Feb 182024

Hooray!  for the CHD!  An important win. A federal judge on Wednesday issued a preliminary injunction prohibiting key Biden administration officials and agencies from coercing or significantly encouraging social media platforms to suppress or censor online content containing protected free speech. However, he also stayed the injunction until the U.S. Supreme Court rules on a […]

Feb 022024

Carol Van Strum’s book, “A Bitter Fog“, is one I’ll not forget.  I learned a lot.  I am very happy for Carol that she received this Award. UPDATE:   It’s Feb 2, 2024; I’m reading RFK’s book, The Wuhan Cover-Up.  It’s about American chemical and biological warfare.  It seems that not much has changed.  But […]

Sep 092023
2023-08-23   Environmentalists owe an enormous debt to Julian Assange, in CounterPunch, by Mitchel Cohen.  Endorsed by RFK Jr who would know!

2023-08-25 Environmentalists throughout the world owe an enormous debt of gratitude to political prisoner Julian Assange, the founder and publisher of Wikileaks — and most of them don’t know it. To see the actual article, go to the above link.   Robert F. Kennedy Jr @RobertKennedyJr Yes, we owe an enormous debt to Julian Assange! […]

Oct 122021

Jan writes: Please watch! RFK is addressing those he spoke to in Berlin in August  last year. Not too long. He’s calling for civil disobedience. Lawyers don’t often do that….. & we know RFK is a very fact-based, science-driven kind of a guy who does not go off on weird tangents or anything like that. […]

Sep 122019

Robt F Kennedey Jr, press conference, video.  Tells it the way it is. Click on the little square on RFK’s chest.  It takes you to “Children’s Health Defence ” Go down a little to press conference Sept 9, 2019, RFK.   Click on the button there,  NOT the video on top right. CA SB 276 & […]

May 152019

NOTE:  Kennedy dissects the research methodology used by Merck.  The subject matter is important, but difficult.  Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.—“Many of the things I’m going to say today would be slanderous if they weren’t true. And, if they are not true, then Merck should sue me. But Merck won’t do that. And they won’t do […]

Oct 022018

Website,  http://childrenshealthdefense.org/ Video – – it’s  at the top, opposite the title “Children’s Health Defense”,  RFK Jr,  begins with “I can remember the days . . .” That’s the video to be shared! – – – – – – – From: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Sent: September 12, 2018 2:01 AM Dear World Mercury Project […]

Mar 212018

(Scroll down to the announcement from Tufts.) ECONOMIC INDICATORS: JUST ONE of the problems:   The Accounting system defines what is included in “Operating Costs”.  Then, (simplified):  Revenue minus Expenses (costs) is Profit.   Profits are available for distribution to Investors.   The fewer costs you pay, the more that can be paid to investors (and […]

Mar 132018
2018-03-13   Large initiative.  Kennedy delivers VACCINE SAFETY PROJECT to Congress

View this email in your browser Forward to friends! Note:  Click on the small text under the title of this posting,  Vaccinations (incl corruption of science & govt)  to generate a list of other postings in the same category. March 13, 2018 Congress Receives Vaccine Safety Project Details Including Actions Needed for Sound Science and […]