Hugh Grant has been the CEO of Monsanto since 2003. He should receive an achievement award – – for the most people in the world rallied against one company! I had to laugh when I heard (Feb 15) Monsanto, 168-page subpoena served on Avaaz demands names and addresses of Avaazers who have signed Monsanto campaigns […]
On Tuesday April 18th, 2017, the five international judges of the Monsanto Tribunal presented their legal opinion. They have come to important conclusions, both on the conduct of Monsanto and on necessary developments in international law. The judges conclude that Monsanto has engaged in practices which have negatively impacted the right to a healthy environment, […]
2018-03-05 Monsanto says its pesticides are safe. Now, a court wants to see the proof, The Guardian. Monsanto says its pesticides are safe. Now, a court wants to see the proof Carey Gillam This week’s events will mark the first time that the science used to justify certain pesticides will be analyzed under oath for all to see ‘Real lives are at stake in this and broader debates about pesticide risks […]
Take Action to Stop the Merger If the companies Monsanto and Bayer are allowed to merge, the new company could control around 30% of the global seed market and 25% of agricultural pesticides. This merger could further increase the price of seed, decrease choice in the marketplace for Canadian farmers, and stifle research and development. […]
Big Pharma is under serious attack, along with all the corruption they spawn. The corruption and rot in the Centre for Disease Control (CDC, Atlanta) and some other health agencies has been blown open, as documented in earlier postings. Citizens’ groups are stepping up to the plate. March Against Monsanto is the most recent addition to the resistance […]
I can wish you peace because we have contributed to its happening! Thank-you for the joy I feel. Sometimes our condition seems tragic, but when you take an overview, maybe it’s not-so-bad, and against the odds of money and organized white-collar death crimes. The invisible bonds between us are exercised – – wow! look at those biceps! Notes on a […] The Associated Press SEATTLE – Washington has become the first U.S. state to sue the agrochemical giant Monsanto over pervasive pollution from PCBs, the toxic industrial chemicals that have accumulated in plants, fish and people around the globe for decades. The company said the case “lacks merit.” Democratic Gov. Jay Inslee and Attorney […]
Last updated: Partial update Oct, 2015. A few more updates. March, 2018. Work to be done! BELOW: Links to anti-GMO groups, centring around MAM (March Against Monsanto). Emphasis on Canadian groups. Scroll down to CANADA. Most are facebook groups, some are blogs (you don’t have to be on facebook). If the link is facebook, […]
—–Original Message—– From: Sandra Finley Lobbying to assert the public interest is no more than banging one’s head against the wall, if we can’t get the corporate influences out of the Government and the universities. ========== Continuation of: An integrated approach to solving the problem of chemicals and health. Began April 03, 2006. This follows: […]