

(written in 2004, or earlier)

I am concerned about the health of our democracy.   (Update:  I no longer describe Canada as a democracy.  It’s a corporatocracy or something else,, but not a democracy.)

Information is empowering.

It enables citizens to take back power and control, to assume responsibility.

We take back power
by connecting with each other, to create critical mass.

We work together transforming information into action.
To improve and change the way things are.

Values are at the base. 

We have the power and the choice to create the world we can imagine.

Will it be human values and democratic, de-centralized governance? 

Or will it be utilitarian values and corporatocracy?

  11 Responses to “Home”

  1. Great site. A lot of excellent articles and information. I agree with your statement above, wholeheartedly. Thank you for all your hard work amassing all this information in one place.

    ~ Robyn ~

  2. link to Tragedy of the Commons, by Garrett Hardin -1968 – Science


  3. I found this site/blog while researching if a Statistic Canada Labour Market Survey was actually mandatory like they said it was and I suspected it wasn’t. You confirmed my suspicions, so thank-you. I like this blog, so I think I’ll stick around and read it. We must never take democracy or our rights for granted.

  4. Dear Sandra,
    I posted this comment a day or so ago in another place, but thought it might more readily be noticed here. Please forgive the repetition and the shameless promoting of my own book.
    My previous post was to recommend that you add to your pre-election summer reading list my latest book, Reviving Canadian Democracy. Unlike my previous text books (I am a retired Professor of Government), this is a short call to action book. It differs from the series of recent books condemning the Prime Minister by pointing out that the erosion of Canadian democracy began long before Harper and will continue after him – unless changes are made in our system. My book is a very basic primer on how our system of government is supposed to work, how it has been undermined (increasingly by Harper in recent years), and why many of the possible reforms can bring their own problems. It explains why the downward spiral of democracy will continue unless Canadians become much more active participants in their political process and demand the necessary changes. It does all this in fewer than 100 six by nine inch pages that are easy to read and understand. The book is available from the publisher (http://www.friesenpress.com/bookstore) and most on-line retailers. An ebook version for $3 or under is available from Friesen, Kobo, and Google books. In fact, the first two chapters are available as a free download from Google books.
    I would appreciate hearing from you Sandra, so that I know you have received this information. If you do take a look at the book, I’d very much welcome your feedback. Thanks.
    Cheers, Richard

  5. Thanks very much for getting in touch Richard.

    I will add this news of your book to the listing of “summer reading” on the state of Cdn democracy.

    I am in complete agreement with you: the erosion of Cdn democracy was well underway before Harper arrived on the scene. It accelerated under him, and lately, with breathtaking speed.

    And secondly, responsibility now lies solely with us and our fellow citizens. It is we who will determine whether democracy is resurrected in Canada.

    Anna Maria Tremonti interviewed Chris Hedges this morning on The Current. I caught the end of it. But enough to know that he is calling for (r)evolution.

    To my way of thinking, Canada has been conquered by the U.S. not militarily but through corporate takeover, a form of fascism.

    There is a much higher degree of awareness today, thank goodness. That is our hope.

    “The worst of the red tyrants
    Was not they themselves
    But we — all our cowardice and servility …. ”

    Take care Richard, and again, thanks for getting in touch,


  6. Thanks very much Sandra. Your comments are much appreciated.
    Cheers, Richard

  7. Hi Sandra,

    Any word on whether Lockheed Martin is part of 2016 census?

  8. Sandra, if you haven’t read any of Derrick Jensen’s books, you will definitely want to. The first book I read of his was “Endgame: The Problem of Civilization” His website:
    Derrick Jensen Official Site and his activism site:
    Deep Green Resistance. An excellent YouTube video of his which succinnctly covers his work: Endgame – Lecture on Civilization

    Thank you for all the work that you do along with all the other ‘warriors’ for peace and justice.

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