Dec 012023

The previous “For Your Selection” was Oct 21-27, with an emphasis on COMMON SENSE.  Tamara Lich was jailed and denied bail because she was identified as THE LEADER of the Freedom Convoy that rocked Canada and many other countries.  Tamara is awesome and thank Goodness it was HER and not someone else who played her […]

Nov 042023

The previous “For Your Selection” was Sept 10th, with an emphasis on covid Court cases. The number of cases across Canada for which “charges are dropped” is significant and continuing. NEW POSTINGS (since Sept 10th): 1.   2023-10-20   Are the failed court cases evidence of abuse of process?  (unjustified or unreasonable use of legal proceedings to […]

Sep 212023

The last “For Your Selection” sent out was July 12th, with an emphasis on the Artur Pawlowski court case. = = = = = = = = SEPTEMBER 10th   Hi Everyone, A large win in the US:   2023-09-10 Appeals court rules Biden administration censored free speech I have posted examples of the Canadian Covid […]

Jul 142023

15 postings listed at bottom. If you have time for only one posting,  make it #1 under the FOR YOUR SELECTION links at bottom:   2023-07-09 (covid mandates) The Appeal made to the EU Parliament regarding the Artur Pawlowski case in Alberta There were  remaining charges related to the Coutts blockade.  “Mischief”,  deemed to be […]

Feb 092022

Hi Everyone! If you have time for only two, if you haven’t seen: COMMUNICATIONS DIRECT FROM THE FREEDOM CONVOY 1.     2022-02-08 Freedom Convoy – Medical Experts Press Conference In Ottawa   2.     2022-02-08 Freedom Convoy Press Conference with Security Experts Tom Quiggen and Danny Bulford. – – – – – – – – […]

Jan 262022

This is especially for people who are not receiving information through social media feeds. Please share with them. – – – – –  – – Developments are happening rapidly;  what is current one day is quickly superceded. – – – – –  – – Update, a case we’ve been following:  The U.S. has withdrawn the […]

Oct 142021

Time for only one?   Make it this. Jeffrey Rath frequents and is accustomed to winning in the Supreme Court of Canada,  Federal Court, and Appeal Courts. 2021-10-05   Lawyer Jeffrey Rath,  letter to College of Physicians and Surgeons demands resignations over mandated vaccines    – – – – – – […]

Oct 062021

AN ACTION PRACTICE  IDENTIFYING  PROPAGANDA HEALTH OFFICIALS SAY COVID THE LAW RESISTANCE AN ACTION Part 1 of 2:  An opportunity: communicate with your employer re forced inoculation as a condition of employment     2. Part 2 of 2: Customer letter to a Business: forced inoculation of employees is too fascist/nazi-ist for me.    […]