Slow progress on tax havens and offshore banking. We started following the issue more seriously in June 2013. In 2015 the CRA report about KPMG Canada sending its clients to offshore tax havens helped heighten awareness that we plebeians are footing the tax bills while the wealthy are doing their share, gorging themselves, enjoying the generosity of […]

Federal authorities demanded secrecy in no-penalty, no-prosecution deal to high net worth Canadians . . . IMPORTANT go to this CBC URL: and listen to the mini-doc near the top. The story of two women the CRA went after is told, in sharp contrast to the “no-penalty, no-prosecution” confidential deals offered to the very […]
ACTION on OFFSHORE BANKING? – – LEADNOW 2016-04-04 The Panama Papers: world reacts to huge offshore tax files leak, The Guardian. (With links to more)) Dear Sandra, We have a chance to turn public outrage about the Panama Papers into lasting changes that make sure the super-wealthy pay their fair share. Share the campaigning calling for […]
NOTE: Details, related postings, comments – – see 2016-04-04 The Panama Papers: world reacts to huge offshore tax files leak, The Guardian When Daniel Ellsberg photocopied and leaked the Pentagon Papers to the New York Times in 1971, those 7,000 pages of top secret Vietnam War documents represented what was then the biggest […]
Guardian analysis of leaked papers will show how influential people including heads of government have exploited tax havens Juliette Garside, Holly Watt and David Pegg The hidden wealth of some of the world’s most prominent leaders, politicians and celebrities has been revealed by an unprecedented leak of millions of documents that show the myriad ways […]

OFFSHORE BANKING (includes Tax Havens) It’s worth the time to try and understand a bit of the huge role played by offshore banking. It is estimated that half of the world’s GDP flows through tax-sheltered secret bank accounts and trusts – – trillions of dollars. Maybe you think it’s not a big deal, you live […]
The waves of mobilization underway are incredible! This is American based. Just a small sampling. Most of them are new to me. I have particular interest in Reset The Net (you’ll see it below) because it’s related to the Edward Snowden leaks and thereby to Lockheed Martin’s participation in Statistics Canada. Excerpts from Tim DeChristopher, […]
In follow-up to: 2014-03-24 Snowden, Vancouver, TED Talks From Popular Resistance, DAILY MOVEMENT NEWS Reset the Net, seeks to restore privacy to the Internet by our own actions rather than waiting for the government, which seems to put the security state ahead of our privacy. People are taking action now to push Internet providers […]

I want to make sure this TED Talk by Ron Finley is widely known. Maybe you’ll experience the same high as I did, watching it?! – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Ron Finley’s work is very positive and creative. It is CONSTRUCTION; this is what […]
I am writing a rebuttal to this article which has been published in newspapers in Canada, the U.S., Australia, the U.K. There are several problems with the article. June 6 Reuters (USA and Canada), published in my local newspaper on June 17, page A4. By Chris Francescani Thu Jun 7, 2012 6:39pm EDT (Reuters) […]