Jan 112011

It is plausible that autism is caused by a COMBINATION of vaccinations, or by a combination of the heavy metals and other ingredients in vaccinations.   First it became known that mercury (thimerasol) was being used in vaccinations.   Aluminum, another neuro toxin,  is also being used.

The interview centred entirely on ONE vaccination, MMR (measels-mumps-rubella).  The work of only ONE man was used to discredit the question of the possible role of vaccinations in autism.   The body of evidence was disregarded.  

Your guest made a statement suggesting that the vaccinations have remained the same over time.  There are more vaccinations given to children now than in the past.   And they are given at younger ages when development is largely incomplete, hence more easily disrupted.

Your guest said that the incidence of autism is escalating.  Yes.   He spoke of the need to provide assistance to individuals and their families.

That is a typical response of the drug-centred medi-care system.  Construct an industry out of treating the condition.

Why would you not place major resources into identifying and eliminating the causes of autism?   That is a much more humane and cost-effective approach for everyone in the community.

It is the same story as cancer.  We KNOW many of the major causes and have for decades.  But we won’t take the steps to eliminate them. 

Follow the money, you’ll understand why we refuse to work aggressively on identifying and discovering ways to eliminate causes. 

The problem is exacerbated by Government guidelines for research funding:  priority is given to projects that have the potential for commercialization.   There is great benefit to society for addressing the causes of developmental problems, but there is no direct commercial benefit to any corporate entity.  Alas for us and the babies who will develop autism and other developmental problems.

Sandra Finley

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