Dec 192019

Canadian Press (CP) Report on first step in the extradition hearings against Julian Assange, appears below. A few comments first. The case has the potential to become a broader argument about the extraterritorial reach of the US.  Citizens in the FVEY “developed” countries are equally in the extraterritorial reach  of the US, along with nations […]

Dec 052019

2018-11-05 REMINDER: A tally, Canadians are on the hook for . . . Add the following to the TALLY: It will cost more than $80 million to clean this up. Dan Healing,  Canadian Press EXCERPT: The Alberta Energy Regulator suspended all of Houston’s licences for wells producing natural gas containing toxic hydrogen sulphide on Aug. […]

Dec 022019

Bank of England Governor Mark Carney’s speech given at the Conference on Inclusive Capitalism, London on Tuesday 27 May 2014.   (Carney – Canadian, went to Wall Street, then Governor of Bank of Canada, then Governor of Bank of England,  and December 2019 to UN Special Envoy on Climate Change and finance.) Full […]

Dec 012019
2019-12-01  Legal action in Australia against Roundup (Bayer-Monsanto), Sydney Morning Herald.  Countries that are banning roundup.

Australia joins the list of countries where legal action is being pursued against Bayer-Monsanto over Roundup. Other Countries:  . . .  some local governments have stopped using it altogether. Germany has banned it from 2023 – a date that environment minister Svenja Schulze said was “as early as European law allows”.   . . .   Austria […]

Dec 012019

Clive James passed away Nov 24, 2019. An internet search throws up numerous tributes. James penned:   Stop worrying.  Nobody gets out of this life alive! The 2014 interview of Clive James by Michael Enright (CBC The Sunday Edition), was re-broadcast on December 1st, 2019.  Humour and insight: Wikipedia overview: James read this poem […]

Nov 282019
2019-11-28  "This Christmas journalism is on trial."

  At 3pm on 3 December, Brian Enos will pull the sheets off an oversized digital Christmas card (pictured) outside the Home Office’s Westminster premises, featuring a snap of white-haired WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and emblazoned with the cheery message: “This Christmas journalism is on trial.”   . . . At the event, Joe Public will […]

Nov 282019

No fines for misusing information in political campaigns, because privacy commissioners don’t have power to impose penalties. Andrew MacLeod Andrew MacLeod is The Tyee’s Legislative Bureau Chief in Victoria and the author of All Together Healthy (Douglas & McIntyre, 2018). Find him on Twitter or reach him at   Federal privacy commissioner Daniel Therrien […]