By Bill Curry The Liberal government has introduced a second large budget bill that includes a new law establishing Canada’s participation in the Beijing-based Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. Bill C-63, Finance Minister Bill Morneau’s second budget bill of the year, enacts a wide range of measures related to his March budget. Like the first budget […]
Background? There is a very good German video that explains how “the monster payday” works. Note the date: 2015-11-16 YouTube: German Public TV tells Europeans re ISDS (Investor State Dispute Settlements). Canada? U.S.? What are we seeing? The recent report below related to Argentina is evidence of how widespread the problem is. Canadians point out […]
Banksters: Index RE Re-negotiation of NAFTA (1994, Jan.1), triggered by the Trump Administration on May 17th, 2017: 90 day Notice, required under American law for the Administration’s negotiation of a trade deal, was given by U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer to Congress, May 17, 2017. Re-negotiation between the U.S., Mexico, and Canada cannot begin until at minimum, 90 days […]
Banksters: Index Adam Smith to PM, Fin Min, his MP June 2017 Feel free to use whatever you want, copy paste even, no attribution necessary. ? I want my letter spread far and wide. Cheers, Adam This exemplary letter by young Canadian Adam Smith is indeed about the “Wealth of Nations“! (The Wealth of Nations is ” the […]
Banksters: Index In a sign that Independent senators are continuing to assert that independence, some in the Red Chamber are attempting to force the government to split off the infrastructure bank from the budget implementation bill, threatening to delay not only the creation of the bank but the government’s budget plans. Independent Quebec Senator […]
Banksters: Index Letter sent by Fiona McMurran: To Senator Andre Pratte, I would like to offer you my complete support for your motion to separate the Canadian Infrastructure Bank from Bill C-44 for the purposes of studying the bank separately. Canadians have numerous concerns about the infrastructure bank as proposed by the federal Liberal government. […]
Bold, italicized, underlined text is a link. General “News Reports” are under one heading (News..). A button is on top right corner of each linked posting, for ease of getting back to Banksters: Index. What’s All the Fuss? – – scroll down, you’ll get an idea. At the simplest level, to me, it is this: Canadians […]
Banksters: Index Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland was interviewed on CBC Radio, The House (June 10). (The interview starts at 3:05, ends at 16:30) Host Chris Hall asked some hard questions of Freeland re use of “hard power” in foreign policy. BUT re NAFTA, Nothing re ISDS (Investor-State Dispute Settlement) – also referred to as […]

Banksters: Index With many thanks to Common Dreams (U.S.). This is an extremely helpful article for Canadians, by Bernie Sanders. NOTE: scroll down below to: TOP 10 FAILED PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS (USA). This is important documentation. These kind of projects are being proposed for Canada, under the $188 billion (up from $180 billion) in infrastructure spending […]