Nov 152021
2021-11-15  US coverup of Syria massacre shows the danger of the Assange precedent.

My Gosh.  The New York Times actually did the investigative journalism that brings this Syrian story to light.   Good on them. Many thanks to  Caitlin Johnstone, journalist, for placing it in context.  US coverup of Syria massacre shows the danger of the Assange precedent 15.11.21 – Melbourne, Australia – Caitlin Johnstone Julian Assange remains locked […]

Oct 312021

This video makes clear a most important element of the CONTEXT within which FORCED INOCULATION is occuring.   The presentations are outstanding.  Edward Snowden, just one, never disappoints.  Just after the bombshell revelations about the CIA plot to kidnap and assassinate WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange while he sought political asylum in the Ecuadorian Embassy in […]

Sep 292021

A plot by the CIA to eliminate Julian Assange.   The dirty deed is almost accomplished (not a “plot” in that sense).  Death by different means – – death over 11 years.  No charges against Assange, still no charges.   It ain’t no democracy that gets away with that.  Could we please start calling ourselves what we […]

Apr 202021

by Stefania Maurizi In an in-depth interview with Il Fatto Quotidiano, Nils Melzer discusses his investigation on the WikiLeaks founder, which has made him speak out as a whistleblower and raise an alarm on this case and its implications: “We have already created a parallel world of secret services that controls everything”. Melzer is right […]

Jun 142020

‘Shameful’ Collateral Murder footage shows Apache helicopter mowing down 11 civilians – including two Reuters journalists – in Baghdad by Paul Daley,  @ppdaley   (Photo)   A still from Collateral Murder, the WikiLeaks video showing an Apache helicopter gunning down a group of Iraqi civilians. US prosecutors have failed to mention the shocking footage in their […]

May 142020

Mr. Stone, a longtime friend of President Trump, had denied such a relationship, but newly revealed court documents unveiled private exchanges.   By Sharon LaFraniere   WASHINGTON — One of the enduring mysteries left unsolved by the Mueller inquiry was whether Roger J. Stone Jr., President Trump’s longtime friend and political adviser, ever communicated during […]

Mar 142020
2020-03-06  “Julian Did Redact”: An Interview With Lawyer-Journalist Mark Davis,  Sydney (Australia) Criminal Lawyers

by Paul Gregoire The line up of renowned Australian journalists on the stage at the Martin Place Amphitheatre on 24 February was impressive. Gathered for a rally, they included John Pilger, Mary Kostakidis, Quentin Dempster, Wendy Bacon, Andrew Fowler and Mark Davis. They were there to speak in support of fellow journalist Julian Assange, on […]

Mar 142020
2020-03-12  Chelsea Manning Freed, Faces $256,000 in Fines,  from the LA Progressive

I have huge respect for Chelsea Manning.  Withstanding the pressure.  Read her words.  … Hats off to Chelsea.  /Sandra Today, March 12, prosecutors in the Eastern District of Virginia ended the grand jury of Julian Assange and Wikileaks in which Chelsea Manning refused to testify. As a result, US District Court Judge Anthony Trenga ordered […]

Dec 192019

Canadian Press (CP) Report on first step in the extradition hearings against Julian Assange, appears below. A few comments first. The case has the potential to become a broader argument about the extraterritorial reach of the US.  Citizens in the FVEY “developed” countries are equally in the extraterritorial reach  of the US, along with nations […]

Nov 282019
2019-11-28  "This Christmas journalism is on trial."

  At 3pm on 3 December, Brian Enos will pull the sheets off an oversized digital Christmas card (pictured) outside the Home Office’s Westminster premises, featuring a snap of white-haired WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and emblazoned with the cheery message: “This Christmas journalism is on trial.”   . . . At the event, Joe Public will […]