Sep 262021

Backlash against Biden’s sweeping COVID vaccine mandate has been swift, and experts say the mandate is unlikely to hold up in court. By Dr. Joseph Mercola Published on Children’s Health Defence Story at-a-glance: In his presidential campaign, Joe Biden promised he would not impose vaccine mandates. Sept. 9, Biden issued an executive order mandating all […]

Sep 222021

(To generate a list of most recent postings, click on “The Battles” in upper left corner.)  Pediatrician Eric Payne made a detailed, foot-noted submission to the Alberta College of Physicians & Surgeons that challenges mandated vaccination. 2021-09-15    Vaccination, forced compliance: Dr Eric Payne, paediatric neurologist Submission to Alberta College of Physicians & Surgeons. Note:  some […]

Sep 222021

With thanks to Mike: ==================== Canadian Museum for Human Rights Is the irony lost on anyone that the Canadian Museum for Human Rights states it must abide by government health authorities orders regarding “physical distancing, mandatory masks and occupancy”? Will you have to show your papers next? What about “those people”? ==================== “There is […]

Sep 212021

2021-09-15 FINAL PAYNE CPSA letter (vaccine mandate children)   Dr. Payne’s submission to the Alberta College of Physicians & Surgeons (2021-09-15) is circulating in networks.  There’s a problem:  someone is circulating a “doctored” copy of his submission. EXCERPT from Dr. Payne’s actual submission to the Collete: . . .   by forcing compliance based on the […]

Sep 192021

Kennedy does a nice job of cutting through the wordsmithing. The footwork is in clear view: 2 Things Mainstream Media Didn’t Tell You About FDA’s Approval of Pfizer Vaccine Buried in the fine print of Monday’s approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration of the Pfizer Comirnaty COVID vaccine are two critical facts that […]

Sep 192021

Children’s Health Defense Responds to Biden’s ‘Declaration of War Against Unvaccinated’ In a “deeply disturbing” speech last week, President Biden exhorted medical coercion of an experimental gene therapy for a virus with a 99% survival rate for a large portion of the population, and for which no one bears financial liability in cases where injuries […]

Sep 192021

Scott Moe, Premier of Saskatchewan, signed this on Sept 13, 2021. 2021-09-13 SK Emergency Planning Act, Minister’s Order 2 pages, easy to read. A declaration of emergency to address the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Powers of the minister in an emergency, notably: (f) control or prohibit travel . . . (i)  cause the evacuation and […]

Sep 192021

Subject: Thousands at Toronto Rally yesterday. Report from friend on yesterday’s rally in Toronto FABULOUS rally & speeches & march in Toronto yesterday. Best ever!!! Rocco Galati spoke. Byram Bridle. Police officers. Nurses. An MD (or 2). Great crowd – tons of information being shared, eg. by Take Action Canada & Vaccine Choice Canada. Great […]

Sep 172021

The interview of Eric Clapton is very good.  No wonder, 2,364,640 views as of Sept 17th/21! EXCERPT FROM:  2021-09-The Ivermectin Deworming Hoax – Part II: Eric Clapton’s Human Rights Warning Eric Clapton discusses how the Pandemic has affected him and caused a loss of free speech and freedom of choice in the United Kingdom. He […]

Sep 172021

UPDATE:    2022-01-19 Yohan Tengra Exposes the Public Health Mafia in India, Corbett Report   By Justus R. Hope, MD Sep 13, 2021 Updated Sep 16, 2021 On September 10, 2021, journalist Siddhant Pandey reported that 75% of India’s nearly 35,000 new COVID cases arose from the tiny resort state of Kerala. Kerala, one of the […]