Mar 222015

In summary,

Bill C-51 Anti-terrorism / Secret Police is about American hegemony

driven by resource depletion, in particular water shortages, in the U.S.A.

(RELATED: 2015-03-17 Bill C-51, Elephant in the Room, the U.S.A.).


If implemented, Bill C-51 merely adds

after (already in place)




Some may be interested in this:  U.S. Troops NorthCom – insignia. Eagle spread across North America.


= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

We are naïve, lazy and foolish if we think that the tactics used by the American Administration to get what they want in third world countries will not, and are not, being applied in Canada. To get water to make money from.  To get oil to make money from.

The number of countries in which they have had their way is long. Iraq, the Congo. South American countries.   Buy the political leaders. Murder the natural leaders. Use the military. Use nuclear weapons. Contravene international law. No means of deception and treachery are too low. There are no moral standards.

The warnings about the American interest in Canadian water that come to us from Robert F Kennedy Jr and from Peter Lougheed are only two of many. Maude Barlow has written and been mobilizing people on this issue for more than a decade  . . . 

  Excerpt from 2008-05-30 Connection between state of police and America wants our water


So,  I get it!   Bill C-51 (Secret Police),  the Elephant in the Room is the U.S.A.

Yes, it’s about greed for resources.

HOWEVER,  there is that more desperate side,  well documented.



In 2005, former Premier of Alberta, Peter Lougheed told Canadians:

It’s not the crude: What the U.S. most needs is our water.

I predict that the United States will be coming after our fresh water aggressively within three to five years.

. . .   I hope that when the time comes, Canada will be ready. The reality is that fresh water is more valuable than crude oil.



 When I first read Lougheed’s letter, I was bewildered.  By what means could / would the U.S.A. come “aggressively” after Canadian water?   (And believe me you do not want to start shipping finite and needed water to an insatiable, stupidly wasteful market that does not understand the concept of limits!   (Same as many Canadians don’t.)

By 2008 I knew the means:

We are naïve, lazy and foolish if we think that the tactics used by the American Administration to get what they want in third world countries will not, and are not, being applied in Canada. To get water to make money from.   . . .

 By 2008, three years after former Premier Lougheed’s warning, for example:

  • Montebello.   Through and for the “SPP”.  Canadian Police were trained, disguised and deployed to turn peaceful, legitimate protest violent.   Our own Police officers were used as Provocateurs.  The protest was against decisions being made by the “SPP”, corporate interests in collaboration with North American heads-of-state.
  • The Troop Exchange Agreement between Canada and the U.S. was signed, allowing for American Troops  to be summoned into Canada in the event of “civil emergency”.

This in a time when the Council of Canadians is leading a decades-long battle to prevent corporate takeover of water supplies.  A thousand people turn out at a meeting in B.C. over the sale of river water rights.   In Saskatchewan we successfully fought down one, and then two dams that are strategic to diverting the flow of water to the U.S.

The list of battles by citizens to protect water in Canada is long.  The credits to citizens, the organizers of resistance, would be extraordinary were it ever compiled.

  •  The Minerva Initiative, the American Dept of Defence strategy to co-opt The Nation’s Top Universities in its quest, was implemented in 2008.  More below.   I see Minerva as a component of the plan to assert control in Canada.  Propaganda plays a very large role in conditioning the population.

The U.S.A. came “aggressively” after Canadian water.   Corporations worked with quislings in our Governments,  bureaucracies, universities and commercial enterprises.   Witness the above 3 examples of what was already in place by 2008, three years after  (former) Premier Lougheed’s plea to Canadians.



In 2008,  Robert F. Kennedy Jr. says Canadians should be seriously concerned about Americans who want to steal Canada’s water.

…   He says the United States is just beginning to experience a severe water crisis, and a common solution being cited is to gain access to Canadian water.



2008-05-30 Connection between state of police and America wants our water

2008-02-17 Water: Highgate Dam in context of water shortages in the U.S., response to Maggie. Includes water under Free Trade Agreement, etc.



2008-01-25   Canadian water exports: will NAWAPA return?   Includes map of water diversions, Canada to U.S.

Fight a public-interest battle

Mumble  WHY is this even happening?

Who in right mind could support it

The economic arguments don’t even make sense

Can you imagine what the cost to us is going to be?


Good grief.  Spread the word.

We stand on guard for Thee.  . . .

at least in song we do.

The 1972 map of the water diversions to the U.S.A. (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers) does not make clear and does not name what you see on this more recent map:  the Great Plains Canal.    Also, the water diversions to service the eastern U.S. are via the Great Lakes – –  the “Grand Canal” to carry water from James Bay south to the Great Lakes, and thereby to the eastern States,  is no longer on the drawing board??  (I don’t know)

Regarding the Great Plains Canal:

The 1972 map of water diversions from Canada to the U.S. shows them bringing the water down from Lake Athabasca along the Sask-Manitoba border to the U.S. through a series of dams that include the HighGate (North Sask River near North Battleford) (which we fought down) and Meridian (South Sask River near the Sask-Alberta border)(which we fought down back around 2000).

People are becoming more agreeable to the building of dams on the Churchill River for power generation; it is better than nuclear. But we should be careful. ANY dam that might become part of water diversion should not be built!

I am with those who think it possible (PROBABLE) that the Rafferty-Alameda Dam adjacent to the U.S. border in Saskatchewan is conveniently placed for water diversion into the States.  The Rafferty-Alameda has its own story that does not make sense.  Except in that context.

At one time the idea of the water diversions seemed silly. But when you know what’s happening in the western U.S. today, they don’t seem so silly. And when Premier Brad Wall  (Saskatchewan) talks of the “cross-border Western Energy Corridor” that will be the largest on the planet I get nervous. A grandiose scheme for water diversion seems not far behind.



I leave it to you to ponder whether there is a connection or not:

ON ONE HAND:    The Minerva Initiative

The Minerva Initiative is a Department of Defense (DoD)-sponsored, university-based social science research initiative launched by the Secretary of Defense in 2008 focusing on areas of strategic importance to U.S. national security policy.

The goal of the Minerva Initiative is to improve DoD’s basic understanding of the social, cultural, behavioral, and political forces that shape regions of the world of strategic importance to the U.S.  The research program will:

    • Leverage and focus the resources of the Nation’s top universities.  . . .    etc.

 Note that Lockheed Martin, the American Military, is now set up at the University of Saskatchewan.  This is not the only corporate takeover at the U of S related to “strategic importance to the U.S.”.


  •  The Great Plains Canal
  •  The “largest on the planet  “Canada-U.S. Western Energy Corridor” (2009), a co-spearhead being the Premier of Saskatchewan.   At a time when the obvious choice would have been the Premier of Alberta (Tar Sands and at the time, nuclear power.)

Water is significant:  the projections are a 50/50 chance that the falling water levels behind the Hoover Dam (Colorado River)  will mean an end to hydro-electric production there.

2009-06-15   Premiers, governors promote Canada-U.S. energy corridor. Brad Wall co-chair, “largest on the planet” Canada-U.S. Western Energy Corridor



We are naïve, lazy and foolish if we think that the tactics used by the American Administration to get what they want in third world countries will not, and are not, being applied in Canada. To get water to make money from. To get oil to make money from.   “Homeland Security” – – you bet!

Bill C-51,  Anti-terrorism / Secret Police  has to go.

  One Response to “2015-03-22 Bill C-51 Understood in terms of water shortages in the U.S.A.”

  1. Sent: March-22-15 10:24 PM
    To: Sandra Finley
    Subject: Re: Bill C-51 (Anti-Terrorism, Secret Police) Understood in terms of water shortages in the U.S.A.

    Hi Sandra,

    Thanks for the update on your campaign against Bill C-51. Another major concern is the bill’s provisions that would restrict protests by environmental and aboriginal groups against pipelines. This is mainly focused on growing opposition to oil pipelines such as Northern Gateway, Kinder Morgan, Keystone XL, and Energy East now. I don’t think water pipelines are currently priority issues for the federal government with respect to Bill C-51, although this could change if U.S. water shortages become more severe in the future…..


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