Jun 092017

Joanna Kempner’s work:  

  • how social relations shape the production of knowledge
  • research investigating  how the social world shapes what we do not know 

I stated this way:

  • the pharmaceutical companies have a great impact on what gets researched, and on
  • what gets reported.

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Joanna Kempner   was one of three women interviewed on CBC regarding migraines,   Not just a headache.

 Thoughts took me to Linguistics:  headaches, migraines, pain in head.

I emailed Joanna Kempner about the pharma industry (medications and vaccines).

I am interested in her work,  her posts on migraine.com,

But truthfully,  it’s subversion:  I wrote to Joanna Kempner because I was concerned that the other two researchers may have links to the pharmaceutical industry, be “under the influence”.  And therefore would not want to hear what I propose.

It’s a long shot that anything will come from my input, sent also to CBC Radio,  The Current,  host Anna Maria Tremonti.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

The production of knowledge  is fundamental to democracy and to health.   I am a “sapper”  – – obstacles such as the corruption of research have to be addressed, or we are thwarted from ever making the progress we need to make.



Subject: re CBC Interview, June 7th.  Not just a headache.  Thank you.

Hello Joanna,

  . . .     I suspect that you have an interest in finding underlying causes, so that if possible, more people will not be afflicted with the debilitating effects of migraines, headaches and pain in the head.

I note:  the pharmaceutical companies have a great impact on what gets researched, and on what gets reported.

The industry interest is, of course, oriented toward “cure”, or false “prevention”.   (True prevention is removal of cause, as in lead in gasoline, cigarettes, harmful substances.)


Both my kids suffer or suffered from migraines.  They were born in 1980 and 1982, a girl and a boy; today they are in their mid-thirties.

Onset was age 12 for my daughter and a bit older for my son.

The first experience:  a call from a very worried elementary school teacher.  My daughter had become suddenly incoherent and confused.

I picked her up;  she was unable to formulate sentences.   She could answer “yes” or “no” to basic questions.   I was alarmed.

At emergency she was diagnosed with a migraine and put on a drip.

A neurologist was consulted.

After one migraine event, and on the first visit, he wrote a prescription for a drug that would “prevent” migraines.

He said she would be on the medication for the rest of her life.

I did not fill the prescription and it was a long time before she had another migraine.

Three weeks after that first episode, I saw in the newspaper, notice of an event at a hospital to help migraine sufferers.  I attended.

The presentation was put on by a drug company to my surprise.   The featured doctor who was assisting, in ways investing in the company, was the neurologist who saw my daughter for 10 minutes and prescribed life-long drugs for a 12-year-old, following a single incident.

It is accepted that migraines are sometimes the consequence of allergies, both food and environmental.  MSG is a known trigger for headaches/migraines.

This past spring,  just before her 37th birthday,  after 3 years of living in B.C. (a change in environment),  and after recording the circumstances around onset of migraine attacks,  it became apparent that one trigger for my daughter is pollen from alder trees.   The piecing together is below, see APPENDED.

The interviews for Not just a headache set me to puzzling.   Please follow these thoughts:

My daughter avoids some foods, and she has a definite allergy to alder tree pollen.   Over and over again, what you hear from parents of children who have suffered from deleterious effects of larger numbers of vaccinations now given to children:   they have serious food and other allergies and sensitivities.

I searched the CDC (Centre for Disease Control) list of vaccines, that shows associated side effects.  I searched for the word “headache”.


16 matches for “headache”.  I did a quick skim.

headaches —  1 in 3 people who are injected with some vaccines  (roughly speaking) get “headache”.

MSG is used as a stabilizer in a few vaccines.   It’s a known cause of migraines/headaches, as mentioned.

I don’t think anyone would dispute, it’s well documented:

mercury, formaldehyde, and aluminum are also ingredients in various vaccines.  Borax, too.


My experience with educational (research) institutions, and Government agencies is:   yes, there is manipulated research and scientific papers.  BUT maybe more importantly,  the research that NEEDS to be done, is not – –  because it threatens financial interests.   It is as large a problem in Canada as in the U.S.   But back to the immediate point:

By observation of my kids and others, there is a  headachemigraine continuum.

The spectrum goes from

  • those people who have zero headaches and migraines, to
  • those who have headaches but not migraines, to
  • those who have some of both,
  • to those who have severe and chronic migraines/headaches  . . .  to . . .
  • those who have pain in the head?  (maybe a matter of linguistics?)

I know the URL, but do not know the source / credibility of this SURVEY which says there is a marked increase in migraines among children, that is NOT associated with larger numbers of vaccines administered.

Migraine in vaccinated children

1-3 vaccinations               9.70%

4-6 vaccinations             10.98%

7-9 vaccinations             70.99%

10-15 vaccinations             12.84%

16-20 vaccinations             22.52%

21-30 vaccinations             21.61%

31-40 vaccinations             22.41%

41-50 vaccinations             50.00%


Which I would say is plausible:  migraines often bring severe pain in the brain.  Kids who have suffered vaccine injury suffer neurologically, sometimes becoming non-verbal,  hands over both ears, clasping their heads.  Banging their heads against walls and so on.  They are in pain?

LINGUISTICS:   That would not get reported as “migraine” or “headache”;  it gets reported as head banging,  but it may be along the same continuum of pain in the brain as headaches and migraine?

I did a bit of nosing around on-line.  There is plausibility for research (with integrity) between vaccines and migraines.

But the CDC whistleblower,  Dr. William Thompson, has revealed the corruption in the CDC vaccines department,  which makes their research unreliable.

Not only that – – there will be large obstacles placed in the path of anyone who thinks a plausible migraine – vaccine relationship is worthy of study.

Another problem is that as with many toxins, mercury for example,  the effects on health may not be immediately experienced.   Health outcomes can be experienced years, even decades later;  accumulations and interactions of toxins (stresses) are at play.  “Triggers” or “tipping points” come into play.

Females suffer migraines at a much higher rate than males.  Males suffer serious adverse reactions from vaccines (e.g. head banging) at a much higher rate than females.

(And I remind you that over $3 billion dollars has been paid out by the Vaccine Injury Court in the U.S. for vaccine injury, another verboten topic until recently, with awareness accelerated by the whistle-blowing of Dr. Thompson.)

From the internet:

Posted by: deleted_user 07/02/2008 Mood: Ok

Does anyone else believe that they started having migraines, or thier migraines got worse, after receiving the MMR vaccine as an adult?

My doctors says it is not related but it is the only change in my life that I can pinpoint.

Thanks in advance for your comments!!


So there you go:

  • The CDC website says that “headaches” are experienced by about 1 in 3 of persons who are injected with some vaccines.
  • The survey  Migraine in vaccinated children shows a significant peak at 7-9 vaccinations  (70.99%)
  • It is possible that clasping your head between your hands, and head banging are related to pain in the head of a non-verbal child
  • Allergies (food, environmental, synthetic chemicals in scents (perfumes)), are known to trigger migraines and headaches.
  • Children who have been diagnosed with vaccine damage are (almost without exception?) known to suffer from food and environmental allergies)
  • MSG is a known cause of migraines and headaches.  MSG is added to some vaccines as a stabilizer.
  • Mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, borax are also injected as part of various vaccines.


Off-gassing of mother’s mercury fillings crosses the placental barrier + mercury in mother’s body accumulates in fatty tissue (same happens in fish) means in utero + breastfeeding exposure to mercury.  Now add mercury and/or other poisons in the heavy vaccination schedule.  Substances that are highly toxic to the brain, injected directly (don’t even go through the gastro-intestinal tract)  – – headaches, migraines sooner or later, pain in the head  – –  anybody surprised?


I noticed re MigraineCanada – it receives funding from Tribute Pharmaceuticals.

Maybe some brave soul or team, somewhere, will research a possible connection between vaccines and migraines.    Conditions become normalized – –  current disease conditions are not normal, even if they make large contributions to “GDP”.

It is stated that there is a connection, for some people, between onset of puberty and beginning of migraines.  A reasonable question:  what was age when the last childhood vaccinations were administered?

Both my children were religiously vaccinated (not with the number of vaccines that are administered today).  I had no idea of the ingredients in vaccines.   Informed consent was non-existent.     But I don’t know whether their migraines are associated with vaccines.

Or whether their children will be subject to migraines:  damage done to our genetic material can be transmitted inter-generationally.  We typically refer to it as “inherited” or “congenital” or “in our genes”.   Another soothing offered by Linguistics.   It is damaged genetic material that gets passed down from one generation to the next.

/Best wishes,

Sandra Finley

= = = = = = = = = = =


March 31, 2017


Today, someone there told Kelly that the alder tree is likely triggering the migraines.


Kelly and I worked through things, see below  (Experience  and research on internet).

We agree.  It seems clear that Kelly is allergic to alder tree pollen.   The allergy causes migraines that Kelly has in spring.   Could be birch tree allergy, too.


Kelly knows some of the things to do  (keep windows shut,  daily dose of feverfew, magnesium, as recommended by Daisey (naturopathic doctor).  – –  Should have focused on that starting in October.  – –    Kelly – don’t use your fan for the time being,  at risk of drawing more airborne pollen into your room.)


Walking outside?  – – are there alders all around, or not?

HERE’S WHAT RED ALDER LOOKS LIKE:    https://www.for.gov.bc.ca/hfd/library/documents/treebook/redalder.htm       

Tie a bandana over your nose, or,  you will find it easier to just buy a package of good dust masks and use them for the short remaining time of pollination  (see below – – “the season” for when the alders are flowering).  I think another important thing is to rinse your sinuses with warm salt water to reduce any inflammation caused by the pollen you breathe in.  I’ll give you a hand when I’m down.

Hope this is helpful.


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When Kelly told me about today’s migraine:

  • I remember, the previous 2 episodes in the last couple of weeks – –   she was walking outside along the road, Layla was with her
  • Compared with today,  she had just walked from the Main House to Hudsons.  The migraine hit shortly after arrival.
  • So:    3 events, one after the other, all occurring ON OR after being on the road
  • Which points to something in the environment, along the road.
  • Springtime, which means pollens.
  • Reinforced by recollection that last spring Kelly had a bad time with migraines

With Kelly on the phone, doing google searches:


Trees that make you sneeze   http://allergicliving.com/2010/07/02/outdoor-allergy-trees-of-sneeze/

Birch, elm, maple, oak and poplar are some of the most allergenic trees across Canada and the northern United States. But where you are, the month and the weather all influence the onset of symptoms.

West Coast

On the foliage-rich west coast, red alder is public enemy number one. Robert Guy, head of forest sciences at the University of British Columbia, says much of the forest surrounding coastal towns and cities is full of red alder. Depending on the weather, these trees can pollinate as early as mid-February, or as late as the end of March, and they spread pollen for about three weeks.

Vancouver allergist Dr. Donald Stark says red alder is particularly insidious because it produces a ton of pollen; it often has the highest pollen count of any plant on the coast. People allergic to it may also react to birch trees, which pollinate about a month after alders, prolonging the misery.

Stark identifies the Garry oak as another culprit on the west coast. In most of Canada, ragweed is the worst offender for triggering hay fever, followed by grass, then trees. Stark says the west coast is the exception: here, trees pack the hardest punch.


FROM   ARE ALLERGIES CAUSING YOUR MIGRAINES?    http://www.everydayhealth.com/headache-migraine/migraines-from-allergies.aspx  

Migraines can be triggered by food or environmental allergies.

Painful migraine headaches can have many triggers, among them environmental and food allergies. The precise mechanism for how allergens trigger migraines is still unknown, but these are the most common theories:

  • Sinusitis. “The most common cause of a migraine is allergic sinusitis,” explains Jonathan Field, MD, Director, Allergy and Asthma Clinic, New York University School of Medicine/Bellevue Medical Center in New York City. “When an allergic person is exposed to an allergen — dust, mold, pollen, animal hair, or skin — the sinuses become swollen. This swelling might cause migraines by triggering the nerves in the brain to react to the change in pressure. The nerves then send signals to the brain that trigger the various symptoms of migraine, like the headache, intolerance of light or sound, nausea, vomiting, and dizziness.”
  • Allergic rhinitis (seasonal and indoor nasal allergies) . According to Clifford W. Bassett, MD, Medical Director of Allergy and Asthma Care of New York, studies have found that the odds of having migraine headaches are significantly higher in people with allergic rhinitis compared with those without allergies.
  • Food allergies.  . . .

  One Response to “2017-06-07 Migraines, headaches, pain in head – – response sent to researcher”

  1. From: Elizabeth
    Sent: June 12, 2017 4:55 AM

    I’m not keeping up with anything these daze, Sandra, pretty much
    but I skim-read the stuff about migraines

    as migraines also affect my daughter who I’m now convinced was vaccine-damaged
    SO glad you wrote the letter!!!!!!!!!!!!

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