Jun 172015


(2015-04-18)  Hundreds of Millions of Dollars already paid out to corporations because of trade deals. It’s about to multiply many times over (TPP, CETA, etc.).

(2013-11-09)   Contrast: Transatlantic Trade Deals (CETA & TTIP), also TPP vs “We Are Living in the World Occupy Made”

(2013-06-11)    CETA (also about GMO’s): Canada ready to raise threshold on foreign takeovers to $1.5B [and other give aways]

(2011-03-24)   CETA is NAFTA on Steroids – Cross Canada Tour

Regarding the TPP, but applies in general to the Trade Deals:

Thanks to Janet Eaton:

June 17,   Amanda Lang with Prof Gus van Harten on The Exchange

8:00 AST,   9:00 EST

Dear All:

Canada’s Trade Justice Network (TJN) just got wind that several people will be interviewed on “the Exchange” tonight,  about our TJN media release today on the TPP, TransPacific Partnership Agreement recent poll showing that only 1 in 4 Canadians had heard of the TPP. [See release below]

One of the interviewees will be Gus van Harten , York University, Osgoode Hall, Law Professor whose scholarly writings on Investor-State Dispute Settlement [ISDS] and the CETA, the Canada – US Comprehensive and Economic Trade Agreement, have been immensely helpful to the Trade Justice Network, European networks and all folks working to help the public, NGO’s and politicians understand Investor State Agreements, how they differ from our domestic courts, and the negative potential they have for our democracy, sovereignty, judicial system and our pocket books among other things.

Gus Van Harten’s recent book on the Canada China FIPA – Foreign Investment Protection Agreement is a must read for anyone wanting to see how unbalanced this deal is – basically leaving Canada out in the cold while giving China everything but the kitchen sink and to further understand how ISDS works since it is the dispute settlement in the FIPA. . His book is “Sold Down the Yangtze: Canada’s Lopsided Investment Deal” May 15, 2015.

The media release by TJN :  http://www.tradejustice.ca/en/

fyi-  janet

Janet M Eaton, Member of the Trade Justice Network


75% of Canadians have never heard of major “TPP” trade deal being negotiated in secret June 17, 2015

OTTAWA (June 17, 2015) –

Three out of four Canadians have no idea that the federal government is negotiating a huge international trade deal known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) that could have serious repercussions for the country, a new poll suggests.

The poll, conducted by Environics Research Group for Trade Justice Network, found that 75 per cent of respondents had not heard of the TPP, which is being negotiated with 11 other Pacific Rim countries and would cover more than a third of the world´s trade.

The survey also found: Seventy-five per cent of respondents were very or somewhat concerned that the deal is being negotiated in secret with no input from MPs, labour leaders, environmentalists or other experts.

Eighty-three per cent of respondents were very or somewhat concerned that the deal could include a provision allowing multinational corporations to sue Canadian governments under trade tribunals – rather than though the courts – if they feel our labour, environmental, health or other standards contravene the TPP and would lead to a loss of profits.

Forty-seven per cent of respondents said Canada is more likely to lose jobs under the TPP as Canadian companies move manufacturing and other jobs to low-wage countries, such as Vietnam where the average wage is 65 cents an hour.

Only five per cent said Canada is more likely to gain jobs. Forty-six per cent said they didn´t know enough to say.

The survey of 1,002 Canadians was commissioned by Trade Justice Network (TJN), a coalition of social, labour, environmental, student and other groups concerned about the secrecy and anti-democratic provisions of international trade negotiations.

TJN spokesman Martin O´Hanlon said the whole process surrounding the TPP negotiation is “deeply disturbing.” “Most Canadians have no idea that this deal is being negotiated in secret under the guidance of multinational corporations with no input from labour leaders, environmental experts or even MPs,” O´Hanlon said. “It´s frightening that this can happen in a democracy.”

One of the most troubling things about the TPP is the fact that multinational corporations would have the power to override Canadian sovereignty and sue our governments under secretive trade tribunals, O´Hanlon said. “Who else has the power to avoid the courts?” he asked. “This process effectively puts corporations above the law.”

O´Hanlon also stressed that the deal will result in the loss of thousands of Canadian jobs as manufacturers and others move work to low-wage Vietnam. “We support fair trade, but how can you have a fair trade deal with countries like Vietnam that pay workers 65 cents an hour and have no real health, safety, labour or environmental regulations?”

The poll, which was conducted by telephone June 3-12, is considered accurate to within 3.2 percentage points 19 times out of 20.

You can find the Trade Justice Network on Twitter (@TradeJusticeNet) and on Facebook.

For more information contact:

Martin O´Hanlon Trade Justice Network (613) 867-5090

Bill Gillespie Trade Justice Network (647) 786-4332

Share also on facebook Trade Justice Network

The Trade Justice Network is comprised of environmental, civil society, student, Indigenous, cultural, farming, labour and social justice organizations that have come together to challenge the scope and secret negotiating process of most free trade agreements. We seek to highlight the need for a more sustainable, equitable and socially just international trade regime.

  2 Responses to “2015-06-17 CBC TV’s Amanda Lang Re TPP”

  1. I watched it at 4:00 pm here on the West Coast. Thanks, Janet!

    NOTE: not mentioned on the show – – the huge resistance in other countries to these trade deals (the beneficiaries are the large corporations).

  2. Janet writes:

    I was at a meeting and just saw a replay of it now-

    I agree that he might have mentioned the opposition around the world – In fact in comparison to the very expert analysis of the ISDS he chives in his writing he was not very hard hitting.

    There are so many egregious aspects he didn’t bring up which immediately discredit the mechanism as he called it – that he might have reiterated or listed, which give immediate insight about how privatized a system it is compared to our own public domestic courts – and about its impacts on our sovereignty, democracy and finances – he mentioned it was unfair to Canadians but didn’t mention the real reasons why- which I thought he would have done. I had the feeling that he was holding back while trying hard to appear balanced.

    But it was good that Amanda Lang had him on and that she seemed to get it. Good for Amanda Lang – first Galati and the Bank of Canada issue and now Gus on ISDS etc both issues that basically allow corporations great power over our finances, and sovereignty.

    take care

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