Jun 112024
2024-06-06  UPDATE:   Court hears misconduct complaint against judge who imposed Covid vaccine mandate

Judge Brinton’s complaint raises issues about the proper functioning of the judiciary, both in Nova Scotia and across Canada. It engages the principles of individual judicial independence, judicial impartiality and, by extension, the rule of law itself. It concerns the working relationship between a chief judge and her fellow judges, and the proper scope of […]

Jun 032024

The data used in this report comes via a response to an order paper question posed to the government, by Regina Conservative MP Andrew Scheer. My stakes in this game – – STATSCAN, MCKINSEY, etc.   I can’t do justice to the topic right now. Here’s a couple of related postings: 2010-07-16 CHRONOLOGY: the involvement of […]

May 032024
2024-05-02  Alberta Community Justice Grant

#1   is the Alberta Govt page regarding Community Justice. #2 is news coverage by the Western Standard. The Govt of Danielle Smith is doing SOMEthing about the Justice system.  Is it ALL that needs to be done? The current situation, well-documented – – people cannot afford to defend themselves by using the court system – […]

May 022024

Hey Lyle, thanks for sending! (Sandra speaking):  We cannot thrive with the levels of corruption. HOWEVER!  take a look at some citizen videos that have sprouted up around these diesel – electric heavy haul trucks.  The creativity and success of these young creators is fun and contagious. They unequivocally love this PLACE in which we […]

Apr 202024

Reclaim the Net is from London UK.  They crossed my radar screen a few years ago – – addressing the takeover of the Internet in ways that I wanted to know about.  Free Speech and Surveillance are central to their motivations.  They continue to provide quality input. Tag-line:  If you’re tired of censorship and dystopian […]

Apr 082024
2024-03-07   Covid.  Dr Charles Hoffe Trial update

IF YOU DO NOT KNOW DR HOFFE,  an excellent introduction is at: 2023-05-03 Dr Charles Hoffe, testimony at the NCI (National Citizen’s Inquiry) You will understand why the following outrage (due process taken away) is happening. Dr. Charles Hoffe’s disciplinary trial in British Columbia for spreading COVID “misinformation” has been postponed, as the College’s lawyers […]

Feb 092024
2022-06-17   Can solitary confinement be reformed or abolished in Canada?   with thanks to McGill University's Faculty of Law

Despite new legislation against solitary confinement, data paint a bleak picture of what goes on behind the walls of Canadian penitentiaries   INSERT:  You will hear Professor Jane Sprott ask,”Does anyone care?”   Photo: Owen Egan A matter of human dignity “If a society can recognize that even someone guilty of a serious crime possesses inalienable […]

Feb 022024

Carol Van Strum’s book, “A Bitter Fog“, is one I’ll not forget.  I learned a lot.  I am very happy for Carol that she received this Award. UPDATE:   It’s Feb 2, 2024; I’m reading RFK’s book, The Wuhan Cover-Up.  It’s about American chemical and biological warfare.  It seems that not much has changed.  But […]