Preface to the article, MY EXCITEMENT:
From: Sandra Finley
Sent: September 7
To: Ruth.Bender (The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) journalist who wrote the article below)
Subject: RE: Bayer’s Roundup Woes Deepen as Germany Bans Key Chemical
Enormous thanks to you, Ruth, and to the WSJ for publishing this article.
I am from the farmlands of Saskatchewan, Canada. And I am 70 years old. I know the changes brought about by industrial agriculture and the grip that the Ag-chemical-biotech corporations have on Governments and Universities in North America.
It is a genuine treat to see Mainstream Media actually REPORT on the woes of one of the Ag-chemical-biotech corporations.
I posted the WSJ link on F/B news feed with this: Wow! the Wall Street Journal reported this! Hats off to them, and to the journalist Ruth Bender.
On twitter I added “Kudos to Wall Street Journal for publishing: …. (your link)
For those who will not click on links, but who receive my emails and will look on my blog: I re-posted your article at
We have been working a long time to provide people with information to inform them: there are consequences of widespread poisoning of the Earth, not only for insects that are targeted, not only for targeted fungi and weeds, but for human beings, too. Our cells work the same as in other species of life. If you target the endocrine system of an insect, you might kill the insect – – it just takes the human endocrine system longer to succumb, through a disease outcome.
None of it is rocket science. It’s common sense contingent upon a solid school education with emphasis on the development of critical thinking and empowerment – – the ability to speak up when something is wrong.
It is extremely helpful, of course, if we can find more ways to free Mainstream Media from the demands of the large Corporations. Their propaganda and money are insidious. It is doing irreparable damage to the Earth’s life systems, and to democracies here and elsewhere.
Sandra Finley (contact info)
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Bayer’s Roundup Woes Deepen as Germany Bans Key Chemical
Germany has approved a plan to gradually restrict the use of glyphosate and ban it outright from the end of 2023