Jul 122024
2024-07-11   Covid:  Ontario court rules PCR test for returning air travellers violated Quarantine Act. By Tamara Ugolini, Rebel News.

Note – – related to fines levied in 2022. Case 1:  Meththa Fernando, the nasal swab (a “PCR” test), guilty and fined $6,255.  Overturned on Appeal,  Yeeeay! Nasal swab tests were an ‘unlawful requirement or demand,’ wrote Justice Paul Monahan in the ruling. Freiheit’s view. “This case will be mostly relevant for anyone who pled […]

Jul 122024

Tamara Ugolini, Rebel News The Canadian government continues to compensate victims of the Thalidomide ‘safe and effective’ disaster, which leads some to wonder: will the COVID-19 Vaccine Injury Support Program (VISP) persist for decades to come? By Tamara Ugolini Thalidomide was a drug introduced to the Canadian market as “safe and effective” on April 1, 1961. […]

Jul 112024

TORONTO: During the COVID pandemic and lockdown, the government used the opportunity to enact rights-infringing, overbroad laws. Legislators and bureaucrats zealously enforced these laws against Canadians in an effort to secure compliance and suppress peaceful protest. Fortunately, The Democracy Fund (TDF) and its team of lawyers and paralegals, with the support of generous donors, fought back. […]

Jul 092024

(Sandra speaking:  I attended.  This is an excellent presentation by  B.C. lawyer Umar Sheikh.) Drea Humphrey reports: There’s renewed hope for vaccine-injured Canadians to get justice from the Big Pharma manufacturers of the COVID shots. During their forced and coercive rollout, we were all told the likes of Pfizer and Moderna had legal immunity and […]

Jul 062024
2024-07-06  US courts across the board rule against COVID mandates.   By Jen Hodgson, Western Standard.

I just noticed – – more articles on Western Standard about VACCINE INJURIES in Canada.  Details not seen before. Complementary to this reporting on the trends in the US court rulings about covid mandates.  I’ll try to integrate the two.  Blessings on Jen Hodgson. US courts across the board rule against COVID mandates Jen Hodgson […]

Jul 022024

Previous was        2024-06-14 For Your Selection, June 14   GOOD GRIEF!    This SHOULD be a set of links, that’s all.   I got carried away.  Sorry! Please go to the links for the meat!   2024-06-24 JULIAN ASSANGE IS FREE Most of you know by now that Assange signed a plea deal, a piece of propaganda […]

Jun 292024

Further coverage is on the Lavigne Show:  https://rumble.com/v54b1aa-coutts-trial-day-17-recap-june-28th.html https://www.rebelnews.com/coutts_defendant_told_rcmp_you_guys_would_be_shooting_first_during_covid_protest   Video of a 2022 discussion between Anthony Olienick, one of the two remaining ‘Coutts 4’ defendants, and the RCMP shows Olienick telling the authorities any words of violence were merely contingency planning in case police attacked protesters. By Robert Kraychik “You guys would be shooting […]