Nov 102024

The video, “An Evening With Jeff Rubin“,  is below.   I read his book which is the topic of discussion,  A Map of the New Normal:  How Inflation, War, and Sanctions Will Change Your World Forever.

You can understand that a Chief Economist’s job in the investment arena is NOT to REACT to current affairs,  but rather to be AHEAD of the game.  Which requires the ability to see what’s going on – –  the moves on the chess board.  The better you understand, the better you can PREDICT the most-likely scenarios that will unfold.

Rubin helps to make sense of Government policies that were crazy,   I haven’t read his second-last book  ((2020)   The Expendables: How the Middle Class Got Screwed By Globalization)  but I plan to.  “Globalization” is the trade deals we fought tooth and nail against for years.  They, step-by-relentless-step, brought us to our present predicament.

Jeff is a Canadian; former chief economist at CIBC World Markets (17 years); currently a senior fellow at the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI); and the author of (in sequence):

  1. (2009)   Why Your World Is About to Get a Whole Lot Smaller

    COMPLETELY REVISED AND UPDATED: A fearless and uncompromising look at what soaring oil prices mean for the present and the future of the way we do business …
  2. (2012)   The Big Flatline: Oil and the No-Growth Economy

  3. (2012)   The End of Growth: *But Is That All Bad?      (this book followed  The Big Flatline in 2012)

  4. (2015)   The Carbon Bubble: What Happens to Us When It Bursts
  5. (2020)   The Expendables: How the Middle Class Got Screwed By Globalization

  6. (2024)   A Map of the New Normal: How Inflation, War, and Sanctions Will Change Your World Forever

We can force better decisions in our Society by providing good information, empowering people to self-educate, and make a difference in our world that way – – but first we have to be Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz and pull back the curtain.   Here! . . . let Jeff Rubin give a hand – – listen in:


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