Jun 122017

Bold, italicized, underlined text is a link.

General “News Reports” are  under one heading (News..).

A button is on top right corner of each linked posting, for ease of getting back to Banksters: Index.

What’s All the Fuss?   – – scroll down, you’ll get an idea.  At the simplest level,  to me,  it is this:

Canadians are to purchase from $180 to $188 BILLION DOLLARS worth of infrastructure, over 12 years.   The plan for how we are to raise the money to pay for it, involves a huge transfer of public assets and money over to “the banksters”.   We get to be the poor guys;  they get to keep on being the rich guys – – forever.  It is a tried and true recipe for violence and poverty.


Advisory Committee on Economic Growth  to Federal Govt, Canada

Dominic Barton appointed by Finance Minister Bill Morneau, to head it up

Larry Summers confers with the Advisory Committee

Summers is covered separately in depth – – scroll down to “Summers”.

Barton – – scroll down to “Barton”   (re-branding, “Capitalism” becomes “Inclusive Capitalism”, in response to Occupy and to hostilities of the growing Anti-Capitalism movement after 2007-08).

See CIB (Canada Infrastructure Bank) under Beyond Banksters, the destruction and self-enrichment that “our”  “Advisors” and their cohorts created).

“Asset recycling”

2018-10-30   Will the Trudeau government ‘recycle’ Parks Canada ‘assets’? by Brent Patterson

“Bail-in” of Banks,  (I’ll add an explanatory note re bail-ins, later)

Bail-out of Canada’s top six Banks, by Canadian citizens,  $108 to $114 billion between Sept 2008 and July 2010.

(The link takes you to the Beyond Banksters posting.  Once there, scroll down, you will find the bail-out info under Page 1 excerpts.

In my words:  Corporate Welfare Bums or Kings – or Robber Barons, your pick.)

Beyond Banksters:  Resisting the New Feudalism by Joyce Nelson

How to obtain copies –  (the above link)  http://sandrafinley.ca/?p=18980

Excerpts typed up –  (the above link)

Publisher – Watershed Sentinel Books, Comox, BC  (the above link)

Copies purchased 445,  Jerry:  every MP and Senator in Canada has received a copy.  UPDATE:  no, they didn’t.  Jerry was not told:  the books were not delivered because “free” mailing to Parliament Hill is only for regular size letters.  The last I heard, Jerry had not been able to track down – – where are the 445 books?

Copies purchased 55,  Sandra:  cover letter,  copy sent to some attendees of FCM (Federation of Canadian Municipalities) Annual Conference, June 1 – 4, Ottawa.  And others.

I’ve received emails from friends who have ordered, for example, 5 copies to give as gifts to friends.

CIB (Canada Infrastructure Bank)

How will it work?  And how will we pay for $180 (upped to $188) billion in infrastructure spending over 12 years?    click on

Beyond Banksters: Resisting the New Feudalism, 2016, by Joyce Nelson, Watershed Sentinel Books, Comox, BC

See also   Beyond Banksters, Ch 3,  A 21st Century Trojan Horse  (Bank of America Merrill Lynch, BlackRock, Larry Fink, Infrastructure Minister Amarjeet Sohi.

Excerpts from the book to introduce you to names Canadians should know.   If you think the CIB is in trustworthy hands,  you are very wrong!

There’s the Bank of America Merrill Lynch, BlackRock, Larry Fink crew, ON TOP OF Larry Summers, Dominic Barton – –  brought to us by our  (?)discerning

Infrastructure Minister Amarjeet Sohi,  Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland, and Finance Minister Bill Morneau.  

Cripes!   Deliberate hiring of the people who’ve done the biggest heists in the history of humankind – – these people advise and help manage our financial affairs?!

Summers is covered in depth – – scroll down in this Index to “Summers”.

Barton, the same.    (co-founder of re-branding “capitalism” to “Inclusive Capitalism” in response to hostilities of Occupy and the growing Anti-Capitalism movement.  Millions of people lost their homes, there was a massive transfer of public wealth (bailouts) to Wall Street Robber Barons, that our “Advisors” and their cohorts created).

Scroll down to Trade Deals.   Trade Deals outlaw publicly-owned central banks, and

2017-06-13   Once we privatize public assets, under CETA rules, we cannot reverse the privatization if it turns out to be detrimental   (Letter sent by Fiona McMurran to Senator Andre Pratte)

Also,  Infrastructure Spending is closely linked to privatization of water, which includes diversion to the U.S.   See, for example,  information at the beginning of  2017-06-23   Big news on NAFTA

An Update:

2019-08-06 The Liberal Government Says It is Looking to Privatize Municipal Water Systems Across Canada, PressProgress


2017-05-03  Puerto Rico Bankruptcy Puts Pressure on California, Illinois, Connecticut, Breitbart News. Vulture capitalists.

2017-05-06   On greed, debt & the inevitable housing crisis, Michael Hudson, published in Common Ground (Vancouver).


Barton, Dominic

2017-04-28 Dominic Barton (McKinsey Co.): Federal Minister of Finance Morneau appointed him to head Economic Advisory Committee. EHMs.

2017-05-25   Larry Summers – Dominic Barton connection. “Inclusive Capitalism Initiative” as “re-branding”.   Summers bad news (corrupt), Canadian financial matters, advisor to Liberals.

2014-05-27   ‘Inclusive capitalism’ the big new thing?   from DW, German international broadcaster.  (Dominic Barton co-founder of ICI)


Barbarians of Wealth, Protecting Yourself from Today’s Financial Attilas,  Sandy Franks, Sara Nunnally. Taipan Publishing Group    (I know this is out of alpha sequence)

Thanks to Lou who writes:  two very interesting gals  (the authors)

Page 158,   “The weapons of mass financial destruction that the barbarians of wealth conjured up from their penthouse office suites on Wall Street computer screens have put the U.S. economy in dire jeopardy“.

We could add . . .  ‘have put the Canadian people, as well as the Americans, and other peoples of the world in dire jeopardy’…


Bill C-44, Omnibus Budget Bill, includes legislation to create the CIB (Canada Infrastructure Bank).

The Liberals want C-44 passed before summer recess starts (June 2017).

There is action to get the Senate to split the CIB legislation out of C-44.   Tax-payers are to put $35 billion into the CIB.  It needs to be discussed, citizens need to be informed.   The Infrastructure Bank legislation needs to return to the House of Commons and receive due discussion and consideration in the Fall Sitting.

The CIB is too important to be hidden and rammed through in an Omnibus Bill, in the last minutes of the current sessions.

Citizen Resistance via House of Commons and Senate  (See also Senate):

Wealth of Nations, letter to Prime Minister, Finance Minister & his MP    (well researched, written, and foot-noted.  Important.  By Adam Smith.)

Adam Smith, submission to Senators, Excerpt:

. . . . I implore the Senate to strike Division 18 of Part 4 from Bill C-44 in its entirety and influence the government to return the Bank of Canada to previous levels of monetary financing and economic activity, instead of creating new burdens of public debt, fees, and taxation.

(I will add more when I have time.)

Status of  C-44,  at June 14, as I understand:

  • C-44 passed 3rd reading in the House of Commons Monday, June 11.
  • Tuesday, June 13.   1st reading in the Senate.
  •  After 2nd reading, it will go to Senate Committee for hearing.
  • Then back to Senate, with possible amendments,  for 3rd reading.
  • After which it goes back to the House of Commons.
  • Which leads to Royal Assent part of process, with or without any amendments.

BlackRock    click on   Beyond Banksters, Ch 3: A 21st Century Trojan Horse. Bank of America Merrill Lynch, BlackRock, Larry Fink.


Capitalism re-branded in the wake of Anti-Capitalism,  see the ICI (Inclusive Capitalism Initiative)


CETA  (Canada European, Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement).   See Trade Deals.

Previous postings on this blog,  specific to CETA  – – use the search button, upper right corner.


CIB   (Canada Infrastructure Bank)  – –  see under Beyond Banksters

COMER  (Committee On Monetary and Economic Reform)

From the Court Appeal,   2013-12-10

COMER, on our behalf. Read the “Relevant Quotations”. “Once a nation parts with control of its currency and credit, it matters not who makes that nation’s laws. . . .”

Beyond Banksters   (COMER is in Chapters 1 and 8).   Click on the link,  some Excerpts typed up.

2017-05-04   Application for Leave to Appeal  to Supreme Court dismissed with costs

2017-05-31   Supreme Court of Canada Dismisses Constitutional Bank of Canada Case, Claiming It Is a Political Matter

Quote from COMER lawsuit   (in posting Larry Summers – Dominic Barton connection. “Inclusive Capitalism Initiative”)

2015-06-02   AWARE   (COMER & their lawyer, Rocco Galati).  With Steve Jobs’ wisdom.

2015-02-05 Canadians Sued The Bank Of Canada & Won (didn’t!). Mainstream Media & Government Blacks Out Story


The China Connection    http://www.cbc.ca/news2/interactives/china-connection/

Corruption  (large infrastructure spending, Government partnerships)

That investigation has found an immigration company run by a man who was wanted by the Chinese government for fraud. That company, which is closely affiliated with Brightenview, has shattered dreams and torn apart families.  (Immigration fraud.)

Dundurn, SK,  a similar project in Chatham-Kent, Ont., Regina SK,  tentacles elsewhere in Canada. 

From: Sandra Finley  Sent: May 25, 2017  Subject:  the China Connection

That big mall that was supposed to be built at Dundurn, SK for Chinese manufacturers – –

What I heard was about all these guys in Alberta who want Brad Wall to be their premier.

I think that’s a good idea – – I don’t think the people of Sask can afford him? 

Reply, Hart:

what a story!!! 

While in SK I always thought it would be an interesting project to work on ‘white elephants’ and phony projects in Canada, specifically SK. Be it water, bio fuels or nuclear energy, all with government support. 

Reply, Elaine:  (and thanks to Elaine for sending the China Connection.)

If I do nothing else for the next 2 years, I will devote my energies to getting rid of (Premier) Wall next election 2 years from now – with a passion!

STC* runs out next Wed.  – nothing to do with my rage at that move and, of course, at all the health and education programs this moron is destroying.

*(March 22, 2017 News Release – “Government of Saskatchewan Ends Saskatchewan Transportation Company (STC) Subsidy – Company to be Wound-Down”)

(Sandra speaking:  surely, supporters will change their minds, see through things,  when they understand that the glory and the glitz is a mask behind which people are looting the public treasury – – hard to believe they get away with “partnering” – – the conflicts-of-interest are outrageous.  Recipe for corruption.  Has always been thus.)

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man – – see Perkins, John


  • see under Perkins, John  (New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man)
  • see under Bankruptcy

Economics – – see  Voodoo Economics

Economic Hit Men (EHM)

  • see Perkins, John
  • see Voodoo Economics / Junk Economics
  • see Beyond Banksters


Federation of Canadian Municipalities  (FCM)   Targets for Infrastructure spending.  Some attendees received copies of Banksters prior to Annual Conference.

Would be great if you would talk with your local Municipal Government about Banksters, put information in their hands.   All hands on deck!  Get in touch (Comments at bottom) if you have questions.

Fink, Larry   see  Beyond Banksters, Ch 3: A 21st Century Trojan Horse. Bank of America Merrill Lynch, BlackRock, Larry Fink.

Freeland, Chrystia   Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs   (Trade Deals and friend of Larry Summers)

2017-05-25   Larry Summers – Dominic Barton connection. “Inclusive Capitalism Initiative” as “re-branding”.   Summers bad news (corrupt), Canadian financial matters, advisor to Liberals.

Hope?!    If not this article, then WE and citizens in other nations working with us, are our Hope!

2014-06-19   The open source revolution is coming and it will conquer the one % – ex CIA spy; The Guardian


Hudson, Michael, Economist

2017-05-06   On greed, debt & the inevitable housing crisis, Michael Hudson, published in Common Ground (Vancouver).

Junk Economics (book he wrote)  – – see Voodoo Economics

ICI  (“inclusive capitalism initiative”)   A re-branding of capitalism in the wake of  Anti-Capitalism

2014-05-27   ‘Inclusive capitalism’ the big new thing?   from DW, German international broadcaster. (Dominic Barton)

2014-06-03   ICI (“inclusive capitalism initiative) Christine Lagarde, Mark Carney wouldn’t take a pay cut, so why talk up inequality?   Financial Post

2017-05-25   Larry Summers – Dominic Barton connection. “Inclusive Capitalism Initiative” as “re-branding”.   Summers bad news (corrupt), Canadian financial matters, advisor to Liberals.


Infrastructure Spending

2016-08-09  Turning off the Tap: Site C and Water Privatization in Canada, Global Research

See CIB (Canada Infrastructure Bank) under Beyond Banksters.

And beware Infrastructure spending on Water – –  see Water Privatization.

Inserts I placed in my copies of Beyond Banksters


Investor State Dispute Settlement (ISDS)   – – –  see under Trade Deals

Beyond Banksters,   Chapter 10.

Previous postings on this blog,  use the search button, upper right corner (“ISDS”).

The Council of Canadians website is an excellent resource.

Junk Economics – – see Voodoo Economics

Morneau, Bill   Canada’s Finance Minister appoints Dominic Barton to head up the Advisory Committee on Economic Growth  – –  see  Advisory Committee on Economic Growth.

Mulroney, Brian (Conservative PM, NAFTA, advisor to Liberal PM J. Trudeau on re-negotiation)   – – see under Trade Deals.

NAFTA / FTA  – – see Trade Deals

also,  Beyond Banksters,   Chapter 10.

Previous postings on this blog,  use the search button, upper right corner (“NAFTA”).

See also, the Council of Canadians website.

Nelson, Joyce, author- – see Beyond Banksters 

News Reports,  from most recent

2017-06-13   Trudeau Senate appointees move to split infrastructure bank from budget bill, CBC News

2017-06-07   Why Trump’s So-Called Infrastructure Plan Is Good for Wall Street But Bad for America, by Bernie Sanders  

This is a description, with 10 actual examples – – Sanders describes exactly, the financing proposed for the $188 billion (up from $180 billion) in Infrastructure spending in Canada.   It is what Joyce Nelson describes in Beyond Banksters.   For the love of god and allah and all deities, please let Canadians know.   If  Canadians become serfs to the banksters and fraudsters,  it will only be because we did not spread the word and discuss – – simple as talk with each other.   It’s actually a fun thing to do!

2017-06-02  The Liberals have ended up with an infrastructure bank that offers Canadians only downsides and risk, National Post

2017-05-05 Documents expose dangers of Liberal privatization bank, G&M

2017-04-17  BMO bundles uninsured mortgages in a Canadian bond first, Bloomberg News

This is a repeat of what contributed to the 2007-08 meltdown.  The take-away lesson for the banks, obviously:   you can do whatever you like.   You will not be stopped (regulated) and you will not go to jail.

Perkins, John  – –  author of  The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, 2016, paperback

Chapter 34,  Excerpts

Ch. 38, Your Friendly Banker as EHM     (Excerpts)

Ch. 40, Istanbul: Tools of Modern Empire   (Excerpts)

In the posting  Beyond Banksters,  scroll down to Page 19, The Debt Trap.

2016-07-26   Mary Manning Cleveland: John Perkins’ Economic Hit Man; her father’s career in the U.S. Foreign Service.   (This is an excellent overview for understanding the $180,000,000,000  in infrastructure spending Canadians are to embark upon.)

See also  Voodoo Economics

Privatization of Infrastructure – – see CIB (Canada Infrastructure Bank) under Beyond Banksters

– see also  Water, Privatization

Reisman, Simon (Chief Negotiator, NAFTA, under Conservative PM Mulroney- – see under Trade Deals

Resources  (will add links when I have time)

COMER  – –   http://www.comer.org/index.htm   (Committee on Monetary and Economic Reform)


Sanders, Bernie – – see under News Reports,  2017-06-07   Why Trump’s So-Called Infrastructure Plan  . . .


SENATE OF CANADA, at June 2017

Action (June 2017):  an effort to get the Senate to split the part of Bill C-44 that establishes the CIB, split out and considered separately.   (See also, Bill C-44)  Citizens are contacting their Senators.    We need a majority to vote in favour of giving due discussion and consideration to the idea of establishing a CIB.   ONE of the citizens is  . . .

Adam Smith (bless him!), submission to Senators, Excerpt:

. . . . I implore the Senate to strike Division 18 of Part 4 from Bill C-44 in its entirety and influence the government to return the Bank of Canada to previous levels of monetary financing and economic activity, instead of creating new burdens of public debt, fees, and taxation.


There are 105 seats, 7 vacant, a Speaker and a Speaker Pro Tempore.

Majority, with everyone present, would be 49 or 50 votes.

(The pro tempore speaker would be one of the 105 seats.   105 seats minus 7 vacant is 98.   Minus Speaker who only votes in a tie would be 97 potential votes.  Half of 97 is 48.5

I don’t know how Half plus 1 (majority) is calculated in this instance.  You can’t cut humans in half.   Is  Half plus 1  (48 + 1 = 49).   Or, do you round up?  Half plus 1 would then be (49 + 1 = 50).

Site C Dam  – – see  Water, Privatization

Summers, Larry

2017-05-25   Larry Summers – Dominic Barton connection. “Inclusive Capitalism Initiative” as “re-branding”.   Summers bad news (corrupt), Canadian financial matters, advisor to Liberals.

See also Voodoo Economics

Trade Deals

Beyond Banksters,   Chapter 10.    Publicly-owned, central banks will be outlawed under Trade Deals.

2017-06-23   Big news on NAFTA

2017-06-13   Once we privatize public assets, under CETA rules, we cannot reverse the privatization if it turns out to be detrimental

2017-06-10   How can you ask questions about trade deals and NOT query Investor State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) chapters?  Question to CBC.   (revised June 17th.  Hopefully it is no longer so confusing!)

2017-05-21   RE: NAFTA re-negotiation. Where does the TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) stand?

2017-06-26   What attempts will be made to import clauses from other trade deals into the re-negotiated NAFTA?

2017-06-16  Mulroney’s advice (advisor) to Trudeau on NAFTA: head down and mouth shut, Globe&Mail.

Mulroney’s role in the original NAFTA  2017-06-23   Big news on NAFTA, scroll down to Not familiar #2?     a nasty tale.   Water and the FTA.

Reisman, Simon (Chief Negotiator, NAFTA, under Conservative PM Mulroney) – –  see 2017-06-23   Big news on NAFTA, scroll down to Not familiar #2?     a nasty tale.   Water and the FTA.

2017-06-26   Global Affairs Canada   is where Trade Deals are handled.  Who is the Director General and Chief Economist at Global Affairs Canada?   What are his views?

On this blog, under the Category  Corporatocracy or Democracy?   (right hand side bar), click on Trade Deals, PPPs, Integration Canada-U.S.

See also,   The Council of Canadians website.  Maude Barlow and Council members are our best warriors.

Voodoo Economics / Junk Economics

John Perkins,  New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (2016)  describes very well how “economics” (voodoo, junk, manipulated, but glossy)  are used to sell infrastructure – – taking victims down the garden path, ultimately to a place of darkness and corruption.    See “Perkins”.

2017-05-06   On greed, debt & the inevitable housing crisis, Michael Hudson, published in Common Ground (Vancouver).    See also


J is For Junk Economics: A Guide to Reality in an Age of Deception

Distinguished Professor of Economics, University of Missouri at Kansas City (UMKC).

A follow-on to his successful Killing the Host: How Financial Parasites and Debt Destroy the Global Economy (2015),  J is for Junk Economics: A Guide to Reality in an Age of Deception is an A-to-Z guide that explains how the world economy really works – and who are the winners and losers.

In more than 400 concise and acerbic entries, several essays, and a full topic index, the book covers contemporary terms that are misleading or poorly understood as well as many important concepts that have been abandoned – many on purpose – from the official economics …

Water Privatization through “Infrastructure Spending” and other means

2017-06-23   Big news on NAFTA

2016-08-09  Turning off the Tap: Site C and Water Privatization in Canada, Global Research

2009-06-17   Water. Western Energy Corridor. Citizen ownership and what happens under NAFTA. Infrastructure spending. Privatization.  Site C Dam, BC.

2017-05-22   Water: “Limited Edition Bottled Water” at Harrod’s, $100. Melted Arctic ice. Letter-to-Ed, Leo Kurtenbach.

2017-04-30   Agriculture Canada promotes bottled water exports to China

2006-04-27   Water.  Proposed Meridian Dam, wrap-up statement.  Battle won.   (Later, we came to understand that an infrastructure project which made no sense, DID make sense in the scheme of water privatization and diversion to the U.S..  Explained in another posting.)

2008-02-17    Water: Highgate Dam in context of water shortages in the U.S., response to Maggie. Includes water under Free Trade Agreement, etc. (Successful battle – stopped the Highgate Dam)

2008-02-13  Water: Urgent Update, Proposed Highgate Dam, North Saskatchewan River

2007-01-05    Proposed Highgate Dam, North Saskatchewan River.   Process,  Letter to persons responsible. Water diversion to U.S. 


  One Response to “Banksters and Fraudsters: Index”

  1. Thanks, Sandra

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