Wall Street is being “Warned” against the commodification of water? IT’S TOO LATE! AND TOO NICE. The water futures market was set up a year ago. Last year’s news about the (U.S.) Mercantile Bank’s WATER FUTURES MARKET is in the posting: 2021-02-14 The New Canada Water Agency https://sandrafinley.ca/blog/?p=25298 4. IMPORTANT Just before Christmas, the CME Group, […]
The article below is head-lined: California water agencies resolve Colorado River dispute (chuckle) . . . I high-lighted Imperial has rights to more than one-third of the water allocated to the three states in the river’s (Colorado) lower basin and Mexico. and I think Good God! And I hope you might have read the “IMPLICATIONS […]
2021-08-30 40 Million People Rely on the Colorado River, But It’s Drying Up Fast. What Happens Next?
Category: Peace or Violence Sub-category: Resource depletion (Water in USA) Prompted by, Aug 30: 40 Million People Rely on the Colorado River, But it’s Drying Up Fast. What Happens Next? = = = = = = = = = = = = = […]
THE WELL FIXER’S WARNING The lesson that California never learns By Mark Arax AUGUST 17, 2021 (There are photos if you go to the link) https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2021/08/well-fixers-story-california-drought/619753/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=masthead-newsletter&utm_content=20210821&silverid=%25%25RECIPIENT_ID%25%25&utm_term=Subscriber%20Only%20Weekly%20Newsletter The well fixer and I were standing at the edge of an almond orchard in the exhausted middle of California. It was late July, and so many wells on […]

CONTENTS 1. (Utah) Lake Powell water level at a historic low. From “TownLife”, Bullfrog Utah, May 28, 2021. For now, the water level continues to drop a little more than an inch a day. 2. (Nevada) Projections for Lake Mead show it dropping well below the lowest level on record, in the next 20 […]
Derek writes: This really bothers me….I see it as a slithery ploy by Trudeau and Freeland to finally allow bulk sale of fresh water to the States under some mumble mouthed phrase that will be interpreted by “an independent Tribunal of corporate CEOs”. If you have any way of supporting Sandra Finley please do. (simply […]
Feb 3, 2020 TO: Bernadette Jordan South Shore—St. Margarets Minister of Fisheries, Oceans, and the Canadian Coast Guard FROM: Sandra Finley (contact info) Dear Minister Jordan, RE: Herring Fishery, BC I lived in Nova Scotia from 1974 to 1990. During that time the cod fishery collapsed. I now live on Vancouver Island. […]

Less than 6% of groundwater is replenished within 50 years Emily Chung – CBC News Last Updated: November 18, 2015 Internally displaced Afghans collect water from a public water pump next to their tents at a refugee camp in Kabul in January. Billions of people around the world rely on groundwater for drinking, washing and […]

Ontario’s environment minister, Jeff Yurek, plans to announce the provincial government’s decision on water bottling permits by mid-December. The announcement comes after the government’s extension of a moratorium on new and expanded permits, put in place by the Liberal government in 2017. Doug Ford’s government extended the moratorium until January 1, 2020. Doreen Nicoll […]

You may want to view this on the Defend Democracy website, click on Swiss Development Aid, Nestlé and Water Privatization. Canadians should be aware, important information. = = = = = = = = = = = = = By Franklin Frederick Translation: Tamanna Kohi Last February, the Government of Switzerland announced the creation of […]