Jun 172013


Saskatchewan is going to surpass the number of MAM’s in

  • Alberta (6), then
  • B.C. (14) and
  • Ontario (15).


WHY, in B.C. are there so many SMALLER communities (e.g. Comox, Terrace, Castlegar) that have Marches Against Monsanto (MAM’s) set up ?

It didn’t make sense.  In other provinces the MAM’s are mostly in the larger urban centres (Edmonton, Calgary, Winnipeg, Toronto, Ottawa, Halifax, St John’s).


Many thanks to Raoul Bedi:

BC is on a roll now with municipal GMO bans and this can and will be replicated . . .

We have a www.ubcm.ca municipal wide vote on September 16, 2013. So far 62 municipalities are on board . . . . I think BC has 170 municipalities…

EXCERPT from one of many very good articles by Raoul  (but I encourage you to go the link, there’s great information):

Food Revolution Summit — Vandana Shiva interviewed by John Robbins

By Raoul Bedi

. . .   The second major development occurred on April 13, 2013, in Sooke on Vancouver island, when AVICC (the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities) voted unanimously to ban GMOs. It had taken almost 10 years for selfless people, like April Reeves and Tony Beck of GEFREEBC, to work for the establishment of 14 municipal bans across BC.  All of a sudden on April 13, at the annual AVICC meeting and vote on joint policy, 51 island municipalities voted in unison, all in one fell swoop, to ban GMO’s in their respective municipalities! This represents an almost exponential increase in numbers.

The next step is to forward the same anti-GMO resolution to the UBCM (The Union of BC Municipalities) for a province-wide vote on September 16, 2013. Citizens of the different municipalities in BC are encouraged to educate their local town mayors and councillors as much as possible about the issues (www.cban.ca or Facebook: GMO free Canada). Let us hope that the federal government begins to take note of this sea tide change in public opinion.

Building on this successful BC model, Alberta local food activists,  Harvest Haven, April Reeves and Wendy Schroeder and others, are working diligently to increase GMO awareness, with the possible end result being the creation of  an equivalent ‘GMO FREE ALBERTA’ advocacy group.  . . . 

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