Apr 262017

Banksters: Index See also, excerpts from Chapters 34 and 38: Ch. 34, New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, John Perkins, 2016. Ch. 38, Your Friendly Banker as EHM. The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (EHM), John Perkins, 2016. Click on the small grey text at the top of this posting, John Perkins […]

Apr 062017
2013-05-21  Electromagnetic radiation, sensitivity to:  Background on researcher Olle Johansson (Stockholm) plus Grade 9 girls' science experiment 2013

Janet M forwarded the article about the cress (a plant) and wifi experiment done by a group of teenagers in Denmark.   The researcher from Sweden, Olle Johansson, commented very favorably on the science done by the girls. First:  briefly,  who is Olle Johansson?   followed by the cress and wifi experiment (done in 2013). – – […]

Aug 012016
2016-07-29   'What law am I breaking?' How a Facebook troll came undone

RELATED POSTINGS: 2015-09-24 Urgent action needed to combat online (“cyber”) violence against women and girls, UN report 2015-09-30 Cyberbullying, an issue of free speech. Salman Rushdie, a guiding light.  (This posting)    2016-07-29 ‘What law am I breaking?’ How a Facebook troll came undone = = = = = = = = = = = = […]

Mar 312016

 Since the FBI vs Apple court case in California,  FBI in other jurisdictions, criminal investigations, have aired the need for access to iPhones.   For those stories, please use an internet search.  FBI drops its case against Apple after getting into that iPhone http://www.wired.com/2016/03/fbi-drops-case-apple-finding-way-iphone/ by Kim Zetter After more than a month of a heated standoff […]

Apr 022015

From: Sandra Finley Sent: April 2, 2015 To: <bschneier  xxx@xxx   cyber.law.harvard.edu> Subject: thwarting activists by intrusion into wordpress Hello Bruce Schneier, Maybe you could use following info?   Maybe it’s already known?   (Or maybe my surmisal is incorrect.) The sharing of information by bloggers is a problem for corporations. I think that NSA or Lockheed Martin […]

Nov 232014

The resolution of this is at:   (2015-07-20)    Riddle solved.  Gmail accounts. The following is a copy of the email I received, purporting to be from Dan Morgan, author of “Merchants of Grain“.    (I cannot change the formatting,  to remove the blank spaces.  You have to scroll down.) – – – – – – – […]

Jun 272014

Having Edward Snowden as a customer brought Ladar Levison into a battle with his own government. Recommend:  go to the URL to listen to the podcast of the interview http://www.cbc.ca/thecurrent/episode/2014/06/27/ladar-levison-the-american-who-shut-down-his-business-when-he-felt-his-government-wanted-too-much-1/ (Note:  the interview originally aired Oct 11, 2013.) While you may not be familiar with Ladar Levison or his email service, Lavabit, you’ve certainly heard […]

Jun 272014

Recommend:  go to the URL and listen to the interview with Levison.   I captured the text of the news story below, for backup  purposes. http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/lavabit-founder-fought-9-month-legal-battle-with-fbi-1.2658374 After refusing hand encryption codes to federal agents, Ladar Levison had to shut down his company CBC News  Posted: May 29, 2014 Last year Ladar Levison shut down Lavabit, the […]

Apr 092014

http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/canada-revenue-agency-shuts-online-services-over-security-concerns/article17892916/ BILL CURRY and TU THANH HA OTTAWA and TORONTO — The Globe and Mail   A major cybersecurity flaw that exposes encrypted information to hackers has forced the Canada Revenue Agency to shut down its filing system and push back the deadline for online returns. The flaw, which is known as Heartbleed and affects […]