Jan 262011

The StatsCan ad- line for the 2006 census was “Count Me In”.   Don Rogers (Kingston) set up a website called “Count Me Out”. 

PLEASE SEND EVERYONE YOU KNOW TO:   www.countmeout.ca .  

Don has re-designed the website for the resistance to Lockheed Martin in the 2011 census.  The census is only four months away.   It is critical that people know where they can go for information to make an informed decision about their participation in the census. 

For me the 2006 on-line support was extremely helpful.   There’s a place to go to ask questions, obtain recommendations and share information.  The sharing was along the line:   “This is what happened to me.  This is the action I took.” 

My blog  www.sandrafinley.ca  is a further resource but of a different nature.   Look for:  background information collected over the years since the protest over Lockheed Martin began in 2003.   Click on the “PAGES” tab on the top of the webpage.  Choose “Lockheed Martin … “ on the drop-down list.     

URGENTLY NEEDED:  someone to set up a facebook group related to Count Me Out.  Currently, the only census facebook group is related to saving the census long form.  I don’t believe they discuss the Lockheed Martin issue, or the question of the Charter Right to Privacy of Personal Information in the face of the Government and Lockheed Martin.

There’s more on this next wave of momentum to stop the complicity with Lockheed Martin.  It’s quite amazing to me! 

The resistance in 2006 was significant.  It will be much, much larger in 2011.  Many more people are aware of Lockheed Martin’s role.    The next posting is an informative communication from the inside of Statistics Canada, about the objections of StatsCan employees to Lockheed Martin’s role in the census.



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From: Don B. Rogers   Sent: Sunday, January 23 

Cc: Sandra Finley
Subject: CountMeOut.ca website

Hi (name deleted), 

Thanks for your message and your support. 

We mount the CountMeOut website out of Kingston Ontario … 

The strategy you mentioned to Sandra Finley, about mass declarations of non-compliance with the upcoming census should be considered. The thing to be aware of is that, last census, there were hundreds of thousands of refusals to complete the census, yet only 64 charges laid. 

My conclusion is that only people who publicly or in letters to StatsCan proclaimed that they would or did refuse the census were prosecuted because by admitting their non-completion of the census, they provided the evidence needed by a court to register a conviction. StatsCan knew that if an individual had not publicly admitted non-filing, proving in court that they did not in fact file would be very difficult.  …

So if you go with your idea, the wording of the petition or declaration is important. Better to say that I am not planning to complete my census, or don’t expect to complete my census, rather than I WILL not complete my census.  The other alternative, of course, IS for thousands of persons to declare that they will not complete the census, like Sandra Finley did, and be prepared to be prosecuted as a means of raising public awareness. 

I think the Youtube video idea is great.  …

We will be updating the CountMeOut.ca website regularly, so keep in touch and spread the word. 

Best regards, 

Don Rogers


TO DON:  (from Sandra) 

awesome Don that you are getting  CountMeOut  back up and running for the 2011 census. 

Please meet (name deleted).   His suggestion: 

But what is really needed here is a much wider public response of civil disobedience, a la Gandhi.  How about if a host of us ordinary citizens across Canada not only support you publicly, but also let it be known that WE also will not participate in the 2011 census.  What if 100-200 people (maybe more) proclaimed this in an on-line petition and through letters to the editor, etc.    . .   We have about 4-5 months to organize before the next census is delivered to people’s mailboxes. 

– – – – – – – – – – 

Boy!  This is energizing! 

More later.

From: Don B. Rogers    Sent: Friday, January 21, 2011     To: Sandra Finley

Subject: Congratulations 

Hello Sandra, 

Finally, the media are mentioning the Lockheed Martin connection to the census, as a result of your court case. I know how frustrated you were about the media’s previous silence re LM . 

I am putting in the mail a contribution of $100 towards your legal costs. Also, I have redesigned the CountMeOut.ca website, getting ready for the May 2011 Census. I would be happy to mention on the website your name and address for sending contributions, if that is OK with you. Pls let me know. 

All the best, 

Don Rogers


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