Canadians would vote for cooperation candidates, support electoral reform according to new national poll Toronto, ON — April 4th — A new national Environics poll shows that Canadians think our democratic system is broken, overwhelmingly favour proportional representation, and are willing to vote for cooperation candidates to defeat Conservative MPs […]
SOCIOPATH: lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience. NOTE: There are the robocalls from the Federal Elections (awaiting court decision). Now there is this new round of Federal robocalls related to the changing of electoral boundaries in the province of Saskatchewan. Past postings on robocalls can be found by going to the right-hand […]
Current status: awaiting the decision by the Speaker of the House (Andrew Scheer) on Elizabeth’s argument that the bill must be set aside. (It is best to access this at the above link. There is also a Youtube of Elizabeth’s presentation. I copied the text below as a back-up copy.) Points of Order – Bill C-38 […] By PAUL McLEOD Ottawa Bureau Green leader argues C-38 breaks rules Green Leader Elizabeth May asked Andrew Scheer, the Speaker of the House of Commons, to rule the Conservatives’ budget bill out of order. (PETER PARSONS / Staff) The fate of this year’s and all future omnibus budget bills will be placed in the […]
Somehow we have to help more Canadians “get it”. Talk to our neighbours. Understand WHY Canadians are protesting – get out and help them. This brief note drives the point home. BY ELIZABETH MAY It always struck me as a bit odd, from when I first heard it heralded in the 2011 Speech from the Throne, […]
Franke James’ work gives me such a high, I think I must be on drugs! Try this: What is Harper Afraid of? – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – When I read that Harper put a stop to Franke’s European tour last year, I was going […]
Elizabeth May will be in Saskatoon on Sunday June 3rd, as a guest speaker at the Annual Convention of the FCM (Federation of Canadian Municipalities). We are organizing two other opportunities for people to hear her speak. (I never tire of hearing her clarity.) Author Lyanda Haupt’s words (below) and Elizabeth May give me reason to soldier […]

This from the movement to reform the electoral system, Fair Vote Canada: Friends Matt Gurney has quickly and cleverly connected the dots. It appears that many Liberal and NDP supporters in Alberta felt it necessary to vote PC to prevent the impending victory of an ultra-Conservative Wild Rose party. It’s negative voting, the opposite of sincere […]
Postmedia reporters Stephen Maher and Glen McGregor broke this story on Feb 23. If you want to know how “Racknine” and robo calls work, their article from the Vancouver Sun is posted at: You can hear Stephen Maher in the CBC interview on the programme, The House: (go to the second listening link). […]
‘Robocalls’ tried to discourage voters By Stephen Maher And Glen McGregor, Postmedia News February 23, 2012 6:08 AM Elections Canada has traced fraudulent phone calls made during the federal election to an Edmonton voice-broadcast company that worked for the Conservative Party across the country. Also, the Conservatives are conducting an internal probe. A party […]