Sandra Finley

Jun 292024

This story was reported earlier.  I posted source and related documents then:

2024-06-14 Covid:  BC Centre for Disease Control Caught Lying and Withholding Important Public Health Data, Dr. Bryam Bridle

June 25th,  Journalist Drea Humphrey adds this powerful reporting on the story:

In today’s report, I walk you through insider discussions and health data that appear to expose the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC), which works hand-in-hand with Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry, for manipulating COVID-19 vaccine adverse event statistics to hide how dangerous COVID-19 injections really are.



Canadian immunologist and vaccinologist Dr. Byram Bridle recently released a damning summary of the shocking information he obtained from a 1,315-page report, which was contained within a response to an access to information request filed by a B.C. law firm.

“The public deserves to know how the B.C. Centre for Disease Control mishandled and hid important vaccine safety data,” Bridle wrote in his summary.

Internal BCCDC data charts of adverse events following immunization (AEFIs) from December 20, 2020, until March 25, 2021, show the public health agency was aware COVID-19 vaccines caused 15.7-times (144) more serious AEFIs and 13.6-times (16) more hospitalizations than what historically occurred with flu shots.

Such statistics were never made available to the public, preventing them from making an informed decision about receiving COVID injections. Instead, email discussions among BCCDC staff show how data was “re-worked” before the public was given AEFI statistics claiming only 26 serious adverse reactions linked to COVID-19 vaccines had occurred.

To help make sense of how and why a public health agency could release such a discrepancy, I also interview Lex Acker, a seasoned chartered financial analyst who specializes in detecting indicators of fraud in financial reports.

Acker explains what he believes the BCCDC did to manipulate the COVID vaccine injury data and why doing so strongly indicates they’ve intentionally deceived the public.

Jun 282024


Canadians have endured a lot in recent years. A global pandemic—or a global “psyop,” depending on who you ask—served as a catalyst for rising authoritarianism. It’s hard to recall a time when the nation was more divided.

So, where do we go from here?

Last weekend, I was invited to speak at the third annual Reclaiming Canada Conference. The event, which drew over 500 freedom-oriented patriots to the Victoria Conference Centre, aimed to unite people around ideas to further Canadian democracy while overcoming the disinformation and censorship that hinders it.

I chose to tackle the most dangerous form of censorship, which is not handed down to us by big tech or through Trudeau’s Online Harms Act plans. Instead, we inflict it upon ourselves.

So here is my talk on self-censorship and why you and me should choose to do something about it for the betterment of our nation. After all, free speech only works when the people use it.

Jun 282024

BACKGROUND:     2024-05-27 Police Detective Penalized for Investigating Vaccine Status of 9 Sudden Infant Deaths (Helen Grus story)

INSERT:   A shorter video, without the benefit of Dr. Thorp’s input, was done by Tamara Ugolini,  July 3rd.

Defence lawyer Bath-Sheba van den Berg speaks out to share the troubling details of this case.  Watch right here.


Join us on The Lavigne Show for a crucial episode featuring Bath-Shéba van den Berg and Dr. James Thorp, as they delve into the silenced truths of the Det. Helen Grus hearings. Bath-Shéba will share her insights publicly for the first time, discussing the hearings’ challenges and implications. Dr. Thorp, meanwhile, will reveal the critical information that Retired Superintendent Chris Renwick, the hearing officer, refused to allow into the tribunal or public discourse.

Dr. Thorp’s testimony is expected to offer a complete vindication for Det. Grus, supporting her suspicions from January 2022 about the unusual spike in unexplained infant deaths in Ottawa. This suspicion was intertwined with the rollout of the new experimental COVID-19 vaccines, a connection Dr. Thorp was barred from discussing during the hearings.

Why was Dr. Thorp’s perspective suppressed? What truths about the vaccine’s rollout and potential links to these tragic events are yet to be fully disclosed? Tune in as we explore these questions and more, shedding light on the intersection of medical, legal, and moral issues. This episode has the potential to significantly enhance your understanding of justice and public health, making it a must-watch for anyone seeking the untold stories behind significant legal battles and public health debates.

Jun 282024

From: Sandra Finley
Sent: June 26, 2023
To: ‘’ <>

TO:  The Current

Regarding your coverage of our collective failure to create nurturing environments for our children, 2023-06-26.  (Child welfare services, New Brunswick and elsewhere in Canada)

  • A few years ago the same conversation might more likely have been in the context of First Nations kids, the abuses they suffered in dysfunctional communities.

Today, significant advances in the health of (some, not all) First Nations communities have been achieved.  The kids begin to shine.

More data, statistics and studies was the mantra of decades past.  Think of the First Nations.  “Whites” being well paid to study fetal alcohol syndrome on reserves.  Or water quality.  Or sexual abuse of children.  More outside expertise to solve problems.

It seems to me that experience speaks loudly:

  • It is when THE COMMUNITY throws off the chains of belief that “SOMEONE ELSE WILL FIND THE SOLUTIONS FOR US”  that dramatic progress starts to happen.  Progress that is contagious.
  • The CENTRALIZATION OF POWER that comes about through Policy Documents that call for “MORE Provincial money (meaning give responsibility to the Province)”,  “MORE Federal money (meaning give responsibility to the Feds)”,  MORE data, MORE research, MORE documents, when people haven’t time to read the contents of the existing files, is counter-productive.  It ensures that not much will be accomplished, no matter how great the need.

Systems of governance make a difference.  In the debate about the failure of the Child Protection function in New Brunswick there will be no mention of who runs the province and in whose interests.  Come on.  The Lords of the Province are notoriously the  Irvings.   Not only do they own the resources;  they own almost all the media.

I think you’re not a realist if you actually believe that the System of entrenched Corporate Governance in New Brunswick, will suddenly care about the “little girl (7 years old)” who, along with siblings, has been shamelessly abused.  With the awareness of “the System”.

What’s needed is an uprising of Mothers.  Not MORE data and studies that prolong denial and suffering.

Sandra Finley

NO progress on reduction of daily and constant leg pain is apparent.  We need to try something different.

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2020-10-04  Empower vs Undermining Behavior, P. 3, Item B.    Excerpts.

It is essential for people to be able to self-advocate;  they are otherwise very vulnerable to the control of other people,  which allows for the arbitrary taking away of freedoms.

  • Michelle attended an International Conference on Self-Advocacy in Germany, one of a group representing Canada.  At home she continued with the work of self-advocacy in the community and province.
  • Michelle completed one module of on-line Montessori training.  Maria Montessori had a firm grasp of the need for the education of children to be based on “Never should teachers be doing for the student what the student is able to do for themselves”.  It robs them of dignity, makes them dependent, brings them under control and weakens their creative instinct.
  • Actions that model or impose unnecessary dependence are signature of an unhealthy relationship.  In order for children and adults to “Try things out”, innovate, which is to experiment, create, which is to learn, which is to discover their strengths (their “can do!”), which is to flourish and grow into their being, . . .
  • The environment needs to be characterized by freedom, with healthy role models, guidance and responsibility for their actions.  “Inter-dependence”.
  • Within an opposing environment lie the seeds for regimes that lead people into incomprehensible compliance  with actions they would not do, on their own.  Which in turn creates internal stress.
  • People learn and grow strong by doing.  Doing for them what they are able to do by themselves – – maybe with difficulty – –  robs them of the opportunity to know their own potential.  They become compliant out of fear.
  • Michelle likes to please people (as do many/most of us).  We have worked on strategies to enable her to better manage internalized stress.  It is naïve to think it is as simple as instructing someone to “tell me” or “tell us”.   All human beings know sub-consciously, intuitively, what they need to say or do, to secure their safety, OR how to secure freedom to do what they want to do (appropriately or inappropriately).   Michelle has a long history of responsible behavior.  Not that it was always so;  she has learned from mistakes and observations – – which is what healthy humans do.
  • Michelle is of the view that the teachings of Rudolph Steiner and the Waldorf schools are aligned with the Montessori teachings.   The teachings of both came through experience, observation, trial and reflection.

Never should teachers be doing for the student

what the student is able to do for themselves”.   . . .

Michelle is an adult, responsible for her Life and actions.  She is open to talking about things.  I try not to assert what are essentially my own priorities on her.   

For example, like most parents, I have sometimes wanted her to change her clothes to suit my tastes, because if I am honest,  I perceived that what she wore reflected negatively on me.   The change I wanted was for me, not for her.

It is appropriate for me to ask her about her choice, but not to use manipulative tactics to insist on my way because it might reflect on me, or what I wish to accomplish.

  • A woman who worked with pregnant teenagers and single mothers in High School worked with Michelle’s Girl Guide group.  They learned to identify typical behaviours of young men who might flower them with attention for the purposes of seduction. 

It was excellent, very helpful training and tools.  Michelle learned well, and passed along things I did not know about control – – HOW the undermining of the confidence and supports a person needs for navigating in the world, is done.   She was taught to identify the behaviours, and taught tools (like the broken record) to counter-act them.

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SENT:  Mon 2022-04-04   RE:  Chemical spraying of New Brunswick Forests



SUBJECT:  Support, Rod Cumberland

Dear Friends of Rod Cumberland,

I am extremely grateful to you for your work in support of Rod Cumberland.

And to Rod Cumberland himself.  Words cannot tell how much.



I was flying out of Saskatoon a few years ago.  The woman beside me was from Seattle.

Why had she been in Saskatoon?  . . . the company she worked for was under contract to the Saskatoon Health District to find efficiencies in its operations.  She commuted every weekend back to her home in Seattle.

Before we went our separate ways, this Seattleite had a perplexing observation she wished me to know.  I estimated her to be in her fifties.  She had always worked in some capacity in health care in the U.S..

NEVER in her life had she seen the concentration of children with disease (cancers, etc.) and developmental problems that she was witnessing in Saskatoon.  (kids are sent to either Saskatoon or Regina for medical treatment.)

Her comment did not surprise me.   It reinforced what I knew to be the case, from my experience working with the normalization of corruption in Canadian institutions (governmental, regulatory, university, health, research).   The stories, true and documented, that I could pass along to you will reinforce what you know to be true.

An old figure: one third of the agricultural chemicals sold in Canada are sold in Saskatchewan.  David Suzuki’s “Toxic Legacies” (2003) is a devastating documentary on the consequences of the ag chemicals for children.  The film is based on the work of Dr. Elizabeth Guillette from Florida State University (passed away in 2015).  I helped bring her to Saskatchewan.  One learns a lot from people like Dr. Guillette.

J.D Irving has some accounting to do.  I wish I had faith in the N.B. judiciary to deliver.   Rod Cumberland – – please know there are thousands more people standing solidly behind you.

New Brunswick and the Federal Govt also have the failure to protect Canadian military personnel at Camp Gagetown from the trials of Monsanto’s Agent Orange.   Another travesty.

Our economic prowess lies in the poisoning of ourselves and then the creation of remedial industries (big pharma, medical care).  Almost NEVER will we address removal of cause.  The same story is repeated over and over again.  There is always a Mr. Irving involved.   And his many courtiers.   Such betrayal of young people.

Movies are being made – that’s helpful.  I happened to watch “Dark Waters”, the Dupont Teflon story yesterday.  Robert F Kennedy Jr is making a big difference through the Children’s Health Defense Fund (DeWayne Johnson and Monsanto’s glyphosate).

I wish to send a contribution to your legal fund.   Can I use this email address?

You have no idea how happy I will be to do that.


In case you do not know this excellent book:

A Bitter Fog: Herbicides and Human Rights

by  Carol Van Strum(Goodreads Author)

This book tells the story of the people who lived in those forests and became active . . .

This book was written in the early 80s about the herbicide wars that took …

My information about Rob Cumberland’s case comes from:

I have been on this Planet for 70 plus years, and am originally from Saskatchewan.   People cannot live in good health in poisoned environments.   “A Bitter Fog” is excellent testimony.

Best wishes,

Sandra Finley


Jun 272024

UPDATE pasted in at bottom.   Lost his license and fined $6,000.

(1)     Can we rely on Canadian data?

Patrick Phillips, an Emergency Department (ED) doctor practicing in a small town north of Sudbury, Ontario has been a vocal advocate speaking out against the harms that lockdowns have caused the residents of his community.

Having witnessed the stress and toll taken on people with his own eyes, he is now seeing vaccine reactions come through his department and has concerns that his reports are not making it to the Canadian Adverse Events Following Immunization Surveillance System (CAEFISS).

He is seeing patients presenting with delirium, arm and one side of the body numbness (typically classified as a stroke), heart conditions such as palpitations, and debilitating vertigo.

Due to the arbitrary nature of vaccine reaction criteria, such as time cut-offs as short as 30 minutes post vaccination, there is concern that valid reactions are being filtered from the system.

All five of his reports have been rejected by his local Medical Officer of Health, which he claims threatens public safety by filtering out potentially valid reactions based on technicalities which apparently included missing documentation that he doesn’t necessarily have access to in the ED, such as vaccine lot numbers and time of administration.

Dr. Phillips states that he assumed it was the responsibility of the system collecting the data to locate missing information and scrutinize the input for potential safety concerns. It is up to Public Health to conduct a chart review and investigate.

After all, he says, we depend on these broad surveillance systems to determine post market safety and if the information is not being inputted then this could hinder informed consent.

We end on the discussion of the College of Physicians and Surgeons (CPSO) Statement on Public Health Misinformation that basically shuts down any medical questioning or debate on the mainstream COVID-19 narrative.

As such, Patrick, along with hundreds of other concerned doctors, have joined forces and started the Declaration of Canadian Physicians for Science and Truth.

Their mandate is to continue to put their patients, not the CPSO or any other authority, first and uphold the Hippocratic Oath of “First, Do No Harm.”

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(2)  2023-06-07   ‘Incompetent’ northern Ont. doctor loses his license to practise medicine, by Darren MacDonald, CTV Northern News.

Patrick Brian Phillips first gained attention in September 2021 when the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario barred him from issuing exemptions for COVID-19 vaccines, masking requirements and testing. (File)Patrick Brian Phillips first gained attention in September 2021 when the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario barred him from issuing exemptions for COVID-19 vaccines, masking requirements and testing. (File)

A northern Ontario doctor has been stripped of his medical licence for conduct described as “disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional.”

Patrick Brian Phillips first gained attention in September 2021 when the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario(opens in a new tab) barred him from issuing exemptions for COVID-19 vaccines, masking requirements and testing.

Phillips, who practised in Englehart, was also prohibited from prescribing ivermectin — an antiparasitic agent that Health Canada says should not be used for treating COVID-19 — as well as fluvoxamine and atorvastatin in connection with the virus.

On Feb. 9, 2022, the hospital in Kirkland Lake, Blanche River Health, suspended his hospital privileges.

A discipline tribunal heard his case June 6 and ruled he had engaged in dishonourable conduct, failed to respond to their inquiries and failed to maintain the standard of practice expected by physicians in Ontario.

In particular, the College ruled he provided “misleading, incorrect or inflammatory statements regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and related issues.”

He also disclosed online a private letter received from an Associate Medical Officer of Health and interfered with the testing of an infant for COVID-19, even though it wasn’t his patient.

“The tribunal also found that Dr. Phillips is incompetent,” the College said.

Phillips has been ordered to appear before the panel to be reprimanded, and ordered to pay $6,000 in costs by July 6.

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On his Twitter, Phillips said he pleaded “no contest” and was now “filled with so much peace, forgiveness and even gratitude for this experience.”

Phillips, who has more than 53,700 followers, said he is a former “agnostic/atheist” and then cited a Gospel quotation about turning the other cheek.

Jun 272024

Apparently, Toronto Public Health doesn’t respond to questions from Rebel News. When no one responded when I asked ‘why, and on whose authority?’ I filed a Freedom of Information request to find out.

Back in October, I conducted an interview alongside Kelly Brown where we discussed the absolutely shocking data analysis he was conducting using raw government data being put out by Public Health Ontario and Toronto Public Health. In his analysis, he breaks down vaccine adverse reaction rates — primarily myocarditis post- second injection that seems to disproportionately affect young males.

Since youth are at statistically zero risk of death from COVID complications, but are being heavily affected by what appears to be post-injection induced myocarditis at a most recent rate (as of a November 12 analysis) of 1 in 5,000 and rising, it seems like a big public health concern to make these statistics mainstream.

After Kelly revoked speaking time at a Toronto Board of Health hearing and instead went to Twitter to post his remarks, I wanted to confirm that the Toronto Board of Health, by way of Medical Officer of Health Eileen DeVilla, wasn’t basing policy or mandates on conjecture.

In order to confirm that they had, in fact, been made aware of Kelly’s work, and the concerning data being put out by Public Health Ontario, I reached out to them for comment and clarification on a few things which I list in the video interview above.

The response I received instead was shocking! Apparently, Toronto Public Health doesn’t respond to questions from Rebel News. When no one responded when I asked “why, and on whose authority?” I filed a Freedom of Information request to find out.

If you watch the clip, you’ll see who’s responsible for this decision — and just how much they earn of your hard-earned tax dollars to skirt questions and misrepresent concerning data to the public with zero transparency or accountability.

You can also read for yourself the documents we obtained through our FOI request here:

Jun 272024

A few postings on my blog contain the word “VISP”  (Vaccine INJURY and Support Program).  As usual,  I looked them up – – the CONTEXT for this June 26 VISP Report.

Journalist Tamara Ugolini is intrepid.  I do not know how she can contain the outrages –  what she knows.  Maybe it’s by writing about it, by “doing something”.

When I pieced things together, going back to 2021,  I stand in a kind of stupefied horror.  I did not know of the Toronto Board of Health role for example,  the EXTENT of the skulduggery.

– – – – – – – – – – –


  • 5 reportings by Ugolini that need to be tied together.  They aren’t long.
  • the VISP Reports
  • Canada has more than one reporting system for covid injuries.  It took me a while to figure that out.

I don’t think anyone has illusions about the barriers to reporting vaccine injuries in Canada, especially during the covid years.  . . .

– – – – – – – – – – –

FOUR REPORTINGS BY UGOLINI, chronological order

  1. 2021-11-29 Toronto Public Health misrepresenting COVID data and avoiding substantive questions. Tamara Ugolini

  2. 2022-01-26 Covid: Toronto Board of Health scrubs (very serious – death) vaccine reaction story from public archive. Tamara Ugolini

WHICH vaccine reaction story did the Toronto Board of Health scrub from the public record?  . . .  it’s the story of Dan Hartman’s 17 -year-old hockey player son.    Then came . . .

4.   2024-02-26 From loss to lawsuit: Ontario dad’s  (Hartman’s) emotional rollercoaster as government offers deal after son dies suddenly, Tamara Ugolini

Next,  this:

5.   2024-06-04   Supporters gather to fundraise grieving father’s lawsuit against Pfizer and Health Canada after his teenage son died suddenly, by Tamara Ugolini, Rebel News

And now today,  VISP REPORT #4   Feds compensate $14M to victims of the vaccine campaign.  Payment Average is  $77,000.

– – – – – – – – – – –


The VISP Reports are scheduled for every 6 months:

  1. 2023-03-22 Government Report #1 on Vaccine Injuries, deaths:    $ Paid Out (Canada)
  2. 2023-06 Covid VISP REPORT #2 (Vaccine Injuries, Deaths, and Dollars paid out. Canada) $6,695,716

Statistics up to June 1, 2023,  EXCERPT:

The Report is from our Health system.  This program is funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada and administered by RCGT Consulting Inc

Today’s posting below says:

more than 60% of the budget allocation to this program goes to the consultants administering it. That means that the majority of the funds do not go . . . to Canadians who were victims of intense psychological propaganda campaigns and marketing schemes that required indiscriminate adherence to the safe and effective injection ritual.

careful (re Report #2) – – at first glance it looks like 103 injured people shared the $6,695,716  (a $65,000 settlement on average).  I have to ask if I understand correctly: some of these people are permanently, substantially maimed.  They contributed to their family’s income.  Not only is the income gone;  the bills for caring for the maimed person into the years ahead will break the family.  Their claim has been settled.  That’s all the financial help they will receive.)  . . .

Excerpt from For Your Selection, July 12, 2023:

$6,695,716   This is the total amount of indemnities (compensation) paid out so far.   I recommend you acquaint yourself with the details.  The Report is an ADMINISTRATIVE report:  it reports on the status of the claims in the system,  a distinguishing feature of the Canadian reporting system.  But it doesn’t report on the HEALTH-related datathe efficacy of the vaccines, their contribution to our health full ness.  We paid billions.  We get reports on the ADMINISTRATION and not the efficacy?     (CORRECTION:  I discovered much, much later that there is at least one other report – – more below)

The posting on Report #2 includes:


To me the devastation of this woman, her family, and the family finances was almost complete.  But people are amazing.  The lady went from full health to  minimal capabilities.  But!  she knows something that not many know:  how to access what help is available through the Federal Govt  (Canada – – VISP).   She is determined to share that information, and to connect others like herself in whatever ways she is able to help.  (Keeping in mind that her ability to function has been permanently and severely compromised by the vaccinations.)  I wonder if I would do what she is doing, or would I cry in despair and isolation?)

3.   2024-  Covid VISP REPORT #3  – –  Oops!  I missed a Report.

Every 6 months means

Report #1.  Dec 1/2022.

Report #2.  Data up to June 1, 2023.

Report #3.  Data up Dec 1/2023.

Report #4.  Data up to June 1, 2024.    I MAY HAVE SOMETHING WRONG:  REPORT #4  SAYS  that it is data “as of January 5, 2024″.  Maybe they are 5 months behind in the reporting?

4.  TODAY:  Covid VISP REPORT #4   Feds compensate $14M to victims of the vaccine campaign.  Payment Average is  $77,000.

The Liberal government has paid out multi-millions to the victims of the COVID-19 safe and effective vaccine marketing ploy, representing a small fraction of total claimants who have suffered debilitating injury or death.

The Vaccine Injury Support Program (VISP) was born from the Canadian government’s 2020 decision to fast-track novel COVID-19 mRNA vaccines to market. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had already assured Canadians that a vaccine was necessary to get back to normal in April of that year.

In this month’s update that reflects reporting up until June 1 2024, the program has now paid out over $14 million to the victims of the safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine marketing mantra.

Yet this $14 million has been paid to a fraction of all claimants.

A total of 2,628 people have filed claims, with a meagre 183 of them being officially approved by the VISP gatekeepers – the government’s medical review board.

That means that out of just over $14 million in compensation paid, each approved claimant would have received an average of $78,000.

The VISP program exclusively supports individuals who have “experienced a serious and permanent injury from a Health Canada-authorized vaccine, administered in Canada on or after December 8, 2020,” aiming to ensure “fair and timely access to financial support.”

A serious and permanent injury, as defined by the VISP FAQ webpage, is a severe, life-threatening or life-altering injury requiring in-person hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization, resulting in persistent or significant disability, incapacity, congenital malformation, or death.

If you can no longer work and provide for yourself or your family, a payout of less than $80,000 is expected to cover a lifetime of incapacity, disability, and potentially even compensate for death.

While the Liberals quietly expanded the VISP program in Budget 2024, it was first reported by Rebel News that more than 60% of the budget allocation to this program goes to the consultants administering it. That means that the majority of the funds do not go into the pockets of Canadians who were victims of intense psychological propaganda campaigns and marketing schemes that required indiscriminate adherence to the safe and effective injection ritual.

This program, despite being touted as fair and timely, has seen those suffering injuries wait up to a year just to be assigned a VISP case manager.

According to the Government of Canada’s own COVID-19 vaccine special interest safety reporting, as of January 5, 2024, there have been a total of 488 reports with an outcome of death following vaccination.

Yet less than 200 total adverse events reports have been officially approved by VISP.

Could that be because Health Canada took two years to streamline COVID-19 adverse events reporting? Causing chaos and confusion as doctors attempted to submit documentation.

Or perhaps the bloated bureaucracy and mountains of paperwork required to navigate the program are too cumbersome for those suffering from debilitating neurological impairments.

That is if doctors’ adverse events reports ever make it through the multi-layered filtering system put in place by the gatekeepers at public health.

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  1. There’s VISP  (Vaccine Injury Support Program)
  2. Canadian Adverse Events Following Immunization Surveillance System (CAEFISS).  (Started pre-covid.)
  3. Reported side effects following COVID-19 vaccination in Canada    The URL for this one is     If you have time, take a look around.

REPORTED SIDE EFFECTS     Cherry-picking by me:

      • Overall, most adverse event reports were from females
      • Within the youngest age groups (<18 years of age) the reporting rate is similar in males and females
      • The higher proportion and rate of adverse event reports for females has been observed in the United States, the United Kingdom, Israel, and other countries.
      • By age group,  the largest number of adverse events are in the 40 to 49 year-olds.  The second largest group – 50 to 59 year-olds; third largest age group is 30 to 39 year-olds.
      • Deaths from the vaccines – –  scroll way, way down.  Under heading  Safety signals identified and other safety updates,  just above Acknowledgements,  click on DEATHS:

                        Up to and including January 5, 2024, a total of 488 reports with an outcome of death were        reported following vaccination. Although these deaths occurred after being vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine, they are not necessarily related to the vaccine.

        (you can read all the other qualifiers for yourself!  at


This page was last updated on January 19, 2024 with data up to and including January 5, 2024.

Adverse events of special interest, safety signals, and deaths

Adverse events of special interest (AESI) are pre-specified medically significant events that have the potential to be causally associated with a vaccine product. They must be carefully monitored and confirmed by further special studies. AESI can be serious or non-serious and can include:

  • events of interest due to their association with COVID-19 infection.
  • events of interest for vaccines in general (e.g. to the specific vaccine type or adjuvants).

The list of AESIs below takes into consideration the lists of AESIs from these expert groups, manufacturers and regulatory authorities:

The AESI list changes based on the evolving safety profile of vaccines. Although adverse events may occur after being vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine, they are not necessarily related to the vaccine. Health Canada and PHAC review the reports to determine whether the vaccine may have played a role.

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I believe that most of the Injuries and Deaths are not included in the data.  They weren’t and aren’t reported, mostly because the vested interest is in NON DISCLOSURE.   Keep ’em ignorant.   Collateral damage.

Jun 272024
Dan Hartman’s story about his teenaged son’s death after his first Pfizer injection has been removed from the January 17 livestream.

Toronto Board of Health scrubs vaccine reaction story clip from public archive

A mere day and a half after the interview that I conducted with unofficial COVID data analyst Kelly Brown, where we discussed the deputation that he delivered to the Toronto Board of Health on January 17, the board privatized, then removed one speakers delegation before re-publishing the video.

How do I know? Well, because I watched the livestreamed, public meeting.

When I went back to source further references from the livestreamed, public video, posted on Friday, January 21, I was shocked to find that it had been listed as private.

A short while later, the video was re-published under the Board of Health video archive, but with at least one deputation missing — the speech of Dan Hartman.

He runs a twitter page called Answers4Sean where he claims that his 17-year-old son died a mere few weeks after his first Pfizer injection.

His entire speech and the dialogue that he had with Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam is gone!

There was one clip that made it onto social media. While it’s not the complete account, it’s better than the absolute nothing left with from the Board of Health public archive.

Some of you may remember a few months ago when I pointed relevant and important questions to Toronto Public Health, only to have them come back to me that they don’t respond to inquiries from Rebel News.

And now that I have further questions for Dr. Eileen de Villa and Toronto Public Health, I knew that they would not respond to me. This means I have to file an Access to Information Request.

Please consider helping fund this kind of investigative journalism by visiting

I want to know who made this decision and why. I want to know what else has been scrubbed from the public record since March 2020 and if it is commonplace for the Board of Health to tamper with the public record?

Ontarians, the Canadian public and people everywhere need to be made aware of the allegations of COVID-19 vaccine injury and cases need to be thoroughly investigated to determine accurate cause of death. Without that, true informed consent cannot be ascertained.

Jun 242024
Julian Assange is free. He left Belmarsh maximum security prison on the morning of 24 June, after having spent 1901 days there. He was granted bail by the High Court in London and was released at Stansted airport during the afternoon, where he boarded a plane and departed the UK. This is the result of a global campaign that spanned grass-roots organisers, press freedom campaigners, legislators and leaders from across the political spectrum, all the way to the United Nations.
This created the space for a long period of negotiations with the US Department of Justice, leading to a deal that has not yet been formally finalised. We will provide more information as soon as possible.
After more than five years in a 2×3 metre cell, isolated 23 hours a day, he will soon reunite with his wife Stella Assange, and their children, who have only known their father from behind bars. WikiLeaks published groundbreaking stories of government corruption and human rights abuses, holding the powerful accountable for their actions. As editor-in-chief, Julian paid severely for these principles, and for the people’s right to know.

As he returns to Australia, we thank all who stood by us, fought for us, and remained utterly committed in the fight for his freedom. Julian’s freedom is our freedom.

Julian Assange boards flight at London Stansted Airport at 5PM (BST) Monday June 24th. This is for everyone who worked for his freedom: thank you. #FreedJulianAssange

“Throughout the years of Julian’s imprisonment and persecution, an incredible movement has been formed. People from all walks of life from around the world who support not just Julian… but what Julian stands for: truth and justice.” –
SA KH statement 260624
A statement from Stella Assange and Kristinn Hrafnsson.
Jun 182024
Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach announces he is suing Pfizer during a June 17, 2024, news conference at the Statehouse in Topeka

Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach announces he is suing Pfizer during a June 17, 2024, news conference at the Statehouse in Topeka. (Sherman Smith/Kansas Reflector)

TOPEKA — Attorney General Kris Kobach filed a civil lawsuit Monday against pharmaceutical company Pfizer, alleging that “Pfizer misled the public that it had a ‘safe and effective’ COVID-19 vaccine,” violating the state’s Consumer Protection Act.

The state seeks “civil monetary penalties, damages, and injunctive relief from misleading and deceptive statements made in marketing its COVID-19 vaccine,” Kobach said.

In the complaint, Kobach alleges that Pfizer willfully concealed, suppressed and omitted material facts relating to the COVID-19 vaccine, the “most egregious” ones regarding safety of the vaccine for pregnant people, in regard to heart conditions, its effectiveness against variants and its ability to stop transmission.

“Pfizer marketed its vaccine as safe for pregnant women,” Kobach said. “However, in February of 2021 (they) possessed reports of 458 pregnant women who received Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine during pregnancy. More than half of the pregnant women reported an adverse event, and more than 10% reported a miscarriage.”

The percentage of “adverse events” — which is a term that means any negative reaction — was higher in pregnant women than the general population by roughly 17 percent, according to a study published in the journal Medicine in February 2022.

An earlier study published in the New England Journal of Medicine in April 2021 offered preliminary findings that did not show any significant safety concerns among pregnant individuals who received the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, indicating that observed miscarriages were not unusual and likely not a direct result of the vaccine.

Kobach says that Pfizer marketed the vaccine as safe in terms of heart conditions such as myocarditis and pericarditis. He referenced a question Albert Bourla, Pfizer CEO was asked in January 2023 of if the vaccine caused severe myocarditis, to which Bourla responded “we have not seen a single signal, although we have distributed billions of doses.”

“However, as Pfizer knew, the United States Government, the United States Military foreign governments and others have found that Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine caused myocarditis and pericarditis,” Kobach said.

According to the CDC, cases of myocarditis and pericarditis caused by the COVID-19 vaccine are rare, and most patients experienced resolution of symptoms by hospital discharge.

Kobach says Pfizer marketed its vaccine as effective against COVID-19 variants, “even though data available at the time showed Pfizer’s vaccine was effective less than half the time.”

His final allegation in the complaint was that the company falsely marketed the vaccine as preventing transmission.

“Pfizer urged Americans to get vaccinated in order to protect their loved ones, clearly indicating a claim that Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccination stopped transmission,” Kobach said. “Pfizer later admitted that they’ve never even studied transmission after the recipients receive the vaccine.”

In a statement, Pfizer said its COVID-19 vaccine saved countless lives and that the company’s claims about the vaccine were accurate and based on science.

“The company believes that the state’s case has no merit and will respond to the suit in due course,” the statement said. “Pfizer is deeply committed to the well-being of the patients it serves and has no higher priority than ensuring the safety and effectiveness of its treatments and vaccines.”

Kansas is the first state to file such a lawsuit, though Kobach says five other states will be joining. They will make announcements independently. The only other confirmed state is Idaho.

“More suits may follow, depending on Pfizer’s reaction,” Kobach said.

In 2023, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton sued Pfizer for “unlawfully misrepresenting the effectiveness of the company’s COVID-19 vaccine and attempting to censor public discussion of the product.” That suit was also based on the state’s Consumer Protection Act.

The case is filed in Thomas County. Kobach says this is because they wanted to go to a place with a lighter workload, to make sure they had the time to deal with it.

When asked if he’d received the Pfizer vaccine, Kobach declined to answer. “I think whether I’ve received the vaccination is irrelevant to the lawsuit, it’s not about me,” he said. “It’s about the statements that were made to the people of Kansas.”