Sep 042021

See also Video,  2021-06-22 Four False Beliefs that Society is Built On – Bruce Lipton   The Biology of Belief,  Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles Quotes, with thanks to GoodReads: “Quantum physicists discovered that physical atoms are made up of vortices of energy that are constantly spinning and vibrating; each atom is […]

Aug 242021

This is for friends who are worried about our current circumstances. Don’t be.  You won’t be, if you know the strength of the  Challenges to the vaccine mandate From the introduction to  2021-08-20 Mass Psychosis: It is not famine, not earthquakes, not microbes, not cancer, but man himself that is man’s greatest danger to man, for the […]

Jun 222021
2021-08-22   Carl Jung, the Shadow, projecting our darkness onto others.  Related to Mass Psychosis posting.

(Related to Mass Psychosis I wondered about this that you sent:  That which we do not bring to consciousness appears in our lives as fate……Jung I found this:  Carl Jung: Thirteen Quotations on the Shadow The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without […]

Feb 112021

The Unlikeliest Pandemic Success Story How did a tiny, poor nation manage to suffer only one death from the coronavirus? Story by Madeline Drexler FEBRUARY 10, 2021   On january 7, a 34-year-old man who had been admitted to a hospital in Bhutan’s capital, Thimphu, with preexisting liver and kidney problems died of COVID-19. […]

Mar 132020

Sent to CBC re interview, Kevin Donovan, investigation into Sherman murders, Apotex TO: The Current and to author Kevin Donovan,   The interview of Kevin Donovan has a blind spot, one commonly accorded to people/institutions of wealth and power. I learned the blind spot through some episodes of The Current over the last months. There […]

Feb 202020

NOTE:  I have not watched the video (link at bottom) – – am trusting that it’s a balanced presentation. I know the story well because I could not believe it happened in Canada.  It was an outrageous injustice to First Nations people.  The matter dragged out over 50 years during which an abundance of government […]

Dec 012019

Clive James passed away Nov 24, 2019. An internet search throws up numerous tributes. James penned:   Stop worrying.  Nobody gets out of this life alive! The 2014 interview of Clive James by Michael Enright (CBC The Sunday Edition), was re-broadcast on December 1st, 2019.  Humour and insight: Wikipedia overview: James read this poem […]

Jul 272019

I am unsure.  I think this is from a magazine in a waiting room  – – apologies to the source,  I lost you. When time permits,  I’d like to look further into the two authors quoted:   OUTRAGE, ironically, is a more effective UNIFIER than forgiveness. “People enjoy sharing in consensus, especially when it allows […]

May 022019
2019-04-15  Politics of Culture in US: 'The Invisible Hand of the Market'? by Canadian Arnold August,  teleSUR

by Arnold August Although this article was published in the original Spanish version last March, now that Julian Assange is in prison the analysis in this piece on “freedom of expression” is even more valid. There is a wide-open debate/polemic in Cuba regarding Decree 349 on culture and the drafting of the rules for its […]