Crowd behaviour, as a social phenomenon, is rooted in psychological factors arising from instincts, impulses, and unconscious mental processes. The Psychology of the Masses is about how and why people are so groupish. Nearly all of us seem to believe that our ideas and habits are freely chosen, not the result of the accidents of our environment; however, most of us tend to believe and do what the people around us believe and do. Summary. When one is a member of a crowd, one gives up part of one’s personality and blends into the crowd soul. One becomes more emotional and gullible, logic and evidence lose their power. A crowd is therefore easier to influence and thus tends to be more dangerous.
Interestingly, a pivotal book was written in 1895. He discusses the loss of individual responsibility and the decrease in intelligence that occurs when individuals come together in a crowd. The author also notes the increase in suggestibility and the emergence of primitive instincts, such as violence and mob mentality.” In this case Bill 36 outcomes..