Jan 092024

The video quickly passed three million a day after its release  on January 8th. – – – – – Interview  Bret Weinstein and Tucker Carlson.  From CHD (Children’s Health Defense). The transcript is below. Ep. 60 Is the lesson of the Covid disaster that we should give its architects more power? Bret Weinstein on the […]

Jan 042024

(Sandra speaking:)  “Autism”  is about vaccinations. IMPORTANT ARTICLE.  Toby Rogers does good work. = = = = = = = = = The truth routes around censorship Toby Rogers The backstory As many of you know, from 2019 to 2021, Mark Blaxill, Cynthia Nevison, and I built the best societal cost of autism model ever […]

Jan 042024

Between this and the next article (“Autism Tsunami” by Toby Rogers) it seems that many young people are demanding integrity. Good on them.  Reference my category, under “Knowledge Base”,  sub-category “Take Back the University”.   Which is nigh on impossible because so many of them are riddled with corruption.  They’ve sold out to the Corporates’ Big […]

Dec 232023

As at January 04, 2024: Petition Keywords Type Status Member of Parliament Signatures e-4701 Democratic process Confidence in government Waiting for certification December 24, 2023 Michelle Ferreri 386,698   By Adam Soos,  and with thanks to Rebel News. The petition, which is set to close for signatures on December 24, just one day before Christmas […]

Dec 182023

Tamara Lich was jailed and denied bail because she was identified as THE LEADER of the Freedom Convoy that rocked Canada and many other countries.  Tamara is awesome and thank Goodness it was HER and not someone else who played her role. But in an extremely short period of time — 2 or 3 weeks […]

Dec 162023
2023-12-15  Lawmakers Dodge U.S. Sovereignty Question During House Hearing on WHO Reform.  (connection to Bill 36 in Canada)

This one (Lawmakers Dodge U.S. Sovereignty Question During House Hearing on WHO Reform) may light a fire under your bum. The Canadian version of the “Sovereignty Question” from Friday’s report below, being “dodged” by U.S. lawmakers is in Bill 36 (Canada – B.C). The Cabinet and the Minister of Health can adopt as law in […]

Dec 152023

Tucker Carlson Explains Why  … You’ll Never Get an Apology for What Happened During COVID – “If I admitted it, I’d have to suffer the consequences.” (19:25) Ep. 45 How could Washington possibly send tens of billions more to sleazy oligarchs in Ukraine now that the whole enterprise has been revealed as a fruitless, corrupt and […]

Dec 152023

A whistleblower has recently come forward in Parliament with scathing allegations involving Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s $1 billion green slush fund, including a nexus of corruption and coordinated efforts to cover it up. The cover-up indicated high-level conflicts of interest, taxpayer money squandering, gross mismanagement and evidence of a highly toxic work environment. “Nearly 200 companies have […]