Dec 192024
2024-12-06    Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview to Tucker Carlson, Moscow

  Click on:   Question: Minister Lavrov, thank you for doing this. Do you believe the United States and Russia are at war with each other right now? Sergey Lavrov: I wouldn’t say so. And in any case, this is not what we want. We would like to have normal relations with all our […]

Dec 172024

This presentation by Gordon Edwards is required listening (according to me!) for Canadians.   You cannot stop foolishness if you wait until it’s too late to tell your neighbours about it.  Voters have to know the “sense” behind the  “the plans” before they take the bait.   Many thanks to, and God Bless Gordon Edwards!  There […]

Dec 052024
2024-12-04   Tucker Carlson Interviews Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov in Moscow

Tucker Carlson in Moscow. Video grab U.S. conservative talk show host Tucker Carlson said Wednesday he had returned to Russia for a “fascinating” interview with Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov about the possibility of nuclear war. “Are we headed toward an unprecedented conflict between Russia and the United States?” Carlson said in a video outside the […]

Oct 112024

PREFACE, from Dr Gordon Edwards: Friends and Colleagues – The Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO), representing Canada’s nuclear waste producers, is mandated by the federal government to find a “willing host community” to accept the burial of all of Canada’s high level radioactive waste (used nuclear fuel) in a Deep Geological Repository (DGR). All but […]

Oct 032024

ABOUT NUCLEAR POWER, UNDER CONSIDERATION FOR B.C.  (short version, Oct 3/24) Excerpt from a posting on I love those people in San Clemente.  They are my stars.  (The San Onofre Nuclear Reactor –  video) PLEASE forward to people in B.C.    They should not unwittingly give a mandate for nuclear development by keeping their mouths […]

Oct 032024

Could you please help spread the word on ANOTHER NUCLEAR ATTEMPT? B.C. PROVINCIAL ELECTION Final voting day is Saturday, October 19, 2024. send to every Canadian you know,  for forwarding to everyone they know in  B.C. TO:  the people in B.C. FROM:  Friends in San Clemente, Calif.   May an unending line of beautiful, loved […]

Oct 032024

TO  young, would-be Political Operatives: . . . A couple of days later I caught the announcement about the B.C. Conservative Party’s promotion of nuclear – uranium for B.C.    (2024-10-02   B.C. Conservatives, Powering B.C., Nuclear Plan) The nuclear-uranium decision is an unwise one.   I doubt you are aware of the consequences.  This is a high-stakes […]

Oct 032024

Plutonium vs Democracy:    A Necessary Debate (Excerpt)  The security measures needed to safeguard society from the threat of nuclear terrorism when plutonium becomes an article of commerce are so severe that our democratic way of life will be seriously threatened. Enforced secrecy, intrusive surveillance, and privately maintained security forces equipped with military-style weapons, are not […]

Oct 032024
2024-09-27  B.C.’s Conservative Party wants the province to reconsider its nuclear energy ban. But does it make sense?  By Shannon Waters,  The Narwhal

John Rustad says nuclear energy has to be part of the province’s power mix to meet emission reduction goals, but many experts beg to differ By Shannon Waters Sept. 27, 2024 7 min. read B.C.’s Clean Energy Act, passed in 2010, bans nuclear power from being used to meet the province’s energy needs. Illustration: Shawn […]