer speaks to a crowd in British Columbia on July 28, 2019. Photo by CPC Last month, as part of the research for a book I am writing on mobilizing Canada for the climate emergency, I commissioned an extensive national public opinion poll from Abacus Data. The full results […]

Jun 082019

I remember posting: On Friday, November 2, 2018, a youth in Sudbury, Ontario was the first youth in the Western Hemisphere to join Greta’s #FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike. (11-year-old Sophia Mathur is the Sudbury youth.) I wanted Greta’s and Sophia’s actions to have meaning.   But I didn’t have a lot of confidence in North America.   I wondered […]