Sep 102024 (Sept 6)  Ezra Levant spoke with Lawrence Greenspon, defence counsel for Freedom Convoy organizer Tamara Lich. Tamara is facing mischief charges for her involvement in the anti-mandate protests in 2022 in a long-winded trial that started last autumn. Lawrence provided Ezra with an update on the trial, which is set to wrap […]

Sep 102024

I don’t agree with everything that is Jordan Peterson. I agree, as a member of a democratic society, to uphold the principles of Free Speech, and am pleased in whatever small way I can, to support Jordan Peterson in his endeavor to provoke Canadians to action.   See the text I high-lighted in pink below.  Why […]

Sep 102024

I am not going to try to break this from Reclaim the Net into separate postings.  Use as you wish. Later, I hope to intertwine 1.   (below) (UPDATED LAWSUIT)    NY Times journalist Alex Berenson, Berenson v. Biden  – Berenson’s lawsuit revolves around the involvement of not just the Biden administration, but Covid vaccine maker […]

Sep 102024
2024-09-09  1 Million March for Children gaining momentum as second event looms.  By Linda Slobodian.  Western Standard.

Linda Slobodian‘s Opinion Pieces are carried on Western Standard. I am obviously drawn to her writing.  A search on my blog for “Slobodian”  draws 6 postings going back to Oct 2021.   About 150 people gathered for the One Million March for Children at the Calgary Municipal Building in 2023 to advocate for parental rights. […]

Sep 042024

With thanks to Dan who writes: Zuckerberg’s confession, unsurprisingly, is not really being covered by the dinosaur media. And when the topic is covered, we see propaganda about the dangers of allowing everyone to have a voice. Which is, in fact, another way of saying that it is dangerous to allow everyone to think for […]

Aug 272024

Many thanks Dianne, Unbelievable.   Aside:  SOME of your emails go into spam.  I had a look  – – Robert Kennedy’s name in the subject line, is the route to the spam bin. Doesn’t matter.   I try to skim my spam box regularly for “NOT spam”! From: Dianne Subject: [SPAM] Sooo Important – Robert Kennedy […]

Aug 272024

PLEASE tell me, if I misunderstand, if my statements are wrong.  Use the Comments section at bottom.  THANK-YOU. – – – –  – – – – – – – The Prosecutor (Steven Johnston) is appealing the jury decision, Chris Carbert not guilty of Conspiracy to murder RCMP Officers. NO,  I do not think that is […]

Aug 262024

  NOTE:  Toby refers to The Wisdom of Crowds by James Surowiecki in para 3. POSTINGS on “The Battles” RELATED to Surowiecki’s work: 2013-05 (posted)  Who is smarter – a group of people or one smart person? The Wisdom of Crowds by James Surowiecki Liberating Structures, Including and unleashing everyone 2013-03-19 10th Anniversary of the […]