Dec 022011
2011-11-29  US cops now allowed to operate in Canada.  Important article, Toronto Star.

This is an important article.   Further information:  click on  2006-09-13   Maclean’s Magazine interview,  President of the Americas for Lockheed Martin Ron Covais,   Meet NAFTA 2.0 ~~~~~~~~    I think we had better all join Occupy.  Before the Occupation of our land is complete.    ~~~~~~~~~~~ Join ANY group – CONNECT WITH, GET TO KNOW OTHERS, do ANYTHING that helps your […]

Nov 172011
CRITICALLY IMPORTANT EVENT: Five-city tour:  Our water is not for sale. Alternative Water Futures in Alberta - Dec. 5-9.  I will attend.

In case people do not understand the significance/seriousness, please find an appended list of postings that put water in Canada into context. There is a looming spectre of environmental refugees from the southwestern U.S.A., because of known and growing water shortages.   The corporate and Big Government agenda is to “privatize” Canadian water. Water was supposed […]

Nov 042011

George Soros, “the best fund manager in history, a stateless statesman, and an original thinker”, turned philanthropist.  From his book, “Open Society  [Reforming Global Capitalism]”, published in 2000 by PublicAffairs. p. xi,  “… Perhaps the greatest threat to freedom and democracy in the world today comes from the formation of unholy alliances between government and […]

Mar 262011

Invitation: CETA: NAFTA on Steroids – Winnipeg April 7  You are invited! See the attached poster. Please circulate and invite others who might be interested.  CETA: NAFTA on Steroids A threat to family farms, public health care, and public services  A public meeting presented by the National Farmers Union  Come hear NFU President Terry Boehm, […]

Feb 282011

The Council of Canadians has  50,000+  members.  The work they do is incredibly important.  It will be an even more powerful statement when Maude Barlow (The Council)  can say:  this is the voice of 100,000 Canadians.   Encourage people to take out a membership.    /Sandra Council of Canadians’ hosts tele-town hall  By Pina Belperio      […]

Feb 082011

Remain centred, calm!  Then fight like hell.  CETA (it doesn’t get much worse) and now the perimeter deal. Thanks to the Council of Canadians and the National Farmers Union (NFU) for keeping us informed. If I say CETA do you know what I’m talking about?  Some of you do, for sure.  But ALL of us […]

Jun 172009

Banksters: Index INSERT   May 31, 2017: IMPORTANT, in relation to INFRASTRUCTURE SPENDING Scroll down to (1)  CITIZEN OWNERSHIP OF ELECTRICITY SUPPLY (2)  WHAT HAPPENS UNDER NAFTA (3)  BRAD WALL AND THE “WESTERN ENERGY CORRIDOR”   (information regarding situation in the U.S., water)   = = = = = = = = = = = = = […]

Sep 132006

The interview with the Lockheed Martin CEO spells out how the corporations will, and do circumvent democracy.  It is important for Canadians to understand, if they are to successfully reclaim their democracy. We’ve decided not to recommend any things that would require legislative changes because we won’t get anywhere .. The guidance from the ministers […]