Oct 082009

(More info at  http://sandrafinley.ca/?p=664 )


October 8, 2009



Sandra Finley

(contact information)



Honourable Robert Nicholson

Attorney General of Canada

Member of Parliament

House of Commons

Parliament Buildings

Ottawa ON

Canada K1A 0A6



Dear Attorney General Nicholson,



RE: George Bush in Saskatoon, October 21. Duty to prosecute.



I request that you will carry out your duty under the rule of law to prosecute George W Bush.


Enclosed please find a copy of the letter I have sent to the Commander of Division F of the RCMP (Saskatchewan).

(INSERT:  see http://sandrafinley.ca/?p=664  )


I request of him that he carries out his duties under the law to arrest Bush when he comes to Saskatchewan.


This is not a political issue, nor a question of whether some people or organizations have an “opinion”.


It is a simple matter of whether people are equal before the law.   Do we actually have the rule of law in Canada?


Please review the information enclosed. You will find therein sufficient legal grounds to support the arrest and prosecution of George W Bush.  Indeed, given the superiority of the law it is dictated that Bush be arrested, charged and prosecuted.




Best wishes,

Sandra Finley

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