Jun 112024
2024-06-06  UPDATE:   Court hears misconduct complaint against judge who imposed Covid vaccine mandate

Judge Brinton’s complaint raises issues about the proper functioning of the judiciary, both in Nova Scotia and across Canada. It engages the principles of individual judicial independence, judicial impartiality and, by extension, the rule of law itself. It concerns the working relationship between a chief judge and her fellow judges, and the proper scope of […]

Aug 032023

The “Ingram decision” in Alberta, August 1, 2023,  has been pivotal.   But I could not make sense of it . . .  UNTIL John Carpay (President of the JCCF) came to the rescue  – – video below.   I think this statement would be an accurate summary: Ingram court decision, Alberta, Public Health Officer (Dineen Henshaw […]

May 142023

Maybe this can be helpful?  It was motivated by the interview of Brian Peckford by Andrew Lawton. (The contributions of Brian Peckford, former premier of Newfoundland/Labrador to the Freedom Fighters. Conversation with journalist Andrew Lawton.       https://sandrafinley.ca/blog/?p=26159)   Lawyers and clients have been bringing charges against governments and institutions for violating  provisions of the Charter, including […]

Apr 032023

Subject: re StatsCan and the construction of ID’s  (Personal Information Banks) This is spreading quickly,  with more info being added as more people see it.   /Sandra Please forward this email. from Swift Current, SK.  StatsCan set up at the Fairgrounds. https://odysee.com/@TimTruth:b/Canada-health-trailers:9 Mysterious Canadian Govt Vans: Harassing Folks For Blood, Saliva & Urine Testing & More […]

May 082022

With thanks to Reclaim the Net:    https://reclaimthenet.org/ The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) tracked people’s movements during the pandemic without their knowledge, including trips to pharmacies and liquor stores. BlueDot, an intelligence analysis company, prepared movement reports for PHAC using anonymized data acquired from mobile devices. The reports helped the public health agency […]

Dec 172021
2021-12-17 Growing Number of Companies and Organizations Are Walking Back Vaccination Requirements.  Plus Boeing Has Suspended Its Vaccine Mandate.

by Jack Phillips, Epoch Times More and more businesses in recent days have walked back previous rules mandating COVID-19 vaccine sas a condition for employment in a bid to keep workers. Earlier this week, Amtrak—a quasi-public corporation—became the latest to rescind its vaccine requirement amid concerns about staff shortages and cut service in January. In […]

Dec 122021

Listen up! Jim Bronskill,  Canadian Press If only Canadians would read the article, and take it seriously!  /Sandra   The federal privacy watchdog is warning Canadians about the growing threat of surveillance capitalism — the use of personal information by large corporations. In his annual report tabled Thursday in Parliament, privacy commissioner Daniel Therrien said state […]

Nov 042021

I am indebted to Brian Peckford.  He brought Dr. Ponesse to my attention. A professor of Ethics for 20 years, fired by Western University because of covid.  Listen to her! (The text of her speech can be found at  https://brownstone.org/articles/do-not-give-up-your-rights-dr-julie-ponesses-remarkable-speech/) Dr. Julie Ponesse | The Faith and Democracy Series

Nov 032021

Brian Peckford, former Premier of Newfoundland/Labrador is shocked by the loss of rights being experienced by Canadians, at the hands of their own governments and institutions. VIDEO BELOW  – – journalist Lawton asks excellent questions.  The former premier has a reputation for straight-shooting.  He hits the mark with his call, in common language for a […]

Sep 022021

Received with thanks.   My commentary is attached at bottom.   The Liberal Party of Canada has forfeited the privilege to govern the People of Canada This is from their election platform – page 2  as per their on-line document, but page 11 in a PDF of same: A re-elected Liberal government will: • Launch a […]