Apr 152020
2020-04-14  Alberta's Bill 10 is an affront to the rule of law,  John Carpay, National Post

The legislation, which rushed through the legislature in less than 48 hours, gives cabinet ministers new power to write de facto laws and create new penalties without the approval of the legislative assembly Special to National Post John Carpay As though following Machiavellian advice to never let a crisis go to waste, the Alberta government […]

Apr 152020

  By Robert F Kennedy Jr,  Chairperson, Children’s Health Defense Vaccines, for Bill Gates, are a strategic philanthropy that feed his many vaccine-related businesses (including Microsoft’s ambition to control a global vaccination ID enterprise) and give him dictatorial control of global health policy. Gates’ obsession with vaccines seems to be fueled by a conviction to save […]

Mar 272020

EVELYN: Do you remember when you sent me an e-mail that the Cdn Gov`t and the US Gov`t had signed an agreement that they would help each other by doing a troop exchange, if ever needed.  It was many years ago,  . . .  Anyway it could be what they are now considering… I would like […]

Mar 272020

PROTEST FROM THE USA: “The agreement, defined as a Civil Assistance Plan…” SOME AMERICANS ARE SAYING:  “New North American Army“. From:  Pastor Chuck Baldwin NewsWithViews.com (Excerpt) MONEYCHANGERS DESTROYING AMERICA, AND CHRISTIANS DON’T SEE IT … It is modern moneychangers who bully and bribe our spineless and greedy politicians (from both parties) into passing so-called “free […]

Mar 142020
2020-03-06  “Julian Did Redact”: An Interview With Lawyer-Journalist Mark Davis,  Sydney (Australia) Criminal Lawyers

by Paul Gregoire The line up of renowned Australian journalists on the stage at the Martin Place Amphitheatre on 24 February was impressive. Gathered for a rally, they included John Pilger, Mary Kostakidis, Quentin Dempster, Wendy Bacon, Andrew Fowler and Mark Davis. They were there to speak in support of fellow journalist Julian Assange, on […]

Mar 142020
2020-03-12  Chelsea Manning Freed, Faces $256,000 in Fines,  from the LA Progressive

I have huge respect for Chelsea Manning.  Withstanding the pressure.  Read her words.  … Hats off to Chelsea.  /Sandra Today, March 12, prosecutors in the Eastern District of Virginia ended the grand jury of Julian Assange and Wikileaks in which Chelsea Manning refused to testify. As a result, US District Court Judge Anthony Trenga ordered […]

Mar 132020

Sent to CBC re interview, Kevin Donovan, investigation into Sherman murders, Apotex TO: The Current and to author Kevin Donovan,   The interview of Kevin Donovan has a blind spot, one commonly accorded to people/institutions of wealth and power. I learned the blind spot through some episodes of The Current over the last months. There […]

Feb 202020

Two items relevant to the situation in northern BC with the RCMP and Wet’suwet’en. Sent to CBC radio, The Current,  in response to the Feb 20th programme. Correspondence with the RCMP when their anti-terrorist squad was deployed to Dawson Creek: 2008-11-09  Encana Dawson Creek: Reply from Supt Lloyde Plante, head of RCMP Anti-Terrorist Squad, BC.  Rule of […]

Feb 202020

NOTE:  I have not watched the video (link at bottom) – – am trusting that it’s a balanced presentation. I know the story well because I could not believe it happened in Canada.  It was an outrageous injustice to First Nations people.  The matter dragged out over 50 years during which an abundance of government […]

Feb 032020

Feb 3, 2020 TO:  Bernadette Jordan South Shore—St. Margarets Minister of Fisheries, Oceans, and the Canadian Coast Guard FROM:  Sandra Finley  (contact info)   Dear Minister Jordan,   RE:  Herring Fishery, BC   I lived in Nova Scotia from 1974 to 1990. During that time the cod fishery collapsed. I now live on Vancouver Island. […]