The photos tell a lot:

We can’t stave off global heating by ourselves. Together, on 20 September, we can unleash mass resistance Greta Thunberg and 46 youth activists School students protest against the climate crisis in Melbourne, May 2019. Photograph: William West/AFP/Getty Images Tomorrow, schoolchildren and students will be out on the streets again, in huge numbers, in 150 countries, […]

Lengthy with good information, set in the international context of water shortages. == = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Just 90 minutes from Toronto, residents of a First Nations community try to improve the water situation as the beverage company extracts from their land Alexandra Shimo […] Forests are one of the world’s most significant sources of food, new medicines and oxygen. Scientist and author Diana Beresford-Kroeger explores our profound biological and spiritual connection with trees, and meets people who are taking the lead to replant, restore and protect the last of the planet’s great ancient forests.
Dear Sandra, This month, B.C.’s Minister of the Environment and Climate Change George Heyman is holding telephone town halls to talk about “CleanBC” and what a renewable future means in your community. We need people with progressive views to join the calls and speak up about why moving to renewables is essential to ensuring a […]
Return to INDEX David writes: Below is an email I just sent to Lois Eaton on a recently published poll in the US. I thought the poll results relate directly to her presentations (on climate change) at our local councils. I think the implications for blocking water export are clear. People–even those on the right side […]
Return to INDEX Excellent letter! A request to support the Strathcona Resolution Offered for use as a Template. AVICC-Qualicum Many thanks to Julie: Here is the letter that has gone out to QB, Parksville council and the RDN (Regional District Nanaimo) board. If it can be passed onto other jurisdictions encouraging their local government to […]
Return to INDEX (Related details moved to bottom. Edited 2019-11-01) SUBMISSION TO INTERNATIONAL TRADE December 15, 2018 TO: House of Commons Standing Committee on International Trade c/o Clerk, Ms. Christine LaFrance CIIT < @ > COMMITTEE CHAIR: MP Mark Eyking; VICE-CHAIR MP Dean Allison; VICE-CHAIR MP Tracey Ramsey; COMMITTEE MEMBERS: MP […]

(I sent an email to the scientist, to try and find an update for 2019. No response.) by Sandra McCulloch All Vancouver Island glaciers, including the iconic Comox Glacier, will be gone within 25 years due to climate change says University of Victoria geography professor Dan Smith. “There are not many glaciers left,” Smith said. […]
Extinction Rebellion chapters proliferating across Canada Brent Patterson As “Rebellion Day 2” took place in London, U.K. on November 24, Extinction Rebellion Facebook groups are proliferating rapidly across Canada. There are now Extinction Rebellion Facebook groups for Canada, Ontario, Quebec, British Columbia, Vancouver, Vancouver Island, Alberta, and Nova Scotia, as well as groups in Peterborough, Barrie, Kitchener/Waterloo, Hamilton, Toronto, London, Ottawa, Guelph, South Okanagan, Williams Lake, and Victoria. This is undoubtedly only a partial list of […]