Oct 132024

This reply to Request for a signature was followed by a response from Johnson Springs. My Rebuttal to their response is included below. July 28, 2024   Hello Doreen,   RE your email of June 27:  . . . this form is consent to receive support “…including all and any support and resources required to […]

Sep 132024

BEHIND CLOSED DOORS (Surprise!  The UK , not the U.S. is the leader in this?)   The UK and US Plot Global Speech Crackdown   America First Legal (AFL) has pulled back the curtain on yet another government meeting that makes “free speech” sound like some quaint idea from the past. AFL has released documents […]

Aug 272024

Many thanks Dianne, Unbelievable.   Aside:  SOME of your emails go into spam.  I had a look  – – Robert Kennedy’s name in the subject line, is the route to the spam bin. Doesn’t matter.   I try to skim my spam box regularly for “NOT spam”! From: Dianne Subject: [SPAM] Sooo Important – Robert Kennedy […]

Aug 272024

PLEASE tell me, if I misunderstand, if my statements are wrong.  Use the Comments section at bottom.  THANK-YOU. – – – –  – – – – – – – The Prosecutor (Steven Johnston) is appealing the jury decision, Chris Carbert not guilty of Conspiracy to murder RCMP Officers. NO,  I do not think that is […]

Aug 212024

“The Coutts 2”  (began as ‘The Coutts 4’). The Prosecutor (Steven Johnston) is appealing the jury decision – – not guilty of Conspiracy to murder RCMP Officers. The 2 men remain locked up (for 2.5 years now).  The only improvement is that they are FINALLY being processed. In Lethbridge Court of King’s Bench, Crown prosecutor […]

Aug 212024

https://www.thomsonreuters.ca/en/westlaw-canada/free-charter-rights-legal-resources/unwarranted-criminal-prosecution.html Malicious Prosecution A malicious prosecution occurs when a police officer or other government official causes criminal charges to be filed against a person when the official knows reasonable and probable cause is lacking and the charges are filed because of malice, personal animosity, bias, or some other reason outside the interests of justice. Malice […]

Aug 072024

Lawfare – – meaning? Using the law as a weapon of war.   (short and simple – – I like that!) I am seeing the word used more and more. Take a look under “Numerous charges dropped during August” in this 2023 posting.  The war to take away Free Speech, Bodily Autonomy, etc. Charter Rights – […]

Aug 032024

With thanks to Dan who writes: Excellent lecture given at the Mises Institute by Dr. Robert Malone, Aug 1/2024. The topic is centered around 5th generational warfare and surveillance capitalism. Mises University is the world’s leading instructional program in the Austrian school of economics. Recordings of the lectures and seminars presented at the Mises Institute, […]

Jun 112024
2024-06-06  UPDATE:   Court hears misconduct complaint against judge who imposed Covid vaccine mandate

Judge Brinton’s complaint raises issues about the proper functioning of the judiciary, both in Nova Scotia and across Canada. It engages the principles of individual judicial independence, judicial impartiality and, by extension, the rule of law itself. It concerns the working relationship between a chief judge and her fellow judges, and the proper scope of […]

Jun 032024

The data used in this report comes via a response to an order paper question posed to the government, by Regina Conservative MP Andrew Scheer. My stakes in this game – – STATSCAN, MCKINSEY, etc.   I can’t do justice to the topic right now. Here’s a couple of related postings: 2010-07-16 CHRONOLOGY: the involvement of […]