May 082022    You might wish to subscribe to Reclaim the Net? YouTube has warned that Canada’s proposed internet regulation bill (Bill C-11) will allow the government to regulate user-generated content because the wording is so broad that it places user-generated content under the purview of regulation by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC). “(Bill […]

Apr 242022
2022-04-   A 4 minute video on the purpose of life.  Alan Watts (The Art of Zen),  "Life is not a Journey" presented by "After Skool"     As I understand, this is a recording of Watts, with animation done by After Skool. Posted Sep 6, 2017,   5,089,339 views as of April 24, 2022 People of my generation may be more familiar with the name From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Alan Watts Born Alan Wilson Watts 6 January 1915 Chislehurst, Kent, […]

Jan 282022

Watch investigative reporter and documentary filmmaker Dan Cohen’s coverage of the “Defeat the Mandates” protest in Washington, DC, to get the real story — not the pharma-funded mainstream media’s version. Investigative reporter and documentary filmmaker Dan Cohen attended Sunday’s “Defeat the Mandates” protest in Washington, DC, where more than 30,000 people gathered to protest vaccine […]

Jan 272022

Pozner’s talk and his replies to audience questions are instructive in dealing with the situation we find ourselves in. On September 27, 2018, Yale’s Program in Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies, and the Poynter Fellowship for Journalism hosted Vladimir Pozner, the acclaimed Russian-American journalist and broadcaster. Pozner spoke on the impact of US foreign […]

Dec 122021

Listen up! Jim Bronskill,  Canadian Press If only Canadians would read the article, and take it seriously!  /Sandra   The federal privacy watchdog is warning Canadians about the growing threat of surveillance capitalism — the use of personal information by large corporations. In his annual report tabled Thursday in Parliament, privacy commissioner Daniel Therrien said state […]

Nov 172021

Reply to a video sent to me.  You might be interested. I am wary of this video – – is it clever propaganda?  (How Australia Is Crashing the World Economy And Taking Down China) The creator  is a blogger.  But it’s by a blogger who’s bought and paid for?  It’s his job; he’s effectively an […]

Nov 152021
2021-11-15  US coverup of Syria massacre shows the danger of the Assange precedent.

My Gosh.  The New York Times actually did the investigative journalism that brings this Syrian story to light.   Good on them. Many thanks to  Caitlin Johnstone, journalist, for placing it in context.  US coverup of Syria massacre shows the danger of the Assange precedent 15.11.21 – Melbourne, Australia – Caitlin Johnstone Julian Assange remains locked […]

Nov 042021

I am indebted to Brian Peckford.  He brought Dr. Ponesse to my attention. A professor of Ethics for 20 years, fired by Western University because of covid.  Listen to her! (The text of her speech can be found at Dr. Julie Ponesse | The Faith and Democracy Series

Nov 032021

Brian Peckford, former Premier of Newfoundland/Labrador is shocked by the loss of rights being experienced by Canadians, at the hands of their own governments and institutions. VIDEO BELOW  – – journalist Lawton asks excellent questions.  The former premier has a reputation for straight-shooting.  He hits the mark with his call, in common language for a […]

Nov 012021

Naomi Wolf: Medical Freedom Is a Non-Partisan Issue I recommend the video – – click on the above link.  Then scroll down a bit. The show’s hosts discuss the concept of freedom with Naomi Wolf, best-selling author, journalist and Rhodes Scholar. Wolf, who also is CEO of the online information hub Daily Clout, said freedom […]