Jul 022014

“On the Island” this morning, CBC Radio, an opportunity to make a point  about economic indicators: RE:  Salmon fishery, increasing the take from 3% to 15% My experience with DFO and fish quotas is from Nova Scotia where we lived for 15 years.   We arrived in the nineteen-seventies.  The Grand Banks cod fishery supported […]

Oct 012013

The words out-of-the-mouth of the MP who defends the expropriation and expansion of CFB Trenton is in the video at the bottom of the article – see the URL.  http://www2.macleans.ca/2013/10/01/85-year-old-farmer-loses-land-battle-though-military-grants-him-one-last-harvest/  (I copied the Text of the article below for backup purposes.) Member-of-Parliament Rick Norluck’s argument is the one used by the War Corporations in the U.S. (I wonder who scripted […]

Jun 192013

CONTENTS   Marianne Williamson has a strong message for women (#6).  It’s actually what Tami Canal is doing (#1). MAM is March Against Monsanto.   1.       TAMI CANAL, THE FOUNDER OF MAM.  A MOTHER OF YOUNG CHILDREN, FIRST-TIME ACTIVIST. 2.       WHAT DO YOU CALL SOMEONE WHO IS INVOLVED IN MAM?  (a MAMA!) 3.       URBAN AND RURAL […]

Jun 182013

A  local person describes the same process at work in Canada as George Monbiot describes in  Corporate Carve-Up of Africa.   (land and resources in Africa / land and resources in Canada) Canadians should wake up.  And we should share information with friends in Africa. REQUEST:  if anyone knows, or will research to find, the date and how the […]

May 092013
2013-04-19  The student who caught out the profs, BBC

The mistakes revealed this week in a celebrated paper by two eminent economists, were spotted by a student – Thomas Herndon of the University of Massachusetts Amherst. ” . . .  but it (the mistakes made)  provides an intellectual rationalisation for things that affect how people think about the world,” . . .     “And how […]

May 032013

This is shocking. Democracy Now (Amy Goodman) provides good coverage.   For those too young to know,  the first link contains the background and “Assata Shakur in her own words“. http://www.democracynow.org/embed/story/2013/5/3/assata_shakur_in_her_own_words   The second link is the continuation of the discussion with Shakur’s lawyer and Angela Davis. http://www.democracynow.org/2013/5/3/angela_davis_and_assata_shakurs_lawyer   The FBI has added the former […]

Apr 152013

http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/story/2013/04/12/mb-lockheed-martin-fighter-jet-winnipeg.html   Officials with Lockheed Martin stopped in Winnipeg Friday to promote their F-35 stealth fighter jet, part of a national campaign to promote the jet in Canada. The U.S. defence contractor is in the midst of a cross-Canada publicity blitz to convince the federal government to purchase the jets. The contractor wants the jets […]

Apr 072013

RE:  the G&M article below a toxic smorgasbord of buildings, tailings ponds and a quarter-million tonnes of arsenic stored underground  . . .   before large amounts of arsenic start escaping from collapsing buildings.   …  The poisoning from the Giant Mine has been known for a long time.   Now, a billion dollars — ALL from tax-payers. […]

Apr 032013

I could not find a date on this Government posting: http://www.rbnz.govt.nz/finstab/banking/4368385.html What is an OBR? The Open Bank Resolution policy is a tool for responding to a bank failure.  It allows the bank to be open for full-scale or limited business on the next business day after being placed under statutory management (as a result […]