May 152012

I don’t know when I heard the first fighter jet fly over my home
in Saskatoon.  Sometime in the last year
or two.  I wondered what on Earth was
happening.  Moose Javians (live in Moose
Jaw, SK) might be accustomed to them – NATO does training exercises at their
nearby Air Force base.


WHAT are they doing HERE?
If you know, please let me know.
If no one knows, I had better find out!


The first time the fighter jets fly over, a chill goes in your
bones. You cannot mistake them for a West Jet or Air Canada flight, not by
sound nor by sight.   Now they are almost


Fighter jets should not be flying over our cities, as a step in the
normalization of a military state.   “Conditioning” us.


One flew over my home yesterday evening.  Another time, coincidentally
just after I’d sent out an email to challenge Lockheed Martin at the University!,
one roared very low over the house;  a
minute later the phone rang.  Larry had
been in his backyard.   He phoned to ask
if I’d seen the devil – – from where he stood about 10 blocks away, it looked
as though the plane went right over my house.
I assured him it had!  (I seem to
be on a flight path.)


Lynn writes:


Sandra,  I refer to the jets as ” grooming us ” for war, I use
the words deliberately because that is what sex offenders do, they condition
their victims for abuse.


Imagine, we are
supposed to accept austerity in order to provide Lockheed Martin with huge
profits.  I was reading about Obama in Z magazine and his connections with
General Dynamics who have increased their profits threefold in eight years,
a 300% increase, while we get accustomed to many more people being
homeless, while middle income people are bankrupted by health insurance
payments that have increased that much as well.

  3 Responses to “3 of 6 Stop fighter jets from flying over our cities, normalizing the police state.”

  1. These fighter jets have to stop at major airports to refuel and for the pilots to rest and eat. We as a country do not have the air force bases to get the fighter jet across the country. And yes If we want to remain a sovereign country we do need an air force to defend our skies across the country.

  2. Thank-you for the explanation Trevor.

    There is another view on militarization. My educational background is a Bachelor of Commerce. My viewpoint has been formed from 60 plus years of observing our society.

    What we have today, very different from my youth, is sophisticated “marketing” (i.e. propaganda) and corporate power that is out-of-control.

    I think it must be sickening for Americans to hear the words of, for exampe, Lockheed Martin CEO Marillyn Hewson explaining that their “growth” markets lie in areas of the world where there are tensions and conflict. The “defense” industry which has so bankrupted and corrupted the system of governance of the U.S. is now arming people whom Americans have been taught are their enemies. Corporations with $40 billion in revenue have too much power. In my early life there were laws to prevent the concentration of wealth IN REACTION to the very thing we are experiencing today – – corruption of democracy.

    Profit-driven corporations have taken over. They are companies looking for new customers. (Canada is one – – we are a market for outrageously expensive F-35s for example.) These corporations will sell their goods to people we are taught to hate, rather than to find solutions. Conflict has become a commodity. We are on a finite planet.

    I will post here the link to Marillyn Hewson’s words. The whole planet will be a “conflict” zone through the positively absurd economic and accounting system we have, the application of “bottom line” thinking, Comedy / tragedy. /Sandra

  3. Hi again Trevor,

    You could copy and paste this URL:
    (Strategy, scenarios, and the global shift in defense power)

    I would also point out that people around the Planet are bent on forcing Peace Talks. I hope they are successful. We are on a completely unsustainable, totally self-destructive path. /Sandra

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