Sep 302012

Anybody who listened to the video of Julian Assange’s address to the United Nations would know that it’s about failing democracy in the U.S.

The Globe & Mail  Associated Press (AP – American) edited the video to create:  Assange accuses Obama of exploiting Arab Spring.  

The G&M simply posted what the AP distributed, did not go to the source.

I placed markers in the Transcript;  you can see

  • what was said in the video, and
  • what they edited it down to, without ANY acknowledgement that the video was substantially changed.



  1. The Globe & Mail posting of Julian Assange’s address to a body of the U.N.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange accused U.S. President Barack Obama of exploiting the Arab uprisings for political purposes. Assange, who is hiding in an embassy in London, addressed a sideline meeting of the UN General Assembly via video conference.)

(Last updated Thursday, Sep. 27, 2012 04:40AM EDT)

© 2012 The Globe and Mail Inc. All Rights Reserved.


2.  NOW LOOK AT THE REAL THING: The video, seen by people in other countries:  Julian Assange addresses UN (Full Version with Q&A)


As mentioned, I placed markers in the  2012-09-26  Transcript to show what the Globe & Mail (AP) deleted – – – all mention of Sgt Bradley Manning, for example.

Frankly speaking, it makes me nauseous to see the dishonesty and distortion.

This doctoring of the Assange video shows that the Globe & Mail is a propagandist for the American administration.

John Stackhouse became editor-in-chief of the G&M in 2009 after a stint as editor of The Globe’s Report on Business.  He needs to be fired.  There’s the 2012-09-30  The Globe & Mail’s handling of Margaret Wente’s plagiarism , and now this coverage of Julian Assange’s address to the United Nations.

  2 Responses to “2012-09-30 The Associated Press (AP) doctored the video of Julian Assange’s address to the United Nations, changing his message. The Globe & Mail posted the doctored video.”

  1. thanks for doing this Sandra..I did watch the coverage on you tube and was encouraged by the fact that it was happening.I don’t read the paper but it truly is disturbing to be witness to such obvious evidence of false reporting in what people take to be a reliable news outlet.
    As for Bradley Manning..truly one of the great heroes of our time, I wish we were doing more in his support. I shudder to think what kind of treatment he is subject to.

  2. I copied Tim Knight’s article regarding the G&M’s handling of the Wente plagiarism into the posting on that topic.

    And contacted him about this next transgression by the G&M. Tim writes:



    Thanks for the message.

    I tried entering the following comment but the damned CAPTCHA thing kept claiming I got it wrong.

    Here’s my comment.

    Please enter for me.

    As a newspaper, radio and TV journalist for some 50 years I have considerable experience listening to a newsmaker’s speech and cutting it down to its essence.

    This editing essentially consisted of cutting down Assange’s speech to incomprehensible nonsense.

    It was done by either a complete neophyte in the editing art or someone with some axe to grind.

    I sincerely hope it was the former.

    My URL is

    Thanks again,


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