Oct 042013

Thank-you StatsCan, for selecting 89-year-old Audrey Tobias to prosecute!   Way to go, Audrey!!

Lockheed Martin is becoming a household  name in Canada.  They and their evil deeds were little known in Canada 7 years ago.  

Audrey Tobias did not fill in her 2011 Census form because of Lockheed Martin’s involvement.  She’s on trial.

The Judge’s decision will be known October 9.

In the witness stand . . . Tobias explained she was a member of the Women’s Royal Canadian Naval Service during the Second World War.

She became a committed peace activist after viewing movie footage of the war and the atomic bombing of Japan, and touring a desolate post-war Europe.

“I recall the great pain of that,” she said, as a court full of supporters watched.


I’ve appended links to some of the on-line news reports.  And used their “comments” section to correct some of the misinformation – – my way of supporting Audrey in whatever way possible.


RE: (Excerpt from news story)   In 2011, StatsCan received 13 million completed census forms, a 98 per cent response rate. Overall, it referred 54 people for prosecution for failing to complete the mandatory census form.

2% of 13 million  is 260,000.

For previous censuses, StatsCan and the Justice Department have consistently referred 62 to 65 people for prosecution;  54 is a decline in the numbers prosecuted.




–          http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2013/10/03/audrey-tobias-census-fine-stephen-harper_n_4034723.html

–          http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ww-ii-veteran-audrey-tobias-census-objector-in-court-1.1893927

–          http://news.nationalpost.com/2013/10/03/toronto-peace-activist-89-defiant-ahead-of-trial-for-census-refusal-over-weapons-maker-link/

–          http://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/toronto-woman-89-pleads-not-guilty-in-census-protest-case-1.1481472

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